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Remove NuMTs from MT pipeline and updates wdl to GATK4.1.1.0 (#5847)
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meganshand authored Apr 2, 2019
1 parent b5259e0 commit 85c4f9f
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Showing 8 changed files with 263 additions and 255 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion scripts/m2_cromwell_tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,5 +52,4 @@ sudo java -jar $CROMWELL_JAR run $WORKING_DIR/gatk/scripts/mutect2_wdl/mutect2_m
echo "Running Mitochondria M2 WDL through cromwell"
ln -fs $WORKING_DIR/gatk/scripts/mitochondria_m2_wdl/AlignAndCall.wdl
ln -fs $WORKING_DIR/gatk/scripts/mitochondria_m2_wdl/AlignmentPipeline.wdl
ln -fs $WORKING_DIR/gatk/scripts/mitochondria_m2_wdl/MitochondriaCalling.wdl
sudo java -jar $CROMWELL_JAR run $WORKING_DIR/gatk/scripts/mitochondria_m2_wdl/MitochondriaPipeline.wdl -i $WORKING_DIR/gatk/scripts/m2_cromwell_tests/test_mitochondria_m2_wdl.json -m $WORKING_DIR/test_mitochondria_m2_wdl.metadata
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion scripts/m2_cromwell_tests/test_mitochondria_m2_wdl.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"MitochondriaPipeline.wgs_aligned_input_bam_or_cram": "/home/travis/build/broadinstitute/gatk/src/test/resources/large/NA12878.alignedHg38.duplicateMarked.baseRealigned.bam",
"MitochondriaPipeline.wgs_aligned_input_bam_or_cram_index": "/home/travis/build/broadinstitute/gatk/src/test/resources/large/NA12878.alignedHg38.duplicateMarked.baseRealigned.bam.bai",
"MitochondriaPipeline.autosomal_coverage": 30,
"MitochondriaPipeline.MT_with_numts_intervals": "/home/travis/build/broadinstitute/gatk/src/test/resources/large/mitochondria_references/chrMWithFinalNuMTs.hg38.interval_list",
"MitochondriaPipeline.mt_dict": "/home/travis/build/broadinstitute/gatk/src/test/resources/large/mitochondria_references/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.chrM.dict",
"MitochondriaPipeline.mt_fasta": "/home/travis/build/broadinstitute/gatk/src/test/resources/large/mitochondria_references/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.chrM.fasta",
"MitochondriaPipeline.mt_fasta_index": "/home/travis/build/broadinstitute/gatk/src/test/resources/large/mitochondria_references/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.chrM.fasta.fai",
Expand Down
251 changes: 221 additions & 30 deletions scripts/mitochondria_m2_wdl/AlignAndCall.wdl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import "AlignmentPipeline.wdl" as AlignAndMarkDuplicates
import "MitochondriaCalling.wdl" as MutectAndFilter

workflow AlignAndCall {
meta {
Expand All @@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ workflow AlignAndCall {

File unmapped_bam
Int? autosomal_coverage
Float? autosomal_coverage

File mt_dict
File mt_fasta
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,10 +39,11 @@ workflow AlignAndCall {

File? gatk_override
String? m2_extra_args
String? m2_filter_extra_args
Float? vaf_filter_threshold
Float? f_score_beta
Boolean compress_output_vcf

# Using an older version of the default Mutect LOD cutoff. This value can be changed and is only useful at low depths
# to catch sites that would not get caught by the LOD divided by depth filter.
Float lod_cutoff = 6.3
# Read length used for optimization only. If this is too small CollectWgsMetrics might fail, but the results are not
# affected by this number. Default is 151.
Int? max_read_length
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,64 +99,85 @@ workflow AlignAndCall {
preemptible_tries = preemptible_tries

call MutectAndFilter.MitochondriaCalling as CallAndFilterMt {
Int? M2_mem = if CollectWgsMetrics.mean_coverage > 25000 then 14 else 7

call M2 as CallMt {
input_bam = AlignToMt.mt_aligned_bam,
input_bam_index = AlignToMt.mt_aligned_bai,
input_bai = AlignToMt.mt_aligned_bai,
ref_fasta = mt_fasta,
ref_fasta_index = mt_fasta_index,
ref_fai = mt_fasta_index,
ref_dict = mt_dict,
lod_cutoff = lod_cutoff,
compress = compress_output_vcf,
gatk_override = gatk_override,
# Everything is called except the control region.
m2_extra_args = select_first([m2_extra_args, ""]) + " -L chrM:576-16024 ",
blacklisted_sites = blacklisted_sites,
blacklisted_sites_index = blacklisted_sites_index,
mean_coverage = CollectWgsMetrics.mean_coverage,
autosomal_coverage = autosomal_coverage,
contamination = GetContamination.minor_level,
max_read_length = max_read_length,
mem = M2_mem,
preemptible_tries = preemptible_tries

