Unofficial script to install Deezer desktop on Fedora. Based on the AUR Script by SibrenVasse and siphomateke's fork.
For Windows, Deezer distributes a version of the Electron run time (Windows binary) and the source code of their application itself. The build process of this package extracts the application source from the Windows installer.
This package applies several patches for:
- Compatibility with newer Electron versions
- Compatibility with a Linux environment in general.
- Fixing bugs
To install on Fedora:
git clone
cd deezer-fedora
chmod +x ./
The Deezer Windows installer will then be downloaded, extracted and patched to work for Linux. The script requires user intervention both for installing packages and elevating to admin privileges when running.
- Tray icon does not appear on Gnome 3.38 using Kstatusnotifieritem/appindicator support extension.
Running the application from the command line will show verbose logging.
To run the application with devtools by running
env DZ_DEVTOOLS=yes electron /usr/share/deezer/app.asar
To debug node, you can extract the source files to a directory and inspect the node process by attaching using the chromium debugging tools. (
asar extract /usr/share/deezer/app.asar $dest
electron --inspect-brk=$port $dest