Raises the minimum deployment target to iOS 11.0 and tvOS 11.0.
Raises the Xcode version to 14.1 (14B47b).
Fixes an issue where the post-click webview would close automatically in some cases.
Fixes a behavior where the current user messaging data would not be directly available after initializing the SDK or calling changeUser(userId:)
Fixes an issue preventing News Feed data models from being available offline.
Fixes an issue where the release binaries could emit warnings when generating dSYMs.
SwiftPM and CocoaPods now use the same release assets.
Adds support for the upcoming Braze Feature Flags product.
Adds the
archive to the release assets.
This archive contains the prebuilt xcframeworks and their associated resource bundles.
The content of this archive can be used to manually integrate the SDK.
Adds the Examples-Manual.xcodeproj
showcasing how to integrate the SDK using the prebuilt release assets.
Adds support for Mac Catalyst for example applications, available at Support/Examples/
Adds support to convert from Data
into an in-app message, content card, or news feed card via decoding(json:)
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