This Arduino is mounted on a rocket and records data from the flight to an SD card. It has three sensors that it pulls data from, detailed in the Sensors section. The data recording begins after sensor calibration and is ended with the press of a button after the flight.
The following is the list of sensors and data pulled from them.
- BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor
- Acceleration
- Orientation
- BMP280 Barometric Pressure & Altitude Sensor
- Altitude
- Pressure
- Temperature
- Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout - 66 channel w/10 Hz updates - Version 3
- Latitude
- Longitude
The sensor data is saved to a file on an SD card with the filename log_file.txt
. The data is in CSV format with columns in the following order:
Additional information:
- All data types are floats with the exception of the
, which is anunsigned long
. - All measurements are metric (meters, m/s^2, celsius, etc.)
) Determines whether to log data to SD card. Useful if SD card breakout is not available or onlySerial
is needed.POLL_RATE
) Rate in milliseconds to poll the sensors for new data.
- Pull data from IMU
- Pull data from barometer
- Pull data from GPS
- Write data to SD Card
- Include timestamp with data
- Send data over radio