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How can I run a script at Notepad++ startup? #356

Skrell opened this issue Nov 15, 2024 · 17 comments

How can I run a script at Notepad++ startup? #356

Skrell opened this issue Nov 15, 2024 · 17 comments


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Skrell commented Nov 15, 2024

I'm assuming I add some "run" command in after changing initialization to ONSTARTUP instead of LAZY ?

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after changing initialization to ONSTARTUP instead of LAZY


some "run" command in

your script, called, has a "controlling" function (the function that will do the work for the script) called "bar":

def bar(): pass

in user

import foo

This is a minimal way to do it. I'll post some more advanced examples later.

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Skrell commented Nov 15, 2024

So I looked in BracketHighlighter as an example and I don't see a "controlling" function? I assume that's because it uses callsbacks to do it's work?
So in this case, would I effectively need to move the callback registration to

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Skrell commented Nov 15, 2024

Easiest solution I found:
Put this at bottom of

with open("./Samples/") as file:

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Easiest solution I found:

This is more of a brute force way, not a smart way. :-(

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So I looked in BracketHighlighter as an example and I don't see a "controlling" function?

I looked at this sample, and you're right -- it isn't set up in the best way for getting it running automatically at startup.
I'll try to work with it and make it better in that regard -- check back in this issue later...

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alankilborn commented Nov 17, 2024

Here's another way, using Python classes, to architect a script so that it is callable by another script:


class Foo2(object):
    def __init__(self):

and then in the calling script:

import foo2

This is merely a "classed" example, very similar to how I showed it without classes EARLIER.

These techniques do the job; they nicely allow another script to call them.
But they are "run and done" techniques -- the called script runs, does its work, and then ends.

If we need a technique where a script runs, and parts of it "hang around" (e.g., the bracket-highlighter script), then we have to tweak the technique a bit:


class Foo3(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # e.g. set up a Notepad++ callback here

FOO3 = Foo3()

and then in the calling script:

from foo3 import FOO3

The FOO3 variable will remain in the Python namespace, and can be accessed by other code, if needed. More importantly, any callbacks created by Foo3 will remain active in memory.

The new bracket-highlighter that I will post here will use the technique shown here for "foo3".

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Here's a new version of
I modified as little as possible while "modernizing" the script to use the class-based approach shown in the previous posting.

The modernization allows easier execution at Notepad++ startup via a line in user
from BracketHighlighter import BRACKET_HIGHLIGHTER

The script listing:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  BracketHighlighter (BH)

# references:
#  for newbie info on PythonScripts, see


# to execute, use this in (e.g.) user
#  from BracketHighlighter import BRACKET_HIGHLIGHTER
# another execution option would be to copy and then paste that line into the PythonScript console >>> box

# note: if running via, need to make sure that "Initialisation" for "Python Script Configuration" is set to "ATSTARTUP" and not "LAZY".


from Npp import *


class BH(object):

    def __init__(self):

        self.settings_dict = dict()

        self.settings_dict['indic_for_box_at_caret'] = notepad.allocateIndicator(1)
        assert self.settings_dict['indic_for_box_at_caret'] is not None

        for editorX in (editor1, editor2):
            self.indicatorOptionsSet(self.settings_dict['indic_for_box_at_caret'], INDICATORSTYLE.STRAIGHTBOX, (238,121,159), 0, 255, True, editorX)  # white box rimmed in "pale violet red 2"

        self.settings_dict['last_modificationType_for_hack'] = None

        editor.callbackSync(self.updateui_callback, [SCINTILLANOTIFICATION.UPDATEUI])  # install callback
        editor.callbackSync(self.modified_callback, [SCINTILLANOTIFICATION.MODIFIED])  # may not need to be "Sync", but for now we'll make it that way

    def updateui_callback(self, args):

