Code to estimate Bayesian ideal points for French politicians from Twitter data. Forked from pablobarbera's code at twitter_ideology
. Edits by briatte and 3wen.
- Read the draft paper and its appendix
- See the HOWTO file for details on how to run the code
- Feel free to suggest improvements or report bugs
- Many Twitter accounts from Elus 2.0, eTerritoire and Regards Citoyens.
- Election results from Ministère de l'Intérieur via
- French administrative units from Insee via Wikipedia Francophone.
- Geocodes from Google Maps.
- GEOFLA shapefiles from IGN (not included).
- Government composition by Premier ministre via
- List of French first names by Mike Campbell and Boris New (not included).
- Population age group figures by Irdes (not included).
- This blog post (in French) explains how to plot the data as a network.
- This blog post (in French) shows some intermediary results of the model.
- This paper by pablobarbera explains the nuts and bolts of the model.
- This blog post (in Portuguese) does something similar with Brazilian politicians.
- This paper reviews the relevant literature and does something quite similar with Facebook "likes".
- This blog post by pablobarbera and griverorz discusses partisan polarisation on Twitter.