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Awesome Image Aesthetic Assessment and Cropping Awesome

A curated list of resources including papers, datasets, and relevant links pertaining to aesthetic evaluation and cropping.


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Table of Contents


Image Aesthetic Assessment

  • Dongyu She, Yu-Kun Lai, Gaoxiong Yi, Kun Xu: "Hierarchical layout-Aware graph convolutional network for unified aesthetics assessment." CVPR (2021) [pdf]
  • Jingwen Hou, Sheng Yang, Weisi Lin:"Object-level attention for aesthetic rating distribution prediction." ACM MM (2020) [pdf]
  • Kekai Sheng, Weiming Dong, Menglei Chai, Guohui Wang, Peng Zhou, Feiyue Huang, Bao-Gang Hu, Rongrong Ji, Chongyang Ma: "Revisiting image aesthetic assessment via self-supervised feature learning." AAAI (2020) [pdf]
  • Qiuyu Chen, Wei Zhang, Ning Zhou, Peng Lei, Yi Xu, Yu Zheng, Jianping Fan: "Adaptive fractional dilated convolution network for image aesthetics assessment." CVPR (2020) [pdf]
  • Hui Zeng, Zisheng Cao, Lei Zhang, Alan C. Bovik: "A unified probabilistic formulation of image aesthetic assessment." TIP (2020) [pdf] [code]
  • Dong Liu, Rohit Puri, Nagendra Kamath, Subhabrata Bhattacharya: "Composition-aware image aesthetics assessment." WACV(2020) [pdf]
  • Weining Wang, Rui Deng: "Modeling human perception for image aesthetic assessme." ICIP (2019) [pdf]
  • Vlad Hosu, Bastian Goldlucke, Dietmar Saupe: "Effective aesthetics prediction with multi-level spatially pooled features." CVPR (2019) [pdf] [code]
  • Xin Jin, Le Wu, Geng Zhao, Xiaodong Li, Xiaokun Zhang, Shiming Ge, Dongqing Zou, Bin Zhou, Xinghui Zhou: "Aesthetic attributes assessment of images." ACM MM (2019) [pdf] [project]
  • Leida Li, Hancheng Zhu, Sicheng Zhao, Guiguang Ding, Hongyan Jiang, Allen Tan: "Personality driven multi-task learning for image aesthetic assessment." ICME (2019) [pdf]
  • Ning Ma, Alexey Volkov, Aleksandr Livshits, Pawel Pietrusinski, Houdong Hu, Mark Bolin: "An universal image attractiveness ranking framework." WACV (2019) [pdf]
  • Jun-Tae Lee, Han-Ul Kim, Chul Lee, Chang-Su Kim: "Photographic composition classification and dominant geometric element detection for outdoor scenes." JVCIR (2018) [pdf] [code]
  • Katja Thömmes* and Ronald Hübner: "Instagram likes for architectural photos can be predicted by quantitative balance measures and curvature." Front Psychol (2018) [pdf]
  • Kekai Sheng, Weiming Dong, Chongyang Ma, Xing Mei, Feiyue Huang, Bao-Gang Hu: "Attention-based multi-patch aggregation for image aesthetic assessment." ACM MM (2018) [pdf] [code]
