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Reworked the keys for MarkDuplciatesSpark to be sufficient for groupi…
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jamesemery authored Jun 14, 2018
1 parent 51874bc commit ba62c2a
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Showing 15 changed files with 339 additions and 186 deletions.
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import org.bdgenomics.adam.serialization.ADAMKryoRegistrator;

import java.util.Collections;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,5 +90,8 @@ private void registerGATKClasses(Kryo kryo) {
kryo.register(Pair.class, new Pair.Serializer());
kryo.register(Passthrough.class, new FieldSerializer(kryo, Passthrough.class));
kryo.register(MarkDuplicatesSparkUtils.IndexPair.class, new FieldSerializer(kryo, MarkDuplicatesSparkUtils.IndexPair.class));
kryo.register(ReadsKey.class, new FieldSerializer(kryo, ReadsKey.class));
kryo.register(ReadsKey.KeyForFragment.class, new FieldSerializer(kryo, ReadsKey.KeyForFragment.class));
kryo.register(ReadsKey.KeyForPair.class, new FieldSerializer(kryo, ReadsKey.KeyForPair.class));
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Expand Up @@ -97,10 +97,11 @@ static JavaPairRDD<IndexPair<String>, Integer> transformToDuplicateNames(final S
final JavaPairRDD<String, Iterable<IndexPair<GATKRead>>> keyedReads = getReadsGroupedByName(header, mappedReads, numReducers);

final Broadcast<Map<String, Short>> headerReadGroupIndexMap = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(reads.context()).broadcast( getHeaderReadGroupIndexMap(header));
final Broadcast<Map<String, Byte>> libraryIndex = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(reads.context()).broadcast( constructLibraryIndex(header));

// Place all the reads into a single RDD of MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord objects
final JavaPairRDD<Integer, MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord> pairedEnds = keyedReads.flatMapToPair(keyedRead -> {
final List<Tuple2<Integer, MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord>> out = Lists.newArrayList();
final JavaPairRDD<ReadsKey, MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord> pairedEnds = keyedReads.flatMapToPair(keyedRead -> {
final List<Tuple2<ReadsKey, MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord>> out = Lists.newArrayList();
final IndexPair<?>[] hadNonPrimaryRead = {null};

final List<IndexPair<GATKRead>> primaryReads =
Expand All @@ -110,8 +111,8 @@ static JavaPairRDD<IndexPair<String>, Integer> transformToDuplicateNames(final S
final GATKRead read = readWithIndex.getValue();
if (!(read.isSecondaryAlignment()||read.isSupplementaryAlignment())) {
PairedEnds fragment = (ReadUtils.readHasMappedMate(read)) ?
MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.newEmptyFragment(read, header) :
MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.newFragment(read, header, readWithIndex.getIndex(), scoringStrategy);
MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.newEmptyFragment(read, header, libraryIndex.getValue()) :
MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.newFragment(read, header, readWithIndex.getIndex(), scoringStrategy, libraryIndex.getValue());

out.add(new Tuple2<>(fragment.key(), fragment));
} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ static JavaPairRDD<IndexPair<String>, Integer> transformToDuplicateNames(final S
if (mappedPair.size()==2) {
final GATKRead firstRead = mappedPair.get(0).getValue();
final IndexPair<GATKRead> secondRead = mappedPair.get(1);
final Pair pair = MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.newPair(firstRead, secondRead.getValue(), header, secondRead.getIndex(), scoringStrategy);
final Pair pair = MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.newPair(firstRead, secondRead.getValue(), header, secondRead.getIndex(), scoringStrategy, libraryIndex.getValue());
// Validate and add the read group to the pair
final Short readGroup = headerReadGroupIndexMap.getValue().get(firstRead.getReadGroup());
if (readGroup != null) {
Expand All @@ -167,16 +168,35 @@ static JavaPairRDD<IndexPair<String>, Integer> transformToDuplicateNames(final S
return out.iterator();

final JavaPairRDD<Integer, Iterable<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord>> keyedPairs = pairedEnds.groupByKey(); //TODO evaluate replacing this with a smart aggregate by key.
final JavaPairRDD<ReadsKey, Iterable<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord>> keyedPairs = pairedEnds.groupByKey(); //TODO evaluate replacing this with a smart aggregate by key.

return markDuplicateRecords(keyedPairs, finder);

* Method which generates a map of the libraries found tagged in readgroups from the header so they can be serialized as indexes to save space
public static Map<String, Byte> constructLibraryIndex(final SAMFileHeader header) {
final List<String> discoveredLibraries = header.getReadGroups().stream()
.map(r -> { String library = r.getLibrary();
return library==null? LibraryIdGenerator.UNKNOWN_LIBRARY : library;} )
if (discoveredLibraries.size() > 255) {
throw new GATKException("Detected too many read libraries among read groups header, currently MarkDuplicatesSpark only supports up to 256 unique readgroup libraries but " + discoveredLibraries.size() + " were found");
final Iterator<Byte> iterator = IntStream.range(0, discoveredLibraries.size()).boxed().map(Integer::byteValue).iterator();
return Maps.uniqueIndex(iterator, idx -> discoveredLibraries.get(idx));

