Ark character planner. Meant to support modded ARKs too...
- Engram planner.
- List available engrams in order that they appear in the list.
- Split out by "mod".
- Vanilla, mandatory
- Vanilla, pick
- DOX etc.
- "Bias" icons on different engrams to help guide a build
- Plant (Farmer) bias on farm plots, compost bin, greenhouse + irrigation, beekeeper armour if exists
- Armour bias on armour etc
- Wood (resource) bias on tools and saddles for resource gather dinos
- Egg bias on incubators etc. Tranq arrows, narcotic, and everything before it
- Sword bias on battle saddles, weapons, ammo.
- Logs each step you make.
- Workflow:
- Click ding button, get 8 engram points.
- (Recorded in log)
- Click engrams you want.
- Recorded in log. (intent: levelling order, work out progression)
- Click an engram with too few points? Autoding.
- If your level is too low for an engram, you have to manually ding until it unlocks.
- Split out by "mod".
- Data model
- Engram
- ID:
- vanilla:must:fists
- vanilla:must:stone_pick
- vanilla:must:torch
- vanilla:stone_axe
- mod:dino_overhaul_x:apex_dodo_saddle
- mod:capitalism:basic_sell_table
- mod:incubator:incubator
- Name
- Bias
- Icon link if available
- Dependencies
- lists only direct dependencies, not entire tree
- entire tree can be resolved at runtime
- pop up to add dependencies to engram list
- Description
- HarvestTypes: (what resources it is good at harvesting - trike for stone etc)
- Do little icon grid, blue for good, orange for gets-some-but-not-much, dark grey for none at all?
- 0/missing: Darkened, doesn't harvest this
- 1: Red, harvests this but real poorly
- 2: Orange, harvests this...
- 3: Yellow, harvests this
- 4: Teal, harvests this
- 5: Blue, is da best at harvesting this
- Valid harvest types; steal from Wiki
- ID:
- Engram
- List available engrams in order that they appear in the list.
v1 Definition of Done: has a few vanilla engrams, enough for testing adding, ding button, dependencies. Save log to local storage. (as "ding, vanilla:stone_axe, spear, ding,"...) v2 DoD: All Vanilla <-- Share for feedback! v3 DoD: all Scorched Earth v4 Definition of Done: has the Mentat Modpack hard coded in v5 Definition of Done: able to turn on / off mods, have page to show / write own data model.