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Merge pull request osqp#6 from oxfordcontrol/purejulia
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goulart-paul authored Jul 23, 2018


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JounQin JounQin
2 parents f4f288f + 1771313 commit a5a8b3c
Showing 2 changed files with 373 additions and 0 deletions.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions julia/example.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
push!(LOAD_PATH, pwd())
importall QDLDL

c_float = Float64
c_int = Int64
c_bool = Bool

function qdMatExample()

i = [1, 7, 2, 3, 6, 10, 2, 3, 10, 4, 8, 5, 2, 6, 1, 7, 9, 4, 8, 7, 9, 2, 3, 10]
j = [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10]
s = [1.000000e+00, 3.503210e-01, 4.606408e-01, -1.211894e-01, -2.900576e-02, 1.824522e-01, -1.211894e-01, 4.179283e-01, -1.565056e+00, 1.778279e-01, -8.453948e-02, 1.000000e-01, -2.900576e-02, -1.000000e+00, 3.503210e-01, -4.410924e-01, 1.786632e-01, -8.453948e-02, -3.162278e-01, 1.786632e-01, -2.990768e-01, 1.824522e-01, -1.565056e+00, -1.000000e-01]

A = sparse(i,j,s)

A = qdMatExample()
b = randn(c_float,A.n)
println("Example (backslash) : ", norm(qdldl(A)\b - A\b))

F = qdldl(A)
println("Example (with solve()) : ", norm(solve(F,b) - A\b))

x = copy(b)
println("Example (in place with solve!()) : ", norm(x - A\b))

F = qdldl(A,collect(A.n:-1:1))
println("Example (User permutation) : ", norm(F\b - A\b))
344 changes: 344 additions & 0 deletions julia/qdldl.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
module QDLDL

export qdldl, \, solve, solve!

using AMD

const QDLDL_UNKNOWN = -1;
const QDLDL_USED = true;
const QDLDL_UNUSED = false;

struct QDLDLFactorisation{Tf<:AbstractFloat,Ti<:Integer}

#contains factors L, D^{-1}
#permutation vector (nothing if no permutation)

#constructor for enforcing no permutation
function qdldl{Tv<:AbstractFloat,Ti<:Integer}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti},p::Void)
#no permutation at all
(L, Dinv) = factor(triu(A));
return QDLDLFactorisation(L,Dinv,nothing)

#constructor for user-specified permutation, including no permutation
function qdldl{Tv<:AbstractFloat,Ti<:Integer}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti},p::Array{Ti})
(L, Dinv) = factor(triu(A[p,p]));
return QDLDLFactorisation(L,Dinv,p)

#constructor for the default (AMD) permutation
function qdldl{Tv<:AbstractFloat,Ti<:Integer}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti})
#use AMD ordering as a default
p = amd(A)::Array{Ti};
return qdldl(A,p);

function Base.:\(QDLDL::QDLDLFactorisation,b)
return solve(QDLDL,b)

# Solves Ax = b using LDL factors for A.
# Returns x, preserving b
function solve(QDLDL::QDLDLFactorisation,b)
x = copy(b)
return x

# Solves Ax = b using LDL factors for A.
# Solves in place (x replaces b)
function solve!(QDLDL::QDLDLFactorisation,b)
#permute b
if QDLDL.p != nothing
#inverse permutation
if QDLDL.p != nothing
return nothing

function factor{Tv<:AbstractFloat,Ti<:Integer}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti})

A = triu(A)

etree = Array{Ti}(A.n)
Lnz = Array{Ti}(A.n)
iwork = Array{Ti}(A.n*3)
bwork = Array{Bool}(A.n)
fwork = Array{Tv}(A.n)

#compute elimination gree using QDLDL converted code
sumLnz = QDLDL_etree!(A.n,A.colptr,A.rowval,iwork,Lnz,etree)

if(sumLnz < 0)
error("A matrix is not upper triangular or has an empty column")

#allocate space for the L matrix row indices and data
Lp = Array{Ti}(A.n + 1);
Li = Array{Ti}(sumLnz);
Lx = Array{Tv}(sumLnz);

#allocate for and D D inverse
D = Array{Tv}(A.n);
Dinv = Array{Tv}(A.n);

#factor using QDLDL converted code
posDCount = QDLDL_factor(A.n,A.colptr,A.rowval,A.nzval,Lp,Li,Lx,D,Dinv,Lnz,etree,bwork,iwork,fwork)

if(posDCount < 0)
error("Zero entry in D (matrix is not quasidefinite)")

L = SparseMatrixCSC(A.n,A.n,Lp,Li,Lx);

return L, Dinv


# Compute the elimination tree for a quasidefinite matrix
# in compressed sparse column form.

function QDLDL_etree!(n,Ap,Ai,work,Lnz,etree)

@inbounds for i = 1:n
# zero out Lnz and work. Set all etree values to unknown
work[i] = 0
Lnz[i] = 0i
etree[i] = QDLDL_UNKNOWN

#Abort if A doesn't have at least one entry
#one entry in every column
if(Ap[i] == Ap[i+1])
return -1

@inbounds for j = 1:n
work[j] = j
@inbounds for p = Ap[j]:(Ap[j+1]-1)
i = Ai[p]
if(i > j)
return -1
@inbounds while(work[i] != j)
if(etree[i] == QDLDL_UNKNOWN)
etree[i] = j
Lnz[i] += 1 #nonzeros in this column
work[i] = j
i = etree[i]
end #end for p