* Method which generates a map of the readgroups from the header so they can be serialized as indexes
private static Map<String, Short> getHeaderReadGroupIndexMap(final SAMFileHeader header) {
final List<SAMReadGroupRecord> readGroups = header.getReadGroups();
if (readGroups.size() > 65535) {
throw new GATKException("Detected too many read groups in the header, currently MarkDuplicatesSpark only supports up to 65535 unique readgroup IDs but " + readGroups.size() + " were found");
final Iterator<Short> iterator = IntStream.range(0, readGroups.size()).boxed().map(Integer::shortValue).iterator();
return Maps.uniqueIndex(iterator, idx -> readGroups.get(idx).getId() );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,64 +304,43 @@ protected Tuple2<K, Iterable<V>> computeNext() {
* - Collects the results and returns an iterator
private static JavaPairRDD<IndexPair<String>, Integer> markDuplicateRecords(final JavaPairRDD<Integer, Iterable<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord>> keyedPairs,
private static JavaPairRDD<IndexPair<String>, Integer> markDuplicateRecords(final JavaPairRDD<ReadsKey, Iterable<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord>> keyedPairs,
final OpticalDuplicateFinder finder) {
return keyedPairs.flatMapToPair(keyedPair -> {
Iterable<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord> pairGroups = keyedPair._2();

final List<Tuple2<IndexPair<String>, Integer>> nonDuplicates = Lists.newArrayList();
final Map<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.Type, List<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord>> stratifiedByType = splitByType(pairGroups);

// Each key corresponds to either fragments or paired ends, not a mixture of both.
final List<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord> emptyFragments = stratifiedByType.get(MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.Type.EMPTY_FRAGMENT);
final List<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord> fragments = stratifiedByType.get(MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.Type.FRAGMENT);
final List<Pair> pairs = (List<Pair>)(List)stratifiedByType.get(MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.Type.PAIR);
final List<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord> passthroughs = stratifiedByType.get(MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.Type.PASSTHROUGH);

//empty MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord signify that a pair has a mate somewhere else
// If there are any non-fragment placeholders at this site, mark everything as duplicates, otherwise compute the best score
if (Utils.isNonEmpty(fragments) && !Utils.isNonEmpty(emptyFragments)) {
final Tuple2<IndexPair<String>, Integer> bestFragment = handleFragments(fragments);

//since we grouped by a non-unique hash code for efficiency we need to regroup by the actual criteria
//todo this should use library and contig as well probably
//todo these should all be one traversal over the records)
final Collection<List<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord>> groups =

for (List<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord> duplicateGroup : groups) {
final Map<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.Type, List<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord>> stratifiedByType = splitByType(duplicateGroup);

// Each key corresponds to either fragments or paired ends, not a mixture of both.
final List<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord> emptyFragments = stratifiedByType.get(MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.Type.EMPTY_FRAGMENT);
final List<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord> fragments = stratifiedByType.get(MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.Type.FRAGMENT);
final List<Pair> pairs = (List<Pair>) (List)(stratifiedByType.get(MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.Type.PAIR));
final List<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord> passthroughs = stratifiedByType.get(MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.Type.PASSTHROUGH);

//empty MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord signify that a pair has a mate somewhere else
// If there are any non-fragment placeholders at this site, mark everything as duplicates, otherwise compute the best score
if (Utils.isNonEmpty(fragments) && !Utils.isNonEmpty(emptyFragments)) {
final Tuple2<IndexPair<String>, Integer> bestFragment = handleFragments(fragments);

if (Utils.isNonEmpty(pairs)) {
nonDuplicates.add(handlePairs(pairs, finder));
if (Utils.isNonEmpty(pairs)) {
nonDuplicates.add(handlePairs(pairs, finder));

if (Utils.isNonEmpty(passthroughs)) {
if (Utils.isNonEmpty(passthroughs)) {

return nonDuplicates.iterator();

// Note, this uses bitshift operators in order to perform only a single groupBy operation for all the merged data
private static long getGroupKey(MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord record) {
if ( record.getClass()==Passthrough.class) {
return -1;
} else {
final PairedEnds pairedEnds = (PairedEnds) record;
return ((((long) pairedEnds.getUnclippedStartPosition()) << 32) |
(pairedEnds.getFirstRefIndex() << 16) |
pairedEnds.getOrientationForPCRDuplicates() );

