Configuration information for the SP Shasta model railroad.
The railroad uses JMRI for controls, see their SP Shasta page.
profiles - profiles for various startup conditions
userfiles/ - controls all the program configuration
BasicConfig.xml - configuration information, but not panels, for the control system
BWpanel.xml - animated track schematic of layout LeftPanel.xml - Levers and lamps on left CTC panel MidPanel.xml - Levers and lamps on middle CTC panel - Controls power to the turntable tail tracks, positions the turntable in response to buttons TurntableControls.xml - panel for configuring turntable ops, settings - initial powerup for the CTC machine - sets inputs for when running without real layout, machine present
LowerXOverPanel.xml - A debugging panel that shows some signals near the lower Dunsmuir crossover, this is only temporary - print a message when any of the turntable inputs change
LeftWing.xml - screen panel for the left part of the CTC machine; uses LeftBackground.gif as background