Perl interface for Hetzner DNS management system by Vasyl Kaigorodov [email protected]
Hetzner API does not provide interface to deal with DNS zones - so here be dragons.
Script is provided AS IS, author takes absolutely no responsibility for any harm, downtime or revenue lost as a consequence of this script usage.
Main culprit is that you need to find out the zone ID number. To do this, go to . Select "View page source" in your browser and find a block similar to this:
<table class="box_title" onclick="javascript:expandBox(this, 'data_123456', '/dns/update/id/123456', '123456');">
<tr><td class="title"></td>
(Firebug might be useful here also) Note the /dns/update/id/123456 part - you need the numbers at the end of string (here: 123456).
Now run the script as below:
$ -u <hetzner_user> -p <hetzner_password> -d <domain_id>
Don't forget to replace <hetzner_user> and <hetzner_password> accordingly. You can prefer not to specify your password on the command line - then run script like this:
$ -u <hetzner_user> -p -d <domain_id>
Script will ask for a password then. When script finishes - it will print out just one line, representing a file which now contains the whole DNS zone:
$ -u hetzneruser -p dragons -d 123456
Edit that file, and upload it back to Hetzner:
$ -u hetzneruser -p dragons -d 123456 -z 123456.db
Please note, that there're no sanity checks made (yet) on the supplied zonefile, it will be sent to Hetzner as-is - so it's up to you to update it carefully, or you in risk of messing up your DNS zone.