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Zodiac SQL

Clojars Project

An extension for Zodiac to help with connecting to a SQL database with next.jdbc and execute queries with HoneySQL.

For an example of how to use this extension see examples/hello-world.

Getting started

(ns myapp
  (:require [zodiac.core :as z]
            [zodiac.ext.sql :as z.sql]))

(defn handler [{:keys [::z/context]}]
  (let [{:keys [db]} context
        {:keys [message]} (z.sql/execute-one! db {:select [["hello world" :message]]})]
      [:meta {:name "viewport"
              :content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"}]]

(defn routes []
  ["/" {:get #'handler}])

(let [sql-ext (z.sql/init {:spec {:jdbcUrl "jdbc:sqlite:hello-world.db"}})]
  (z/start {:extensions [sql-ext]
            :routes #'routes})


The zodiac.ext.sql/init accepts the following options:

  • :spec: The datasource and connection options map. For more information see Datasources and Connections in the next.jdbc docs
  • :jdbc-options: The options for building generating SQL and results set. For more information see Generating SQL and Generating Rows and Result Sets in the next.jdbc docs.
  • :context-key: The key in the zodiac request context that will hold the database connection. Defaults to :db.