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YodaQA Client

Client for YodaQA writen in HTML5 with jQuery mobile and Cordova.

You can see it live on or . That's the gh-pages branch; to push there, use:

git subtree push --prefix www origin gh-pages


Client works with Hub only. Get it from and use it as non-default REST API endpoint.

  • ?dID=N&qID=M: show dialog with id N and opens question with id M
  • ?e= use a non-default REST API endpoint
  • ?feedback=true: show feedback form


HTML page

Client itself is located in www folder. There is index.html.

Javascript files are in www/js. File yodaAnswerGetter.js handles getting of answers and their displaying. File androidControl.js handles native android functions. jQuerry mobile is located in www/js/jQuery.

CSS files are located in www/css. style.css contains custom stylesheet. jQuery mobile css files are located in www/css/jQuery.

Android app

Files genrated by Cordova for android app are located in platforms\android. Current apk file is in platforms\android\build\outputs\apk. There are Cordova plugins in plugins folder.


Feedback form is handled by feedbackHandler.js located in www/js. To deploy feedback, create google form with 9 text fields (email,question,expected answer[0-5],more correct answers). To variable BASE_URL copy form's id, to array FIELDS_IDS copy text field's ids in order: email,question,expected answer[0-5],more correct answers. SUBMIT_REF holds name and action of form's button. Field more correct answers stores answers separated by vertical bar (answer|answer|answer). See the top of the feedbackHandler source code for the form URLs.