This template can be used to spin up a machine in an existing management VPC/subnet jenkins-cloudformation-template.json - this template can be used to spin up Launch configuration with user data, Esecurity groups and dns
Precondition: You should have working management VPC and subnet which can be passed as parameter in order to create jenkins master machine You should own valid domain name
Required parameters Provide below parameters in jenkins-cloudformation-template.json
- AvailabilityZone - Availability Zone Example: eu-west-1b
- InstanceType - Instance type Example: t2-small
- EBSVolumeID - 'create', or an existing EBS volume ID to use instead of creating a new one. Example: create
- EBSVolumeSize - The size of the EBS volume to create (in GB), if EBSVolumeID is set to 'create' Example: 120
- ENV - Environment name which will be used as prefix for all the resources Example: or any name you want to prefix all the resources with
- KeyNameTest - Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instances Example: Any valid keypair which you want to use and you have access
- AMI - Latest AMI for ubuntu ami from marketplace Example: ami-XXXX
- MyServiceVPC - VPC with some useful service tools Example: vpc-XXXX
- ELBSecurityGroup - Access to ELBs from port 443 vpn address range Example: sg-XXXX
- SSHSGFromJmpHost - Allow SSH connection from jump host Example: sg-XXXX (choose the required sg in your environment)
- ACMIdentifier - Identifier of ACM certificate which will be used for LB
- Subnetpri1a - Private subnet eu-west-1a Example: subnet-XXXX
- Subnetpri1b - Private subnet eu-west-1b Example: subnet-XXXX
- Subnetpri1c - Private subnet eu-west-1c Example: subnet-XXXX
- DnsZone - Use valid DnsZone
- HostedZoneId - HostedZone for the Private Domain
- RegionPrefix - AWS region. e.g. dub for dublin, ore for oregon. This is used to prefix the backup bucket Example: dub-jenkins-backup