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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

📖 docs
:book: docs
Improvements or additions to documentation
🥣 serving
:bowl_with_spoon: serving
GCP or Docker
🐛 bug
:bug: bug
Something isn't working
📈 data
:chart_with_upwards_trend: data
Crawling, data, and database
Pull requests that update a dependency file
🏭 refactor
:factory: refactor
Refactoring label
⚙️ back-end
:gear: back-end
Back-end label
🔨 fix
:hammer: fix
Fix problem
💪 enhancement
:muscle: enhancement
Enhancement of existing feature
📦 model
:package: model
Model label
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 discussion
:people_holding_hands: discussion
Discuss about idea & issue
❓ help wanted
:question: help wanted
Extra attention is needed
🎅 new feature
:santa: new feature
New feature
🧪 test
:test_tube: test
Test label
📺 front-end
:tv: front-end
Front-end label