#tally the total nonzeros
sumLnz = sum(Lnz);

return sumLnz

function QDLDL_factor(n,Ap,Ai,Ax,Lp,Li,Lx,D,Dinv,Lnz,etree,bwork,iwork,fwork)

positiveValuesInD = 0

#partition working memory into pieces
yMarkers = bwork
yIdx = view(iwork, 1:n)
elimBuffer = view(iwork, (n+1):2*n)
LNextSpaceInCol = view(iwork,(2*n+1):3*n)
yVals = fwork;

Lp[1] = 1 #first column starts at index one / Julia is 1 indexed

@inbounds for i = 1:n

#compute L column indices
Lp[i+1] = Lp[i] + Lnz[i] #cumsum, total at the end

# set all Yidx to be 'unused' initially
#in each column of L, the next available space
#to start is just the first space in the column
yMarkers[i] = QDLDL_UNUSED
yVals[i] = 0.0
D[i] = 0.0
LNextSpaceInCol[i] = Lp[i]

# First element of the diagonal D.
D[1] = Ax[1]
if(D[1] == 0.0) return -1 end
if(D[1] > 0.0) positiveValuesInD += 1 end
Dinv[1] = 1/D[1];

#Start from 1 here. The upper LH corner is trivially 0
#in L b/c we are only computing the subdiagonal elements
@inbounds for k = 2:n

#NB : For each k, we compute a solution to
#y = L(0:(k-1),0:k-1))\b, where b is the kth
#column of A that sits above the diagonal.
#The solution y is then the kth row of L,
#with an implied '1' at the diagonal entry.

#number of nonzeros in this row of L
nnzY = 0 #number of elements in this row

#This loop determines where nonzeros
#will go in the kth row of L, but doesn't
#compute the actual values
@inbounds for i = Ap[k]:(Ap[k+1]-1)

bidx = Ai[i] # we are working on this element of b

#Initialize D[k] as the element of this column
#corresponding to the diagonal place. Don't use
#this element as part of the elimination step
#that computes the k^th row of L
if(bidx == k)
D[k] = Ax[i];

yVals[bidx] = Ax[i] # initialise y(bidx) = b(bidx)

# use the forward elimination tree to figure
# out which elements must be eliminated after
# this element of b
nextIdx = bidx

if(yMarkers[nextIdx] == QDLDL_UNUSED) #this y term not already visited

yMarkers[nextIdx] = QDLDL_USED #I touched this one
elimBuffer[1] = nextIdx # It goes at the start of the current list
nnzE = 1 #length of unvisited elimination path from here

nextIdx = etree[bidx];

@inbounds while(nextIdx != QDLDL_UNKNOWN && nextIdx < k)
if(yMarkers[nextIdx] == QDLDL_USED) break; end

yMarkers[nextIdx] = QDLDL_USED; #I touched this one
#NB: Julia is 1-indexed, so I increment nnzE first here,
#no after writing into elimBuffer as in the C version
nnzE += 1 #the list is one longer than before
elimBuffer[nnzE] = nextIdx; #It goes in the current list
nextIdx = etree[nextIdx]; #one step further along tree

end #end while

# now I put the buffered elimination list into
# my current ordering in reverse order
@inbounds while(nnzE != 0)
#NB: inc/dec reordered relative to C because
#the arrays are 1 indexed
nnzY += 1;
yIdx[nnzY] = elimBuffer[nnzE];
nnzE -= 1;
end #end while
end #end if

end #end for i

#This for loop places nonzeros values in the k^th row
@inbounds for i = nnzY:-1:1

#which column are we working on?
cidx = yIdx[i]

# loop along the elements in this
# column of L and subtract to solve to y
tmpIdx = LNextSpaceInCol[cidx];
yVals_cidx = yVals[cidx]
@inbounds for j = Lp[cidx]:(tmpIdx-1)
yVals[Li[j]] -= Lx[j]*yVals_cidx

#Now I have the cidx^th element of y = L\b.
#so compute the corresponding element of
#this row of L and put it into the right place
Li[tmpIdx] = k
Lx[tmpIdx] = yVals_cidx *Dinv[cidx]

#D[k] -= yVals[cidx]*yVals[cidx]*Dinv[cidx];
D[k] -= yVals_cidx*Lx[tmpIdx]
LNextSpaceInCol[cidx] += 1

#reset the yvalues and indices back to zero and QDLDL_UNUSED
#once I'm done with them
yVals[cidx] = 0.0
yMarkers[cidx] = QDLDL_UNUSED;

end #end for i

#Maintain a count of the positive entries
#in D. If we hit a zero, we can't factor
#this matrix, so abort
if(D[k] == 0.0) return -1 end
if(D[k] > 0.0) positiveValuesInD += 1 end

#compute the inverse of the diagonal
Dinv[k]= 1/D[k]

end #end for k

return positiveValuesInD


# Solves (L+I)x = b, with x replacing b
function QDLDL_Lsolve!(n,Lp,Li,Lx,x)

@inbounds for i = 1:n
@inbounds for j = Lp[i]: (Lp[i+1]-1)
x[Li[j]] -= Lx[j]*x[i];
return nothing

# Solves (L+I)'x = b, with x replacing b
function QDLDL_Ltsolve!(n,Lp,Li,Lx,x)

@inbounds for i = n:-1:1
@inbounds for j = Lp[i]:(Lp[i+1]-1)
x[i] -= Lx[j]*x[Li[j]]
return nothing

# Solves Ax = b where A has given LDL factors,
# with x replacing b
function QDLDL_solve!(n,Lp,Li,Lx,Dinv,b)

b .*= Dinv;


end #end module

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