MZGL is a cross-platform application library and a collection of other useful of libraries.
It works on mac, windows, iOS, android, linux etc.
lib/ - contains all the core libraries
lib/mzgl - the application framework
- boost - used for std::filesystem replacement
- fontstash - OpenGL font rendering used by mzgl's Font class
- glm - vector maths for C++ - could probably replace this with something less humungous
- glew, glfw - cross-platform OpenGL windowing
- misc - several useful small libraries that don't need a whole folder
- nanovg - vector drawing in OpenGL - not really used
- portaudio - cross-platform audio-io
- rtmidi - cross-platform midi-io
- yoga - flexbox style layout for C++
- pugixml - xml parser - named as pu_gixml to avoid namespace clash with an Ableton SDK used in koala
- ZipFile - simple zip file unloading (actually part of this distro, not a third party)
- AudioShare - iOS only framework for importing audio
- MetalANGLE - Metal implementation of OpenGL - not used yet
There are submodules, be sure to
git submodule init
git submodule update
Windows needs glfw and glew, both downloaded as binary versions