call MutectAndFilter.MitochondriaCalling as CallAndFilterShiftedMt {
call M2 as CallShiftedMt {
input_bam = AlignToShiftedMt.mt_aligned_bam,
input_bam_index = AlignToShiftedMt.mt_aligned_bai,
input_bai = AlignToShiftedMt.mt_aligned_bai,
ref_fasta = mt_shifted_fasta,
ref_fasta_index = mt_shifted_fasta_index,
ref_fai = mt_shifted_fasta_index,
ref_dict = mt_shifted_dict,
lod_cutoff = lod_cutoff,
compress = compress_output_vcf,
gatk_override = gatk_override,
# Interval correspondes to control region in the shifted reference
# Everything is called except the control region.
m2_extra_args = select_first([m2_extra_args, ""]) + " -L chrM:8025-9144 ",
blacklisted_sites = blacklisted_sites_shifted,
blacklisted_sites_index = blacklisted_sites_shifted_index,
mean_coverage = CollectWgsMetrics.mean_coverage,
autosomal_coverage = autosomal_coverage,
contamination = GetContamination.minor_level,
max_read_length = max_read_length,
mem = M2_mem,
preemptible_tries = preemptible_tries

call LiftoverAndCombineVcfs {
shifted_vcf = CallAndFilterShiftedMt.vcf,
vcf = CallAndFilterMt.vcf,
shifted_vcf = CallShiftedMt.raw_vcf,
vcf = CallMt.raw_vcf,
ref_fasta = mt_fasta,
ref_fasta_index = mt_fasta_index,
ref_dict = mt_dict,
shift_back_chain = shift_back_chain,
preemptible_tries = preemptible_tries

call MergeStats {
shifted_stats = CallShiftedMt.stats,
non_shifted_stats = CallMt.stats,
gatk_override = gatk_override,
preemptible_tries = preemptible_tries

call Filter {
raw_vcf = LiftoverAndCombineVcfs.final_vcf,
raw_vcf_index = LiftoverAndCombineVcfs.final_vcf_index,
raw_vcf_stats = MergeStats.stats,
ref_fasta = mt_fasta,
ref_fai = mt_fasta_index,
ref_dict = mt_dict,
compress = compress_output_vcf,
gatk_override = gatk_override,
m2_extra_filtering_args = m2_filter_extra_args,
max_alt_allele_count = 4,
contamination = GetContamination.minor_level,
autosomal_coverage = autosomal_coverage,
vaf_filter_threshold = vaf_filter_threshold,
blacklisted_sites = blacklisted_sites,
blacklisted_sites_index = blacklisted_sites_index,
f_score_beta = f_score_beta,
preemptible_tries = preemptible_tries

