ImagePalette is used to extract a color palette from a given image. Aside from being a native PHP implementation, ImagePalette differs from many palette extractors as it works off a white list color palette. Below is the default palette:
The main advantage of working from a color palette is closer matching, as each pixel simply has to calculate the color-distance within the palette and chose the best match. This is useful for working with color taxonomies as the taxonomy should have a finite amount of colors.
See an example of this in action here:
PHP >= 5.4
Simply add the following to your composer.json
"require": {
"brianmcdo/image-palette": "dev-master"
// initiate with image
$palette = new \BrianMcdo\ImagePalette\ImagePalette( '' );
// get the prominent colors
$colors = $palette->colors; // array of Color objects
// to string as json
echo $palette; // '["#ffffdd", ... ]'
// implements IteratorAggregate
foreach ($palette as $color) {
// Color provides several getters/properties
echo $color; // '#ffffdd'
echo $color->rgbString; // 'rgb(255,255,221)'
echo $color->rgbaString; // 'rgba(255,255,221,0.25)'
echo $color->int; // 0xffffdd
echo $color->rgb; // array(255,255,221)
echo $color->rgba; // array(255,255,221,0.25)
// ...
And there we go!
Find the providers
key in app/config/app.php
and register the ImagePaletteServiceProvider
'providers' => array(
// ...
Then, find the aliases
key in app/config/app.php
and register the ImagePaletteFacade
'aliases' => array(
// ...
'ImagePalette' => 'BrianMcdo\ImagePalette\Laravel\ImagePaletteFacade',
$fileOrUrl = '';
By default, ImagePalette
will process every 10th pixel. This is for performance reasons, you can change this like below. The precision is a performance-to-time decision.
$palette = new \BrianMcdo\ImagePalette\ImagePalette( $src, 5 /* precision */ );
To control the amount colors returned set the third parameter. You can also provide the getter with a custom length.
$palette = new \BrianMcdo\ImagePalette\ImagePalette( $src, 5, 3 /* number of colors to return */ );
$colors = $palette->getColors(7 /* number of colors to return */);