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Vadim Slyusarev edited this page Jan 12, 2020 · 7 revisions

Optick provides a seamless integration with Unreal Engine. Specifically designed plugin hooks into UE4 integrated profiling system and automatically collects all the events wrapped with QUICK_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER macro. This plugin also includes all tools and features coming with Optick:

  • Thread Timeline View
  • Sampling
  • Switch-contexts
  • CPU Cores
  • Syscalls
  • Screenshots

You could install latest version of the plugin here through UE4 Marketplace:

  1. Launch UE4Editor.exe

⚠️ Optick uses ETW to collect kernel-level event (Sampling, Switch-contexts, CPU cores) which requires Admin Privileges to run. If you need kernel events - you'll need to run UE4Editor.exe(or VisualStudio) as administrator.

  1. Enable OptickPlugin: Edit => Plugins => Performance => Optick
  2. Click on the Optick button to open Optick GUI
  3. Press "Start/Stop Profiling Session" button to start and stop profiling session

Video Tutorials

  1. Basic GUI Navigation
    Watch video tutorial on Youtube
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