  • Ning Yu, Xiaohui Shen, Zhe Lin, Radomir Mech, Connelly Barnes: "Learning to detect multiple photographic defects." WACV (2018) [pdf]
  • Keunsoo Ko, Jun Tae Lee, Chang-Su Kim: "PAC-Net: Pairwise aesthetic comparison network for image aesthetic assessment." ICIP (2018) [pdf]
  • Hossein Talebi and Peyman Milanfar: "NIMA: Neural image assessment." TIP (2018) [pdf] [code]
  • Katharina Schwarz, Patrick Wieschollek, Hendrik P. A. Lensch: "Will people like your image? Learning the aesthetic space." WACV (2018) [pdf] [code]
  • Guolong Wang, Junchi Yan, Zheng Qin: "Collaborative and attentive learning for personalized image aesthetic assessment." IJCAI (2018) [pdf]
  • Shuang Ma, Jing Liu, Chang Wen Chen: "A-Lamp: Adaptive layout-aware multi-patch deep convolutional neural network for photo aesthetic assessment." CVPR (2017) [pdf] [code]
  • Jian Ren, Xiaohui Shen, Zhe Lin, Radomir Mech, David J. Foran: "Personalized image aesthetics." ICCV (2017) [pdf] [code]
  • Anselm Brachmann and Christoph Redies: "Computational and experimental approaches to visual aesthetics." Front Hum Neurosci (2017) [pdf]
  • Anselm Brachmann, Erhardt Barth, Christoph Redies: "Using CNN features to better understand what makes visual artworks special." Front Psychol (2017) [pdf]
  • Deng Yubin, Chen Change Loy, Xiaoou Tang: "Image aesthetic assessment: An experimental survey." IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2017) [pdf]
  • Long Mai, Hailin Jin, Feng Liu: "Composition-preserving deep photo aesthetics assessment." CVPR (2016) [pdf]
  • Shu Kong, Xiaohui Shen, Zhe L. Lin, Radomír Mech, Charless C. Fowlkes: "Photo aesthetics ranking network with attributes and content adaptation." ECCV (2016) [pdf] [code]
  • Xin Lu, Zhe Lin, Xiaohui Shen, Radomir Mech, James Z. Wang: "Deep multi-patch aggregation network for image style, aesthetics, and quality estimation." ICCV (2015) [pdf]
  • Xin Lu, Zhe Lin, Hailin Jin, Jianchao Yang, James Z. Wang: "Rapid: Rating pictorial aesthetics using deep learning." ACM MM (2014) [pdf] [code]
  • Naila Murray, Luca Marchesotti, Florent Perronnin: "AVA: A large-scale database for aesthetic visual analysis." CVPR (2012) [pdf]
  • Luca Marchesotti, Florent Perronnin, Diane Larlus, Gabriela Csurka: "Assessing the aesthetic quality of photographs using generic image descriptors." ICCV (2011) [pdf]
  • Sagnik Dhar, Vicente Ordonez, Tamara L Berg: "High level describable attributes for predicting aesthetics and interestingness." CVPR (2011) [pdf]
  • Ritendra Datta, Jia Li, and James Z. Wang: "Algorithmic inferencing of aesthetics and emotion in natural images: An exposition." ICIP (2008) [pdf]

