Bulk Loading Utility for Salesforce
This is a Mavenized Java 8 project, so building it is simple:
mvn clean package
It's packaged as an executable jar, run it from the commandline as follows
java -jar target/BulkMaster-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
It will emit a Command Syntax statement listing the parameters and flags
userid and password are required parameters!:
[email protected] mypassword
Syntax: BulkMaster [{username} {password}] [loginURL] [FLAGS]
If omitted, default Login URL=https://login.salesforce.com
-l List Jobs
-i Insert Records
-u Upsert Records
-d Delete Records
-purge One step command that queries and purges
-s Get Job Status
-c Close Job
-a Abort Job
-r Get Job results
-j Hex ID of the Job
-f Input filename
-D Output Directory
-x External ID fieldname for Upsert
-o Object name for Insert, Update, or Delete
-p Poll for results - interval in seconds
-q SOQL Query string
-pk Enable PK Chunking for Large Queries
-mx Max records per job
-authtoken Auth Token
-instanceurl Instance URL used for API calls
-loginurl Login URL if using Username Password flow
-un User name
-pwd Password
-apiversion API Version xx.0
# Example One-step Purge in a Sandbox
java -jar target/BulkMaster-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar [email protected] MyPassword https://test.salesforce.com -o Lead -purge "Select * From Lead Where status='Converted'" - D ./output -p 60
java -jar target/BulkMaster-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar [email protected] MyPassword https://test.salesforce.com -l
java -jar target/BulkMaster-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar [email protected] MyPassword https://test.salesforce.com -o Lead -q "Select * From Lead Where status='New'" - D ./output -p 10
java -jar target/BulkMaster-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar [email protected] MyPassword https://test.salesforce.com -r -j 7500U000002UO1V - D ./output -p 10
java -jar target/BulkMaster-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar [email protected] MyPassword https://test.salesforce.com -o Account -x MyExternalId__c -uu ./input/AccountData - D ./output/AccountResults -p 60