Web2Text is a service that will send and monitor SMS conversations between dealers and customers, while automatically updating our lead tracking.
Product Specifications | Technical Specifications
- Restate
- A framework that allows you to run functions as services durably and reliably and orchestrate between them
- Bun
- Used as a package manager
- As soon as HTTP2 support is landed, will also be used as a NodeJS replacement
- Vitest
- A super fast test runner
- NodeJS
- Typescript
- Docker
- Used for providing a unified dev environment using Dev Containers
- AWS Copilot
- Used to deploy all our services to AWS ECS smoothly
- Pull down the repository
- Get the .env file from a senior developer and place it in the root of the repository
- Within VSCode, ensure you have the Dev Containers extension installed
- Open the project in VSCode. It should then prompt you to re-open the project in a dev container - click yes.
- If it doesn't prompt you, press
on Windows) and typeBuild & Open In Container
and run that command
- If it doesn't prompt you, press
- Wait for the dev container to spin up
- This will provision five containers:
- The Web2Text dev container where your VSCode window will open in
- The restate admin server which will handle taking in requests, durable execution & retries and dispatching them to the service
- A local DynamoDB database that Web2Text uses for development
- A twilio proxy application that allows assigning numbers from our pool intelligently to create two way Twilio conversations
- Verify the restate-server is running correctly by running the command
restate whoami
in the dev container - Verify the dynamoDB server is running correctly by running the command
dynamodb describe-limits --endpoint-url http://web2text-dynamodb-local:8000
in the dev container
- This will provision five containers:
- Open a new terminal within the dev container and run
bun run app-dev
- This will start the Web2Text service, and will watch for changes to the files
Debug Service
launch configuration in VSCode to run and attach the NodeJS debugger (allows you to use breakpoints and inspect variables)
- Open another new terminal and run the command
bun run register-with-restate
- This will register the Web2Text service with the restate server
- This also clears any existing state, in-flight invocations, and re-registers the service with restate. So you can run it whenever you need to remove/rename/create a handler, reset the KV store of the service or stop any in-flight invocations.
- Everything should be set up, you should be able to reach the endpoints at
- The API endpoints require an
header ofBearer <API TOKEN>
- I recommend using Bruno, but Postman will do as well
- The API endpoints require an
- Navigate to the root of the repository (outside of the dev container)
- Run
copilot deploy
- If you get an authorization error, run
aws sso login
- If you get an authorization error, run
- Select the service to deploy
- web2text-service
- This is the service you will need to deploy if you make any code changes in this repository to the endpoints
- twilio-proxy
- Deploy this service only if you make changes to the
- Deploy this service only if you make changes to the
- restate-server
- Deploy this only if you need to update the restate server - should be pretty infrequent.
- This can be dangerous to do so only do it if you know the update wont break anything
- See the docs
- Deploy this only if you need to update the restate server - should be pretty infrequent.
- web2text-service
- Select the environment to deploy to
- Wait for the command to finish
- This will also update the restate server with a new deployment automatically and (if possible and there are no inflight invocations) de-register the old deployment
Restate is a framework that allows you to run functions as services durably and reliably and orchestrate between them.
Durable Execution ensures code runs reliably to the end, even in the presence of failures.
- Failures and errors are automatically retried (unless labeled as terminal errors)
- Functions can memoize the results of code blocks, and actions like RPC, in a journal. Completed steps are not re-executed during retries, but replayed from the journal.
- Workflows are built with regular code and control flow, no custom DSLs needed.
- Durable sleeps let code wait and suspend for up to months
I heavily recommend a read through the Concepts page in their documentation to understand how Restate works
Q. User submits two leads with the same phone number, dealer ID, and location ID
A. Web2Text will prompt the user that a lead is already open on the frontend side and ask if they want to resubmit. If they do, the old lead will be closed and a new one will be opened
Q. User submits two leads with the same phone number, dealer ID, but different location IDs
A. Web2Text will create two leads and two Twilio conversations
Each location has its own Twilio phone number
Q. A retailer has two locations, both have the same phone number assigned to them. One user submits a lead to one location, and another submits it to the other location
A. Web2Text will open two leads with the same Twilio conversation ID
Q. A location has open Web2Text leads and changes it's phone number in Nexus/Salesforce
A. Old Web2Text leads will continue to go to the old phone number, while new ones will go to the new phone number
Q. Two locations have the same phone number and two leads are created against both locations with the same phone number
A. Two Web2Text leads will be open for each location using the same Twilio conversation