* split MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord into groups by their type
private static Map<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.Type, List<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord>> splitByType(List<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord> duplicateGroup) {
private static Map<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.Type, List<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord>> splitByType(Iterable<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord> duplicateGroup) {
final EnumMap<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.Type, List<MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord>> byType = new EnumMap<>(MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord.Type.class);
for(MarkDuplicatesSparkRecord pair: duplicateGroup) {
byType.compute(pair.getType(), (key, value) -> {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -497,7 +496,7 @@ private PairedEndsCoordinateComparator() { }

public int compare( PairedEnds first, PairedEnds second ) {
int result = compareCoordinates(first, second);
int result =, second.getFirstStartPosition());
if ( result != 0 ) {
return result;
Expand All @@ -512,24 +511,5 @@ public int compare( PairedEnds first, PairedEnds second ) {
return result;

public static int compareCoordinates(final PairedEnds first, final PairedEnds second ) {
final int firstRefIndex = first.getFirstRefIndex();
final int secondRefIndex = second.getFirstRefIndex();

if ( firstRefIndex == -1 ) {
return (secondRefIndex == -1 ? 0 : 1);
else if ( secondRefIndex == -1 ) {
return -1;

final int refIndexDifference = firstRefIndex - secondRefIndex;
if ( refIndexDifference != 0 ) {
return refIndexDifference;

return, second.getFirstStartPosition());
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Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileHeader;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMReadGroupRecord;
Expand All @@ -13,6 +14,8 @@
import org.broadinstitute.barclay.argparser.BetaFeature;
import org.broadinstitute.barclay.argparser.CommandLineProgramProperties;
import picard.cmdline.programgroups.DiagnosticsAndQCProgramGroup;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.TraversalParameters;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.spark.GATKSparkTool;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,19 +137,21 @@ protected void runTool(final JavaSparkContext ctx) {
System.out.println("first and second: " + firstDupesCount + "," + secondDupesCount);

Broadcast<Map<String, Byte>> libraryIndex = ctx.broadcast(MarkDuplicatesSparkUtils.constructLibraryIndex(getHeaderForReads()));

Broadcast<SAMFileHeader> bHeader = ctx.broadcast(getHeaderForReads());
// Group the reads of each BAM by MarkDuplicates key, then pair up the the reads for each BAM.
JavaPairRDD<Integer, GATKRead> firstKeyed = firstReads.mapToPair(read -> new Tuple2<>(ReadsKey.hashKeyForFragment(
JavaPairRDD<ReadsKey, GATKRead> firstKeyed = firstReads.mapToPair(read -> new Tuple2<>(ReadsKey.getKeyForFragment(
ReadUtils.getLibrary(read, bHeader.getValue())), read));
JavaPairRDD<Integer, GATKRead> secondKeyed = secondReads.mapToPair(read -> new Tuple2<>(ReadsKey.hashKeyForFragment(
libraryIndex.getValue().get(ReadUtils.getLibrary(read, bHeader.getValue(), LibraryIdGenerator.UNKNOWN_LIBRARY))), read));
JavaPairRDD<ReadsKey, GATKRead> secondKeyed = secondReads.mapToPair(read -> new Tuple2<>(ReadsKey.getKeyForFragment(
ReadUtils.getLibrary(read, bHeader.getValue())), read));
JavaPairRDD<Integer, Tuple2<Iterable<GATKRead>, Iterable<GATKRead>>> cogroup = firstKeyed.cogroup(secondKeyed, getRecommendedNumReducers());
libraryIndex.getValue().get(ReadUtils.getLibrary(read, bHeader.getValue(), LibraryIdGenerator.UNKNOWN_LIBRARY))), read));
JavaPairRDD<ReadsKey, Tuple2<Iterable<GATKRead>, Iterable<GATKRead>>> cogroup = firstKeyed.cogroup(secondKeyed, getRecommendedNumReducers());

// Produces an RDD of MatchTypes, e.g., EQUAL, DIFFERENT_REPRESENTATIVE_READ, etc. per MarkDuplicates key,
Expand All @@ -159,8 +164,6 @@ protected void runTool(final JavaSparkContext ctx) {

return getDupes(iFirstReads, iSecondReads, header);

// TODO: We should also produce examples of reads that don't match to make debugging easier (#1263).
Map<MatchType, Integer> tagCountMap = tagged.mapToPair(v1 ->
new Tuple2<>(v1, 1)).reduceByKey((v1, v2) -> v1 + v2).collectAsMap();

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,7 +235,9 @@ static MatchType getDupes(Iterable<GATKRead> f, Iterable<GATKRead> s, SAMFileHea
static JavaRDD<GATKRead> filteredReads(JavaRDD<GATKRead> initialReads, String fileName) {
// We only need to compare duplicates that are "primary" (i.g., primary mapped read).
return<GATKRead, GATKRead>) v1 -> {
String rg = v1.getReadGroup();
return v1;
}).filter(v1 -> {
if (ReadUtils.isNonPrimary(v1) && v1.isDuplicate()) {
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import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.BaseUtils;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.SimpleInterval;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.Utils;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.recalibration.EventType;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,6 +275,21 @@ public static String getLibrary( final GATKRead read, final SAMFileHeader header
return readGroup != null ? readGroup.getLibrary() : null;

* Returns the library associated with the provided read's read group.
* Or the specified default if no library is found
* @param read read whose library to retrieve
* @param header SAM header containing read groups
* @return the library for the provided read's read group as a String,
* or the default value if the read has no read group.
public static String getLibrary( final GATKRead read, final SAMFileHeader header, String defaultLibrary) {
final SAMReadGroupRecord readGroup = getSAMReadGroupRecord(read, header);
String library = readGroup != null ? readGroup.getLibrary() : null;
return library==null? defaultLibrary : library;

* Returns the sample name associated with the provided read's read group.
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