Autominer has two goals: make cryptocurrency mining easy and make better use of wasted compute resources.
The tool can be used for automaticly deploying, updating, configuring and running cryptocurrency miners.
Autominer is a free and opensource project, please raise bugs or feature requests by raising an issue on Github.
To help maintain and improve the product, please consider donating either through Paypal or we accept multiple cryptocurrencies (see donating section below).
The main goal of autominer is to provide the following functionality for multiple operating systems (Windows, OSX, GNU/Linux):
- Automatic download and configuration of cryptocurrency miners and wallets
- Automatic updates of miners and wallets
- Automatic abillity to join a pool, switch pool or use another pool if one is down.
- Ability to schedule mining based on criteria or pattern
Planned Features:
- Ability to automatically switch cryptocurrency mining to other currencies based on fluctuation in the market.
- Support for multiple different cryptocurrency (as many as possible), including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Monero, Dogecoin, etc.
- Automatic detection of when it is possible mine, I.E when the machine is locked or when the GPU isn't being used much.
- Ability to scale down mining load when the system is being used.
- Ability to report on poor performance, mining session performance, currency poor performance, critical temperature etc.
- Ability to log historical information on mining performance, system temperatures, etc.
- Ability to dedicate a small fraction of your mining as a donation to autominer.
- Ability to automatically tweak the operating system for improvements in miner performance (OSX, GNU/Linux systems mainly).
- Ability to automatically download and patch autominer itself.
- Support for anonymous cryptocurrency mining.
- Provide an API for interacting with other applications on the system.
- OS Specific Packages, I.E DEB, RPM which are in official OS repositories.
To install autominer, first grab the most recent binary for your platform on the releases page here: (need-to-add-url){need-to-add-url}.
Autominer is a free and open-source product which is licenced under the GPLv2 licence. With this said, you can sell the product and support for it but any modifications or improvements to the product must be made freely available.
This product comes with absolutely no warranty and none of the authors or BoxedBinary LTD can be held accountable for your actions. Mining cryptocurrency can put an enormous strain on your machine including the CPU/Processor and GPU. If these are not properly cooled/monitored, they could be negatively affected and may even break. Please be careful!