        # hack, see, look for "16400" in code:
        if args['updated'] == UPDATE.CONTENT and self.settings_dict['last_modificationType_for_hack'] == (MODIFICATIONFLAGS.CHANGEINDICATOR | MODIFICATIONFLAGS.USER): return

        for (editorX, pos_range_tuple_list) in self.getViewableEditorAndRangeTupleListList(True):

            # clear out any existing highlighting in areas the user can currently see
            for (start_pos, end_pos) in pos_range_tuple_list:
                editorX.indicatorClearRange(start_pos, end_pos - start_pos)

            for (start_pos, end_pos) in pos_range_tuple_list:

                if start_pos <= editorX.getCurrentPos() <= end_pos:

                    (box_start_offset, box_end_offset) = self.containing_box_indices_into_string(
                        editorX.getTextRange(start_pos, end_pos),
                        editorX.getCurrentPos() - start_pos

                    if box_start_offset != None:
                        size_of_box_in_chars = box_end_offset - box_start_offset
                        if size_of_box_in_chars <= 2:
                            pass  # rather pointless to box in if the opening and closing delims are right next to each other
                            editorX.indicatorFillRange(start_pos + box_start_offset, size_of_box_in_chars)

    def modified_callback(self, args):
        self.settings_dict['last_modificationType_for_hack'] = args['modificationType']

    def indicatorOptionsSet(self, indicator_number, indicator_style, rgb_color_tup, alpha, outline_alpha, draw_under_text, which_editor=editor):
        which_editor.indicSetStyle(indicator_number, indicator_style)       # e.g. INDICATORSTYLE.ROUNDBOX
        which_editor.indicSetFore(indicator_number, rgb_color_tup)
        which_editor.indicSetAlpha(indicator_number, alpha)                 # integer
        which_editor.indicSetOutlineAlpha(indicator_number, outline_alpha)  # integer
        which_editor.indicSetUnder(indicator_number, draw_under_text)       # boolean

    def containing_box_indices_into_string(self, str_containing_caret, caret_index_into_str):

        class Stack:
            def __init__(self): self.clear()
            def isEmpty(self): return self.size() == 0
            def push(self, item): self.items.append(item)
            def pop(self): return None if self.size() == 0 else self.items.pop()
            def peek(self): return None if self.size() == 0 else self.items[self.size() - 1]
            def size(self): return len(self.items)
            def clear(self): self.items = []

        retval = (None, None)  # default to no valid box

        get_opening_char_via_closing_char_dict = {
            ')' : '(',
            ']' : '[',
            '}' : '{',
        get_closing_char_via_opening_char_dict = dict((v, k) for (k, v) in get_opening_char_via_closing_char_dict.items())

        closing_chars = get_opening_char_via_closing_char_dict.keys()
        opening_chars = get_opening_char_via_closing_char_dict.values()

        box_ending_index = -1
        box_starting_index = -1

        stack = Stack()

        for j in range(caret_index_into_str, len(str_containing_caret)):
            c = str_containing_caret[j]
            if c in closing_chars:
                if stack.isEmpty():
                    box_ending_index = j
                    if stack.peek() ==  get_opening_char_via_closing_char_dict[c]:
                        break  # unbalanced
            elif c in opening_chars:

        if box_ending_index != -1:
            box_starting_index = -1
            for j in range(caret_index_into_str - 1, -1, -1):
                c = str_containing_caret[j]
                if c in opening_chars:
                    if stack.isEmpty():
                        box_starting_index = j
                        if stack.peek() ==  get_closing_char_via_opening_char_dict[c]:
                            break  # unbalanced
                elif c in closing_chars:

        if box_ending_index != -1:
            if box_starting_index != -1:
                if str_containing_caret[box_ending_index] == get_closing_char_via_opening_char_dict[str_containing_caret[box_starting_index]]:
                    retval = (box_starting_index, box_ending_index + 1)

