We convert the highlight removal problem to image-to-image translation by using cycle-consistent adversarial network (Cycle-GAN). The network can remove the specular highlight from natural images.
We use a highlight mask estimated via the incorporation of the NMF method to guide the network.
Several examples of our result can be seen as follows.
- python 3.7+
- pytorch 1.1+ & tochvision (cu102+)
- scikit-image
@InProceedings{fu-2021-multi-task, author = {Fu, Gang and Zhang, Qing and Zhu, Lei and Li, Ping and Xiao, Chunxia}, title = {A Multi-Task Network for Joint Specular Highlight Detection and Removal}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, year = {2021}, pages = {7752-7761}, month = {June}, tags = {CVPR}, }
You can download the data from Google Drive. The link is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RFiNpziz8X5qYPVJPl8Y3nRbfbWVoDCC/view?usp=sharing (~1G).
@inproceedings{meka2018lime, title={Lime: Live intrinsic material estimation}, author={Meka, Abhimitra and Maximov, Maxim and Zollhoefer, Michael and Chatterjee, Avishek and Seidel, Hans-Peter and Richardt, Christian and Theobalt, Christian}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, pages={6315--6324}, year={2018} }
The download link is: https://download.mpi-inf.mpg.de/projects/LIME/LIME_TrainingData.rar
- set the paths of the dataset in
, in line 44opt.dataroot = 'SHIQ_data'
. TheSHIQ_data
is the file path of the dataset. - run
- set the paths of the saved models achieved from step 2
, in line54netG_A2B = Generator_H2F.from_file('model/netG_A2B.pth')
and the dataset intrain.py
, which is similar totrain_l.py
. - run
- set the paths of the saved models achieved from step 4
and the test dataset intest.py
- run
The article link is: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0167865522002082