output {
File mt_aligned_bam = AlignToMt.mt_aligned_bam
File mt_aligned_bai = AlignToMt.mt_aligned_bai
File mt_aligned_shifted_bam = AlignToShiftedMt.mt_aligned_bam
File mt_aligned_shifted_bai = AlignToShiftedMt.mt_aligned_bai
File out_vcf = LiftoverAndCombineVcfs.final_vcf
File out_vcf_index = LiftoverAndCombineVcfs.final_vcf_index
File out_vcf = Filter.filtered_vcf
File out_vcf_index = Filter.filtered_vcf_idx
File duplicate_metrics = AlignToMt.duplicate_metrics
File coverage_metrics = CollectWgsMetrics.metrics
File theoretical_sensitivity_metrics = CollectWgsMetrics.theoretical_sensitivity
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -335,3 +356,173 @@ task LiftoverAndCombineVcfs {
File final_vcf_index = "${basename}.final.vcf.idx"
task M2 {
File ref_fasta
File ref_fai
File ref_dict
File input_bam
File input_bai
String? m2_extra_args
Boolean? make_bamout
Boolean compress
File? gga_vcf
File? gga_vcf_idx
String output_vcf = "raw" + if compress then ".vcf.gz" else ".vcf"
String output_vcf_index = output_vcf + if compress then ".tbi" else ".idx"
File? gatk_override
# runtime
Int? mem
Int? preemptible_tries
Float ref_size = size(ref_fasta, "GB") + size(ref_fai, "GB")
Int disk_size = ceil(size(input_bam, "GB") + ref_size) + 20
# Mem is in units of GB but our command and memory runtime values are in MB
Int machine_mem = if defined(mem) then mem * 1000 else 3500
Int command_mem = machine_mem - 500
meta {
description: "Mutect2 for calling Snps and Indels"
parameter_meta {
input_bam: "Aligned Bam"
gga_vcf: "VCF for genotype given alleles mode"
command <<<
set -e
export GATK_LOCAL_JAR=${default="/root/gatk.jar" gatk_override}
# We need to create these files regardless, even if they stay empty
touch bamout.bam
gatk --java-options "-Xmx${command_mem}m" Mutect2 \
-R ${ref_fasta} \
-I ${input_bam} \
${"--genotyping-mode GENOTYPE_GIVEN_ALLELES --alleles " + gga_vcf} \
-O ${output_vcf} \
${true='--bam-output bamout.bam' false='' make_bamout} \
${m2_extra_args} \
--annotation StrandBiasBySample \
--mitochondria-mode \
--max-reads-per-alignment-start 75 \
--max-mnp-distance 0
runtime {
docker: ""
memory: machine_mem + " MB"
disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD"
preemptible: select_first([preemptible_tries, 5])
cpu: 2
output {
File raw_vcf = "${output_vcf}"
File raw_vcf_idx = "${output_vcf_index}"
File stats = "${output_vcf}.stats"
File output_bamOut = "bamout.bam"
task Filter {
File ref_fasta
File ref_fai
File ref_dict
File raw_vcf
File raw_vcf_index
File raw_vcf_stats
Boolean compress
Float? vaf_cutoff
String output_vcf = "output" + if compress then ".vcf.gz" else ".vcf"
String output_vcf_index = output_vcf + if compress then ".tbi" else ".idx"
String? m2_extra_filtering_args
Int max_alt_allele_count
Float contamination
Float? autosomal_coverage
Float? vaf_filter_threshold
Float? f_score_beta
File blacklisted_sites
File blacklisted_sites_index
File? gatk_override
# runtime
Int? preemptible_tries
Float ref_size = size(ref_fasta, "GB") + size(ref_fai, "GB")
Int disk_size = ceil(size(raw_vcf, "GB") + ref_size) + 20
meta {
description: "Mutect2 Filtering for calling Snps and Indels"
parameter_meta {
autosomal_coverage: "Median coverage of the autosomes for filtering potential polymorphic NuMT variants"
vaf_filter_thershold: "Hard cutoff for minimum allele fraction. All sites with VAF less than this cutoff will be filtered."
f_score_beta: "F-Score beta balances the filtering strategy between recall and precision. The relative weight of recall to precision."
command <<<
set -e
export GATK_LOCAL_JAR=${default="/root/gatk.jar" gatk_override}
# We need to create these files regardless, even if they stay empty
touch bamout.bam
gatk --java-options "-Xmx2500m" FilterMutectCalls -V ${raw_vcf} \
-R ${ref_fasta} \
-O filtered.vcf \
--stats ${raw_vcf_stats} \
${m2_extra_filtering_args} \
--max-alt-allele-count ${max_alt_allele_count} \
--mitochondria-mode \
${"--autosomal-coverage " + autosomal_coverage} \
${"--min-allele-fraction " + vaf_filter_threshold} \
${"--f-score-beta " + f_score_beta} \
--contamination-estimate ${contamination}
gatk VariantFiltration -V filtered.vcf \
-O ${output_vcf} \
--mask ${blacklisted_sites} \
--mask-name "blacklisted_site"
runtime {
docker: ""
memory: "4 MB"
disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD"
preemptible: select_first([preemptible_tries, 5])
cpu: 2
output {
File filtered_vcf = "${output_vcf}"
File filtered_vcf_idx = "${output_vcf_index}"
task MergeStats {
File shifted_stats
File non_shifted_stats
Int? preemptible_tries
File? gatk_override
set -e
export GATK_LOCAL_JAR=${default="/root/gatk.jar" gatk_override}
gatk MergeMutectStats --stats ${shifted_stats} --stats ${non_shifted_stats} -O raw.combined.stats
output {
File stats = "raw.combined.stats"
runtime {
docker: ""
memory: "3 MB"
disks: "local-disk 20 HDD"
preemptible: select_first([preemptible_tries, 5])
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"MitochondriaPipeline.wgs_aligned_input_bam_or_cram": "input_bam_here",
"MitochondriaPipeline.wgs_aligned_input_bam_or_cram_index": "input_bai_here",
"MitochondriaPipeline.autosomal_coverage": autosomal_median_coverage_here,
"MitochondriaPipeline.MT_with_numts_intervals": "gs://broad-references/hg38/v0/chrM/chrMWithFinalNuMTs.hg38.interval_list",
"MitochondriaPipeline.mt_dict": "gs://broad-references/hg38/v0/chrM/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.chrM.dict",
"MitochondriaPipeline.mt_fasta": "gs://broad-references/hg38/v0/chrM/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.chrM.fasta",
"MitochondriaPipeline.mt_fasta_index": "gs://broad-references/hg38/v0/chrM/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.chrM.fasta.fai",
Expand Down

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