Brian Jester's Portfolio - IndexFlip, DMR QRZ, Cabrillo Log, SOTA logs, Castles of Okinawa, Fun Filipino Words and Culture, and more...
- IndexFlip - Flashcards for Japanese Kanji and Hiragana, Amateur Radio Technician question pool, DMV practice tests, and Real Estate practice tests.
- DMR QRZ - Lookup contacts in the DMR DB by ID or call sign
- Cabrillo Logs - cCreate your Amateur Radio contest log here.
- SOTA Log - Easy CSV SOTA Logs
- Castles of Okinawa - 12 castles you won't want to miss!
- Fun Filipino Words and Culture - check out our book on Amazon
- Unofficial Anytone Radio Site - Everything you'll need to setup your new DMR radio.
- Passive Income Projects - Here's our chart of passive income from our side projects.
- Morse Code Key - In-browser Morse code key, for use on PC with mouse.
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