Lua target for Haxe language
Primarily LuaJIT -> make super-optimized portable Haxe target!
I have some working fast (beats V8 and Neko) code otput.
Note: dont beleave benchmarks from demo folder, they show low performance just because of immature code generator. Manually tweaked code works really well. Happily, this process would be automated soon.
Require Haxe Compiler 3.1, Lua 5.2 or LuaJIT 2
Quick install:
haxelib git luaxe
Quick update:
haxelib update luaxe
First, you need to set JS target in your HXML file: -js bin/hx.lua
Note to set .lua file type. Than, add LuaXe lib: -lib luaxe
Add LuaXe macro: --macro luaxe.LuaGenerator.use()
Dont forget to add -D lua
or it won't compile. Path luaxe/std
contains patched std libs.
Complete HXML file:
-main Main
-D lua
-lib luaxe
-cp luaxe/std
-js bin/hx.lua
--macro luaxe.LuaGenerator.use()
-dce full
--connect 6000
(dce and connect is optional)
You can run your file just after compilation directly in stand-alone Lua environment:
-cmd /usr/local/bin/luajit bin/hx.lua
-cmd /usr/local/bin/lua bin/hx.lua
untyped __lua__("_G.print('__lua__')");
untyped __call__(print, 1, 2, 3);
untyped __tail__(os, clock, 1, 2, "hi");
untyped __global__(print,'__lua__', 2);
untyped __hash__(z);
print(1, 2, 3);
os:clock(1, 2, "hi");
_G.print("__lua__", 2);
@:require("hello", "world")
class Main { ... }
require "hello" -- added to top of your lua file
require "world"
Using external Lua tables fairly simple, but requires special meta @dotpath. Here is example for Love2D:
class Main {
static function main() {
LoveGraphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
@:native("") @dotpath
extern class LoveGraphics {
static public function setColor(r:Float, g:Float, b:Float, a:Float):Void;
function Main_Main.main( ), 0, 0, 0)
It is very easy to create external classes for LuaXe. Create extern class definition:
// placed inside root package TestExtern
extern class Extern {
function new(x:Int);
static function test():String;
static var hi:String;
function selfcall():String;
var X:Int;
Create implementation of class in Lua that is fully compatible with OOP-style LuaXe API:
local Extern = {}
TestExtern_Extern = Extern -- setting proper namespace
-- Another namespace? Use "_": namespace.TestExtern.Extern -> namespace_TestExtern_Extern
Extern.__index = Extern -- need for metatable
Extern.hi = "Hello!" -- static var
function -- constructor
local self = { X = x } -- "X" is a class field
setmetatable(self, Extern)
return self
function Extern:selfcall() return self.X end -- public function
function Extern.test() return "static test" end -- static function
Everything works just as usual:
// static:
// fields:
var inst = new Extern(5);