Image Cropping

  • Yang Cheng, Qian Lin, Jan P. Allebach: "Re-Compose the Image by Evaluating the Crop on More Than Just a Score." WACV (2022) [pdf]
  • Zhiyu Pan, Zhiguo Cao, Kewei Wang, Hao Lu, Weicai Zhong: "TransView: Inside, Outside, and Across the Cropping View Boundaries." ICCV (2021) [pdf]
  • Lei Zhong, Feng-Heng Li, Hao-Zhi Huang, Yong Zhang, Shao-Ping Lu, Jue Wang: "Aesthetic-guided outward image cropping." TOG (2021) [pdf]
  • Chaoyi Hong, Shuaiyuan Du, Ke Xian, Hao Lu, Zhiguo Cao, Weicai Zhong: "Composing photos like a photographer." CVPR (2021) [pdf] [code]
  • Debang Li, Junge Zhang, Kaiqi Huang: "Learning to learn cropping models for different aspect ratio requirements." CVPR (2020) [pdf]
  • Debang Li, Junge Zhang, Kaiqi Huang, Ming-Hsuan Yang: "Composing good shots by exploiting mutual relations." CVPR (2020) [pdf] [code]
  • Yi Tu, Li Niu, Weijie Zhao, Dawei Cheng, Liqing Zhang: "Image cropping with composition and saliency aware aesthetic score map." AAAI (2020) [pdf]
  • Hui Zeng, Lida Li, Zisheng Cao, Lei Zhang: "Grid anchor based image cropping: a new benchmark and an efficient model." TPAMI (2020) [pdf] [code]
  • Hui Zeng, Lida Li, Zisheng Cao, Lei Zhang: "Reliable and efficient image cropping: a grid anchor based approach." CVPR (2019) [pdf] [code]
  • Weirui Lu, Xiaofen Xing, Bolun Cai, Xiangmin Xu: "Listwise view ranking for image cropping." IEEE Access (2019) [pdf] [code]
  • Zijun Wei, Jianming Zhang, Xiaohui Shen, Zhe Lin, Radomír Mech, Minh Hoai, Dimitris Samaras: "Good view hunting: learning photo composition from dense view pairs." CVPR (2018) [pdf] [VEN code] [VPN code]
  • Debang Li, Huikai Wu, Junge Zhang, Kaiqi Huang: "A2-RL: aesthetics aware reinforcement learning for image cropping." [pdf] [code]
  • Seyed A. Esmaeili, Bharat Singh, Larry S. Davis: "Fast-At: Fast automatic thumbnail generation using deep neural networks." CVPR (2017) [pdf]
  • Wenguan Wang, Jianbing Shen: "Deep cropping via attention box prediction and aesthetics assessment." ICCV (2017) [pdf]
  • Yi-Ling Chen, Jan Klopp, Min Sun, Shao-Yi Chien, Kwan-Liu Ma: "Learning to compose with professional photographs on the web." ACM MM (2017) [pdf] [code]
  • Yi-Ling Chen, Tzu-Wei Huang, Kai-Han Chang, Yu-Chen Tsai, Hwann-Tzong Chen, Bing-Yu Chen: "Quantitative analysis of automatic image cropping algorithms: a dataset and comparative study." WACV (2017) [pdf]
  • Jiansheng Chen, Gaocheng Bai, Shaoheng Liang, Zhengqin Li: "Automatic image cropping: a computational complexity study." CVPR (2016) [pdf]
  • Jonas Abeln, Leonie Fresz, Seyed Ali Amirshahi, Chris McManus, Michael Koch, Helene Kreysa, Christoph Redies: "Preference for well-balanced saliency in details cropped from photographs." Front Hum Neurosci (2016) [pdf]
  • Chen Fang, Zhe Lin, Radomír Mech, Xiaohui Shen: "Automatic image Cropping using visual composition, boundary simplicity and content preservation models." ACM MM (2014) [pdf]
  • Jianzhou Yan, Stephen Lin, Sing Bing Kang, Xiaoou Tang: "Learning the change for automatic image cropping." CVPR (2013) [pdf]
  • Bongwon Suh, Haibin Ling, Benjamin B. Bederson, David W. Jacobs: "Automatic thumbnail cropping and its effectiveness." UIST (2003) [pdf]

Aesthetic Captioning

  • Xin Jin, Le Wu, Geng Zhao, Xiaodong Li, Xiaokun Zhang, Shiming Ge, Dongqing Zou, Bin Zhou, Xinghui Zhou: "*Aesthetic Attributes Assessment of Images. *" ACM MM (2019) [pdf] [code]
  • Wenshan Wang, Su Yang, Weishan Zhang, Jiulong Zhang: "Neural aesthetic image reviewer." IET Computer Vision (2019) [pdf]
  • Kuang-Yu Chang, Kung-Hung Lu, Chu-Song Chen: "Aesthetic Critiques Generation for Photos." ICCV (2017) [pdf] [code]
  • Ye Zhou, Xin Lu, Junping Zhang, James Z. Wang: "Joint image and text representation for aesthetics analysis." ACM MM (2016) [pdf]


Aesthetic Assessment Datasets

images with aesthetic score/attribute

images with aesthetic caption

image with composition score/label

Image Cropping Datasets

densely annotated (multiple crops in each image are annotated)

sparsely annotated (only the best crop in each image is annotated)


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