        return retval

    def fileIsCloned(self, file_name_to_test):
        retval = False
        clone_detect_dict = {}
        file_tup_list = notepad.getFiles()
        for tup in file_tup_list:
            (filename, _, _, _) = tup
            if filename not in clone_detect_dict:
                clone_detect_dict[filename] = 0
                clone_detect_dict[filename] += 1
                if filename == file_name_to_test: break
        if file_name_to_test in clone_detect_dict:
            if clone_detect_dict[file_name_to_test] >= 1: retval = True
        return retval

    def fileIsClonedAndIsActiveInBothViews(self, file_name_to_test):
        retval = False
        if editor1 and editor2:
            # both views are in use
            if self.fileIsCloned(file_name_to_test):
                curr_doc_index_main_view = notepad.getCurrentDocIndex(0)
                curr_doc_index_2nd_view = notepad.getCurrentDocIndex(1)
                main_view_active_doc_bool = False
                secondary_view_active_doc_bool = False
                file_tup_list = notepad.getFiles()
                for tup in file_tup_list:
                    (filename, _, index_in_view, view_number) = tup
                    if filename == file_name_to_test:
                        if view_number == 0:
                            if index_in_view == curr_doc_index_main_view:
                                main_view_active_doc_bool = True
                        elif view_number == 1:
                            if index_in_view == curr_doc_index_2nd_view:
                                secondary_view_active_doc_bool = True
                        if main_view_active_doc_bool and secondary_view_active_doc_bool:
                            retval = True
        return retval

    def consolidate_range_tuple_list(self, range_tup_list):
        sorted_range_tup_list = sorted(range_tup_list)  # sort criteria is first element of tuple in list
        saved_2element_list = list(sorted_range_tup_list[0])
        for (start, end) in sorted_range_tup_list:
            if start <= saved_2element_list[1]:
                saved_2element_list[1] = max(saved_2element_list[1], end)
                yield tuple(saved_2element_list)
                saved_2element_list[0] = start
                saved_2element_list[1] = end
        yield tuple(saved_2element_list)

    def getViewableEditorAndRangeTupleListList(self, work_across_both_views):
        retval = []
        # retval looks like these examples:
        #  [ ( editor, [ (0, 1000), (2020, 3000) ] ) ]
        #  [ ( editor1, [ (0, 1000), (2020, 3000) ] ), ( editor2, [ (4000, 5000), (6020, 7000) ] ) ]
        both_views_open = True if editor1 and editor2 else False
        curr_file_active_in_both_views = self.fileIsClonedAndIsActiveInBothViews(notepad.getCurrentFilename()) if both_views_open else False
        if both_views_open:
            ed1_range_tup_list = self.get_onscreen_pos_tup_list(editor1)
            ed2_range_tup_list = self.get_onscreen_pos_tup_list(editor2)
        if curr_file_active_in_both_views:
            range_tup_list = list(self.consolidate_range_tuple_list(ed1_range_tup_list + ed2_range_tup_list))
            retval.append((editor, range_tup_list))
        elif both_views_open and work_across_both_views:
            retval.append((editor1, ed1_range_tup_list))
            retval.append((editor2, ed2_range_tup_list))
            range_tup_list = self.get_onscreen_pos_tup_list(editor)
            retval.append((editor, range_tup_list))
        return retval

    def get_onscreen_pos_tup_list(self, which_editor):  # which_editor is editor1 or editor2 (or maybe even just plain editor)
        # loosely based upon the N++ source for SmartHighlighter::highlightViewWithWord()
        retval_tup_list = list()
        temp_tup_list = []
        firstLine = which_editor.getFirstVisibleLine()
        currentLine = firstLine
        nbLineOnScreen = which_editor.linesOnScreen()
        nrLines = min(nbLineOnScreen, MAXLINEHIGHLIGHT) + 1
        lastLine = firstLine + nrLines
        prevDocLineChecked = -1
        break_out = False
        while currentLine < lastLine:
            docLine = which_editor.docLineFromVisible(currentLine)
            if docLine != prevDocLineChecked:
                prevDocLineChecked = docLine
                startPos = which_editor.positionFromLine(docLine)
                endPos = which_editor.positionFromLine(docLine + 1)
                if endPos == -1:
                    endPos = which_editor.getTextLength() - 1
                    break_out = True
                if endPos > startPos: temp_tup_list.append((startPos, endPos))
                if break_out: break
            currentLine += 1
        if len(temp_tup_list) > 0:
            retval_tup_list = list(self.consolidate_range_tuple_list(temp_tup_list))
        return retval_tup_list



