Important: Version 2.0.0 and up is not compatible with previous 1.x branch
- Sencha Touch 2.3+
- ExtJs 4.2.x+
- ExtJs 5+
Sample applications for Touch and ExtJs can be found here:
* Application structure with API provider
* Grid CRUD Master-detail
* Cookie / Session
* Direct method call, shows regular call and onw that has hard exception (syntax error)
* Form Load / Submit
* Form file upload (Cross domain upload is not supported!)
* Tree root / child dynamic load
* Metadata (Starting from ExtJS 5)
* Namespaces (From 4.2)
Sencha Touch:
* Application structure with API provider
* List read using directFn
* Form load / submit
For usage please refer to Examples.
Configuration description:
"rootNamespace": "Server", //Namespace in which server will be accessible from client side
"apiName": "API", // API name
"apiUrl": "/directapi", // URL to retrieve API configuration
"classRouteUrl": "/direct", // URL to call Direct methods
"classPath": "/direct", // Direct class location in filesystem relative to the server directory
"server": "localhost", // Hosting server name
"port": "3000", // Hosting server port
"protocol": "http", // http | https
"timeout": 30000, // Operation timeout
"cacheAPI": false, // Set true to cache API's for production. During development setting to false will allow to make any changes and access API's without server reload.
"relativeUrl": false, // Use relative URL's
"appendRequestResponseObjects": true, // If true, will append req and res objects to method call
"enableMetadata": true, // Metadata support
"responseHelper": true, // Automatically append success true|false
"enableProcessors": true //Enable Helpers to have methods before and after API discovery as well as before and after Transaction batch
2.0.1 (3 jun 2015)
- Allow callback to return boolean "false" value. (@cpmoser)
2.0.0 (14 may 2015)
- Comment source code and use descriptive variable names #21
- Implement namespaced Classes to have nested actions #29 See below
- Add namespace support (nested Actions) You can now organize files using folders
- More streamlined definition for metadata and formHandler (//@meta and //@formHandler )
- Exclude non .js files from API discovery
- Separate route paths for classes (classRouteUrl and classPath)
- Use latest Express framework in examples, closes #28
- New property 'cacheAPI' allows to bypass node module caching, which gives the option to work on class files without reloading the server
- Callback format changed to be in line with node.js standards callback(err, result); closes #30
- New property 'responseHelper'. It will add success: true/false to result payload if:
- We set success to true if responseHelper is TRUE and callback is called without any arguments or with true as result or result object is present, but success is missing
- We set success to false if autoResponse is TRUE and callback is called with result set to false
- Place Processor files or any othere relevant scriots in .scripts folder. It will be ignored during API discovery
- API Processor. Two methods beforeApi and afterApi to hook in to API discovery flow. See Examples for ExtJS
- Router Processor. Two methods beforeTransaction and afterTransaction. See Examples for ExtJS. Use them to open and close db connection.
- Add support for metadata #27