Information, inventory-tracking, and goal-tracking for Warframe.
No formal license yet available. However, I ask that this source code be used for demonstration purposes only; I do not yet want it forked or used by anyone else just yet.
"Hot link" form: name, underline, pop up tooltip with a one line description
- Seer BP. Drops from Captain Vor on Saturn
"Short" form item:
- Name: Seer BP
- Obtained by: drops from Vor
- Crafts: Seer
- Costs: X, Y, Z
Short form weapon:
- Name: Redeemer
- Summary: "Melee: gunblade, shotgun"
- Stat split: "(slash) 40% / (impact) 30% / (puncture) 30%"
"Long" form:
- Name: Seer
- All stats unmodded
- If you have it; your build's stats next to it and its level
- Weapon special notes (Zenistar disc, etc) (so, for Seer, enhanced zoom stats)
- Unique mods (firestorm, tether grenade, etc)
- YouTube coverage: Brozime "Why would you use", MCGamerCZ quick look, Quiette Shy posts
Long form relic:
- Name: Axi A2
- Vaulted: No/Yes (yes: grey background, no: gold background?)
- Common drops: a a%, a a%, a a%
- Uncommon drops: forma b%, b b%
- Rare drops: c c%
- Done / Goals Achieved. Examples:
- Nightwave weeklies achieved last week
- 34/30 Orokin Cells for Ooblex Prime
- 34 more... clear history?
- To Do / Current Goals. Examples:
- 2/5 Argon Crystals for Ooblex Prime Neuroptics
- Open Text Field: "Kill Eidolon Barrylist"
- "Can Do" / "Goals to Adopt"
- Farm Dublix Prime
- MR: level Kuva Akstubbak
- This week's nightwave: Adopt all goals
- Scan 25 enemies or items. Hover text recommendation: "Use the Heliocor/Synoid Heliocor as they scan on kills" (doesn't actually seem to count...)
- Kill enemies with radiation. Recommendation: "Use a wide hitting weapon like Ignis Wraith set for Radiation"
Settings for list:
- Stuff I've Mastered
- Button: "Simulate a Build" (Icon: Cephalon Personal Space icon?)
- Opens the weapon in its current build / forma status in the builder
- Button: "Forma" (Icon: Forma, obvs)
- Sets the "saved" version to be rank 0 again
- Button: "Simulate a Build" (Icon: Cephalon Personal Space icon?)
- Stuff I've Got
- Button: "Simulate a Build"
- Add to Levelling Queue (+To Do) (Icon: + MR logo (two swirly up arrows))
- Current favourite for levelling: Saturn>Helene
- Stuff I Haven't Got
- Add to part farming queue
Basically stealing Brozime's UI rant here:
Try to be "10/10 Power" :)
- Show weapon stats up front
- Search by material: "Orokin Cell" shows what maps drop them
- "Brujam Recommends": Saturn>Helene
- "Youtuber Recommends": MCGamerCZ says Saturn>??? (+link to Youtube farming video)
- Search "Baro": says "Kronia Relay" for example (probably cull this from the worldstate xml stuff)
- Search "Seer": says BP and parts are drops from
- Search "Lua Spy": shows Pavlov mission. Click through for enemy types, special drops from hacking, etc
- Search "Kuva Fortress": results show the eight missions
- Name of mission - Mission type
- Type: Name of Mission?
- Search "Condition Overload": drops from X, Brujam Recommends: "Lua Spy: Pavlov"
- Search
User journey: Atlas Prime -> Systems -> Neo A3 -> Planets it drops on, rotations, drop chances "You don't have to go to the drop tables. What if it was in the game?"
Probably can't do: search Lich, it populates everything that has that lich on it
Have a "guided path" - start on earth, earth junction objectives shown, players can adopt and complete those Clear view of what's to be done to "advance" Checkbox for "finished Earth: Everest for the first time!" -> unlocks X, Y, Z
- Unmodded stats
- Is the weapon "special"?
- Zenistar Disc, Sancti Magistar healing, Gunblade bullets, gas pools from some infested weapons
- Shotguns: per-pellet status, "no headshots" Arca Plasmor
- "Breakpoints" for weapons;
- can it hit 100% status pre-multishot
- can it hit 100% crit pre-slide-attacks