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Releases: broadinstitute/infercnv

Install from Bioconductor, not here.

18 Nov 15:07
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Please note that releases are made through BioConductor only, not through Github's release feature. At the time of each BioConductor release every ~6 months, a new branch is created from the master to keep each one in parallel so that they are still available whichever R+BioC version you are running. Once a BioC release is made, that version/branch is only allowed to get fixes/improvements that don't change the API.

The easiest way to find the releases history and their content is the NEWS file:

Visit our wiki for installation instructions and installation options:

infercnv release v1.3.3

07 Feb 20:29
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Significant speed up of plot_cnv(), more significant the bigger the matrix. Now also reuses stored hclust for references.

InferCNV Release v0.99.7

23 Apr 16:14
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Numerous fixes have been made.
Improved when subclustering is done to be more accurate.

InferCNV Release v0.99.0

13 Mar 22:22
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This is a large update to inferCVN, including:
-more flexible infercnv::run() method
-resume-level functionality, so it will reuse existing processed data objects on re-running with different parameters.
-additional denoising methods included
-CNV predictions using hidden Markov models.

The wiki documentation has been heavily revised to reflect the updated functionality and usage.

InferCNV Release v0.8.2

08 Nov 20:24
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uses zero-inflated negative binomial to simulate spike-ins used for scaling.

InferCNV Release v0.8.1

07 Nov 18:23
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patch release - fixes a bug that impacted the multi-patient view where some cells were switching between patient panels, dependent on a mixed ordering within the cell annotations file.

InferCNV Release v0.8.0

01 Nov 16:33
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This is a major update to InferCNV. See updated wiki documentation for new usage info.

InferCNV Release v0.3

11 May 17:55
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-includes additional options: 
		Method used to subtract the reference values from the observations. Valid choices are:  by_mean, by_quantiles  [Default by_mean]
		Method used for hierarchical clustering of cells. Valid choices are:  ward.D, ward.D2, single, complete, average, mcquitty, median, centroid  [Default complete]

The --steps parameter now generates a full inferCNV heatmap/plot for each of the data transformation operations performed.

The log transformation log2(x/10 + 1) to generate transcripts(or counts) per 100k instead of per million is now more simply  log2(x+1).  If the user wants to study counts-per-100k or counts-per-10k, that is entirely fine...   The log transformation will simply be log2(whatever + 1).

-sample data is updated using a random selection of 400 malignant oligodendroglioma cells and ~100 normal cells, described in file '__sampled_cells.annotations.dat'.  The actual gene names and cell names are provided instead of the generic gene_ and cell_ values.  Data is from Tirosh et al. Nature 2016.


05 Apr 20:57
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Now, works with R version >= 3.2

InferCNV as a library or script.

30 May 22:07
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InferCNV can now be installed as a library from the associated tar.gz or directly from GitHub.

If installing from the tar.gz, use the following command on command line.

R CMD install infercnv_0.1.tar.gz

If installing from GitHub, use the following command in R.
