Push messages/links/files to your devices from CLI or scripts using Pushbullet.
(apt package: libjson-perl)HTTP::Request
(apt package: libhttp-parser-perl)LWP::UserAgent
(apt package: libhtml-form-perl)
Create a file called pushbullet.conf
in the parent directory as follows:
$ perl Pushbullet.pl --help
Pushbullet.pl [options]
-h --help Display this message and exit
-l --listdevices List the available devices
--debug Turn on debug messages
--device [ID] Select a single device by it's ID
--push [o] Push message. Options:
- note
- link
- file
--title The title of the push notice
--body The message of the push notice
--link The url to open, used for [--push link] pushes
--file File name, used for [--push file] pushes