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Skrell commented Nov 19, 2024

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\vbonaventura\Programs\Notepad++\plugins\PythonScript\scripts\", line 50, in <module>
    from BracketHighlighter import BRACKET_HIGHLIGHTER
ImportError: No module named BracketHighlighter
Python 2.7.18 (v2.7.18:8d21aa21f2, Apr 20 2020, 13:19:08) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
Initialisation took 125ms

Do I need to so something to include the samples directory itself so it can find BracketHighlighter?

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Skrell commented Nov 19, 2024

I added

import sys

Which helped but then I got an error in the new Brackethighlighter itself:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\vbonaventura\Programs\Notepad++\plugins\PythonScript\scripts\", line 51, in <module>
    from BracketHighlighter import BRACKET_HIGHLIGHTER
  File ".\Samples\", line 254, in <module>
  File ".\Samples\", line 34, in __init__
    self.settings_dict['indic_for_box_at_caret'] = notepad.allocateIndicator(1)
AttributeError: 'Notepad' object has no attribute 'allocateIndicator'

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Do I need to so something to include the samples directory itself so it can find BracketHighlighter?

@chcg Maybe Pythonscript could be modified so that this wouldn't happen?


Yes, this is the right idea.

then I got an error in the new Brackethighlighter itself

AttributeError: 'Notepad' object has no attribute 'allocateIndicator'

Your PythonScript is too old; doesn't have support for allocateIndicator.
You can go back to using the hardcoded indicator 10 if that works for you (if you don't want to get a newer PythonScript).

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@Skrell - Is there anything else to do about this, if not, can you please close this issue?

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Regarding the import of examples:
At the moment I see two ways to solve this, either by overfilling the sys.path with another directory or by adding a to the examples directory.
But all these possibilities mean that the examples are written in such a way that an import is possible.
Personally, I would tend towards the second option.

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mpheath commented Jan 1, 2025

from Samples.BracketHighlighter import BRACKET_HIGHLIGHTER

    BRACKET_HIGHLIGHTER.settings_dict['indic_for_box_at_caret'],  # indicator number
    16,           # INDIC_FULLBOX
    (255,255,0),  # yellow
    60,           # alpha
    20,           # outline alpha
    False)        # draw under text

Test OK in PS3.

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or by adding a to the examples directory.

You mean the Samples folder.

I tried creating an empty file there:

and then trying this in the PS console:
from BracketHighlighter import BRACKET_HIGHLIGHTER

resulted in:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'BracketHighlighter'

@mpheath 's technique can be used to solve the problem, but I was just curious about the technique.

Personally, I'm currently using the "modify sys.path" technique for my own scripts, see HERE, but I'm always looking to improve the way I do things, if there's a better way.

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Yes, but from Samples ..., it's always the directory that contains the that defines the module/package.
But as @mpheath posted, it's already possible to import it, so there's no need to have an additional there.
So from my point of view this issue can be closed too.

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Yes, but from Samples ..., it's always the directory that contains the that defines the module/package.

I don't understand how that answers my question, but no worries, I'll just keep going with my sys.path approach.

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Ekopalypse commented Jan 1, 2025

The import would be from Samples import BracketHighlighter and not from BracketHighlighter import BRACKET_HIGHLIGHTER
because Python would look for a directory named 'BracketHighlighter' for the latter.

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