Linux kernel module for left-padding strings. In Rust.
I've been contemplating making something in Rust for a while, and now that Rust in The Kernel is all the rage FOMO kicked in I guess?
So this is my Rust hello world.
On Ubuntu 20.04:
sudo apt install build-essential llvm clang-11 linux-headers-"$(uname -r)" curl
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
rustup default nightly
rustup component add --toolchain=nightly rust-src rustfmt
cd leftpad
make CC=clang-11
make load
Write the target len, the padding char and the string-to-be-padded, separated by spaces into the leftpad file.
Read the padded string back from the file.
echo 3 0 7 > /dev/leftpad
cat /dev/leftpad
Mind the newline...
echo -n 3 0 7 > /dev/leftpad
cat /dev/leftpad; echo
Akchually, the padding char can be a string.
echo 16 na ' batman!' > /dev/leftpad
cat /dev/leftpad
It supports UTF-8 at a certain extent: the target length is measured in Unicode Scalar Value units, so it might not does exactly what you expect, but it works if you dont push it too hard.
echo 16 💩 psicle > /dev/leftpad
cat /dev/leftpad
The general intent was to mimic the operation of JavaScrip padStart()
Q: But
A: Yes!
Q: But the write ignores the offset!
A: Yes!
Q: But it's racy!
A: Yes!
Q: You should have used sysctl!