This component is based on Vue.js 3, it represents your routes or items as a tree view, by default takes it takes the routes configuration as items, but you could provide your custom items that respects the following format :
component:SomeComponent //optional but if it's provided the tree node will be a link that redirects to this component
You could also add any other field that you need it when you want to customize the items rendering
LIVE DEMO or you could check this boilerplate on codesandbox
npm install vue3-router-tree --save
<vue3-router-tree />
<div class="demo">
<vue3-router-tree :items="routes"> </vue3-router-tree>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import Vue3RouterTree from 'vue3-router-tree';
export default defineComponent({
data() {
return {
routes: [
path: '/',
name: 'Home',
hasIcon: true,
path: '/dashboard',
name: 'Dashboard',
hasIcon: true,
path: '/component',
name: 'Components',
hasIcon: true,
children: [
path: '/alerts',
name: 'Alerts',
path: '/avatars',
name: 'Avatars',
path: '/buttons',
name: 'Buttons',
path: '/forms',
name: 'Forms',
children: [
path: '/autocompletes',
name: 'Autocompletes',
path: '/checkboxes',
name: 'Checkboxes',
Name | default | description |
items | [] | the tree items or if not provided the component renders the current available routes |
active-color | "#5d1df1" | the color of the active sub node |
default-open | '' | specify the default opened path |
exclude-field | '' | In your route config you could specify a field inside meta option which will be used to exclude |
open-all | '' | Expand all items that have children |
Name | description |
item | override the default item rendering |