Compatible with
- AngularClass/angular2-webpack-starter
- React - coming soon...
Multi-endpoint REST api with Angular 2.
Alternative to angularjs $resource + extremely useful thing to build/mock frontend app in browser.
NEW FEATURE: Generate documentation from ng2-rest requests with ng2-rest-docs-server tool. Extremely useful with E2E and mocked all app in frontend with ng2-rest
- you don't need to make docs for backend... it will be automatically generated from request based on E2E tests.
Take advantage of ENUM in typescript and generic class and define your multiple endpoints url. Playing with your REST API was never so easy...
Also mocking data is super nice here. You can use mock controller to randomize and customize your response data successes and errors ( by returning undefined in mock controller).
To install package run:
npm install ng2-rest --save
Simple use:
import { Resource } from 'ng2-rest/ng2-rest';
build your enum with endpoints ( you can also use strings, but enum's are better !) :
enum ENDPOINTS { // enum instead of strings
Define interfaces for response
import { User, Book, Weather } from './models' // interface
Map your urls and models
export class SampleServiceORComponent {
// < enum or 'string', single_model, query_model>
constructor(private rest: Resource<ENDPOINTS,User,User[]>) {
// map endpoints and urls, 'http://localhost:/api');, '');
// define your models
rest.add(ENDPOINTS.API, 'users');
// create your fluent API
model = {
getAll:, 'users').query(),
getAllSorted:, '/users/inside').query({ sorted: true }),
getSuperUser:, 'users/super').get(0),
saveCurrentUser :, 'users').save(this.user)
// NEW! mock your request
users = [ { name:"name1":id:1 }, { name:"name2":id:2 } ]
mock_controller = (user, params, backend ) => { // new option backend =;
return user;
mocked_models = {
getAllMocks:, 'users')
getFirstMock:, 'users')
.mock(require('user.json')), 1000).get(0), // timeout 1000ms = 1s
getDataFromController:, 'users')
.mock(require('user.json')), 0, mock_controller).get(100),
Use it:
giveMeSampleUsers() {, 'users')
.query() //
.subscribe((users) => { // Type of respone wil be User[]
console.log('users', users);
Optionally object parameters in methods below are created by encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringif(params)) so in your backend you need to use function **decodeURIComponent(params) ** to get ids, params from passed url. You don't need to do that in mock controlelrs.
Name | Parameters | Description | Example |
query | nothing or object |
fetch array of your models, optionally with parameters | getModels() , getSortedModels({sort:true}) |
get | id or object |
get model by id, optionally by parameters | getUser(1) , getSomeModel( { color : 'blue' }) |
save | object |
post object model | saveUser({ name: 'Dario', age: 26 }) |
update | id or object |
put object model | updateUser(1,object) , updateUsers( { color : 'blue' }, { banned: true } ) |
remove | id or object |
remove object by id by params | removeUser(1) , removeModels( { color : 'blue' }) |
jsonp | nothing |
get jsonp data | getDataFromOtherServer() |
It is one of the best features here. You don't need a backend for your front-end stuff !
- first argument is data from passed to function .mock( here, ..., .. )
- second arguments are params from
- to create error request return undefined or nothing
- use console.log | console.error | to debug your backend or ng2-logger
- do not use exceptions
Simplest way to mocking data:
// user.json
[{ id: 12, name: 'Dariusz' },
{ id: 15, name: 'Marcin' }]
// service.ts
getUsers = () => ENDPOINT.API, modelName )
.mock( require('./user.json') ).
// component.ts
service.getUsers().subscribe( users => {
console.log( 'users:', users );
// users: [{ id: 12, name: 'Dariusz' }, { id: 15, name: 'Marcin' }]
Sample MockController function to just return mocked data based on params:
// mock-controller.ts
export function mockController(
user: T, params: any, backend: MockAutoBackend<T> )
{ =;
return user;
// service.ts
import { mockController } from './mock-controller';
data = (id) => ENDPOINT.API, modelName )
.mock( { id: 10, name: 'Dariusz' }, mockController).
get({ id: id :))
// component.ts
... user => {
console.log( 'user:', user ); // user: { id: 23, name: 'Dariusz' }
Sample MockController generating pagination data with MockAutoBackend:
// model.json
$id : [1,2,3],
name: 'Dariusz'
// mock-controller.ts
export function mockController(
user: T,
params: any,
backend: MockAutoBackend<T> )
console.log(backend.models); /// generated models
return backend.getPagination(params.pageNumber, params.pageSize;
// example.service.ts
import { mockController } from './mock-controller';
numberOfGeneratedPaginartionModels = 400;
getPaginartion = (params) => ENDPOINT.API, modelName)
.mock( requre('./model.json'),
// component.ts
currentDisplayedModels = []
pageSize = 10;
pageChanged = ( n ) => {
this.service.getPagination({ pageNumber:n, pageSize: this.pageSize })
.subscribe( partOfMockedPaginationModels => {
currentDisplayedModels = partOfMockedPaginationModels;
If you wanna generate, filter, order, sort sample data try third options in controller - MockAutoBackend. It is perfect thing for mocking pagination in your MockController.
By building sample json data object with $ prefix property now it is possible to generate very nice random data.
If value of property is an array, the generator will pick one at random:
"$id" : [1,2,3],
"name": "Dariusz"
The output will be:
"id": 2, // or 1 or 3 - it's random thing,
"name": "Dariusz" // property without $ stays the same
Of course it is possible to create json with nested $ fields.
You also can generate values using Faker mustache string as value.
"$fullTitle" : "{{name.lastName}}, {{name.firstName}} {{name.suffix}}"
"fullTitle": "Marks, Dean Sr."