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The repository pymolschortucts contains the a collection of shortcuts that are loaded on startup of PyMOL. These shortcuts enable websearches from within PyMOL as well as many other convienent functions that make work in PyMOL more productive..


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This repository for which contains 187 functions in 20 categories mapped to short-names that work like aliases (the table below is incomplete). These shortcuts include many convenience functions that make work in PyMOL more productive and fun! Some shortcuts save the many hours of work required to assemble a new script file while other shortcuts save only a few minutes but lower motivational barriers. You do not need to understand Python to be able run the script. To have the shortcuts always available, add the command 'run ~/' to your pymolrc or pymolrc.pml file in your home directory to load the functions in on startup of PyMOL. In spite of the command run, the functions will be loaded into memory but not executed. Enter SC to get a list of shortcuts printed to the command history window. Enter help PW to print the documentation for the shortcut PW to the command history window. While most shortcuts are ready to use, some shortcuts require the path names to the executables on your computer and some requrie access to Python modules that were not packaged with the incentive version of PyMOL. Use help(shortcutname) to learn how to install the required module(s).

For example, the BW command makes cartoon or sphere representations of the currently loaded molecule into black and white figures suitable for classroom handouts and coloring books for aspiring scientists.

The shortcut PW takes one or more search terms and the sends them to the PyMOL Wiki. A browser tab opens for each search term, so multiple searches are run in parallel while you continue your work in PyMOL. You can inspect the results of the searches when there is a natural break in your work in PyMOL. Other search functions can submit parallel searches of PubMed, Google, bioRxiv, Research Gate, GitHub, and more. See the tables below.

Another class of shortcuts launch your favorite full-featured text editor from within PyMOL. You have to install the text editor and edit the file path to the executable.

Another class of shortcuts opens the manuscript or grant application that you are working on in Overleaf. You have to edit the script by pasting in the appropriate link to the specific document.

Another class of shortcuts saves files with timestamps embedded in the filename to avoid overwriting png, pdb, pse, and other types of files written out from PyMOL. These save function names begin with s, (e.g., spse filename saves the current session with date and time to nearest second embedded in the file name). You can delete the unwanted version(s) at a latter time. These functions are useful if you do not have these files under version control.

The functions are stored in a single file:

Edit the file paths to outside executables like text editors. The shortcuts work best on the command line below the command history window because you can copy and paste text onto this command line.

Videos that demonstrate representatives from each class of shortcut are planned.

Print shortcuts and their descriptions

Shortcuts Description
SC Print to screen list of the shortcuts that are available in the script
github Print the url of the README file for the pymolshortcuts repository.

Show many models (NMR and crystal packing)

Shortcuts Description
nmr Show all of the models in nmr structure.
nmroff Hide all but first model in a nmr structure.
rmsc Remove supercell and the symmetry mates.
sc111 Make a lattice of 1 x 1 x 1 unit cells.
sc221 Make a lattice of 2 x 2 x 1 unit cells.
sc112 Make a lattice of 1 x 1 x 2 unit cells.
sc222 Make a lattice of 2 x 2 x 2 unit cells.
sc331 Make a lattice of 3 x 3 x 1 unit cells.
sc313 Make a lattice of 3 x 1 x 3 unit cells.
sc133 Make a lattice of 1 x 3 x 3 unit cells.
sc333 Make a lattice of 3 x 3 x 3 unit cells.

Save files with date and time in filename

Shortcuts Description
saln Save a aln file (alignment file) with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work..
scif Save a cif file (Crystallographic Information File) with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work..
sccp4 Save a ccp4 file (CCP4 electron density map file) with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work..
sdae Save a dae file (Collada File) with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work..
sdat Save dat file (output data file) with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work.
sfasta Save a fasta file (sequence file) with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work..
sidtf Save a idtf file (Intermediate Data Text Format) with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work..
smae Save mae file (Maestro file) with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work.
smmd Save mmd file (Macromodel file) with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work.
smmod Save mmd file (Macromodel file) with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work.
spmo Save pmo file (XYZ, binary format file) with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work.
smoe Save moe file (Molecular Operating Environment) with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work.
smol Save mol file with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work.
smol2 Save mol2 (Sybyl file format) file with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work.
smtl Save mtl (Wavefront Material file format) file with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work.
sobj Save obj file (Wavefront mesh file) with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work.
sout Save out file (output data file) with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work.
spdb Save pdb file with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work..
spkl Save a pkl file (Python pickle file) with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work..
spkla Save a pkla file (Python pickle file) with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work..
spng Save png file with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work.
spov Save pov (POV-ray tracing file format) file with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work.
spqr Save pqr file with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work.
spse Read as a commandline argument, a string as the filename stem or
ssdf Save sdf file with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work.
swrl Save wrl (VRML 2 file format) file with a time stamp included in the filename to avoid overwriting work.

Make molecular representations that are not available in PyMOL

Shortcuts Description
AO Commands to make ambient occlusion image like those in Qutemole.
AOD Make ambient occlusion image of any with dark carbon atoms.
BW Commands to make black-and white-ribbon cartoon on a white background.
BU Commands to make biological unit. Requires a pdb file. There are
CB Loads Jared Sampson's script "" from the
CR Commands to make colored filled-ring cartoon of nucleic acids. May
CSS Commands to color ribbon or cartoon representations of proteins by
CBSS Apply colorblind-friendly coloring to ribbon or cartoon representations.
DU Make dumbbell (ribbons with rolled edges) cartoon of the main chains of nucleic acids and proteins.
FR Make filled-ring cartoon of nucleic acids. May need to enter 'hide everything' first.
HH Hide hydrogen atoms of currently visible molecular objects.
PE Apply pearl effect about cations. Must supply selection.
PU Make putty cartoon of main chain of nucleic acids and proteins.
SE Commands to make SAXS envelope from a bead model.
getchem Create selections based on the biophysical properties of each residue.
timcolor Use Tim Mather's coloring scheme applied to the selections defined in getchem().

Launch a full-featured text editor from PyMOL

Shortcuts Description
atom Open file with the text editor Atom from within PyMOL.
bbedit Open file with the text editor bbedit from within PyMOL.
code Open file with Visual Studio Code from within PyMOL.
emacs Open file with emacs from within PyMOL.
gedit Open file with gedit from within PyMOL.
jedit Open file with jedit from within PyMOL.
mate Open file with Textmate (Mac OS only) from within PyMOL.
notepadpp Open file with notepadpp (Mac OS only) from within PyMOL.
nv Open file with neovim from within PyMOL.
oni Open the editor Oni from within PyMOL.
pdbed Open PDBEditor.jar from within PyMOL.
st3 Open sublime text 3 from within PyMOL.
vim Open vim from within PyMOL.

Open word processord

Shortcuts Description
word Open word from within PyMOL.

Open data analysis programs

Shortcuts Description
cranR Open the Cran R from within PyMOL.
ddb Open the DBBrowserSQLite.
excel Open the excel from within PyMOL.
JASP Open the JASP from within PyMOL.
JMP Open the JMP from within PyMOL.
jabref Open the jabref from within PyMOL.
julia Open the jabref from within PyMOL.
oc Open the jabref from within PyMOL.
ppt Open the powerpoint from within PyMOL.

Open terminal windows

Shortcuts Description
iterm Open iTerm2 window on MacOS.
term Open a Terminal window on MacOS.

Open other molecular graphics programs

Shortcuts Description
ccp4mg Open ccp4mg from within PyMOL.
chimera Open Chimera from within PyMOL.
coot Open coot from within PyMOL.
jmol Open Jmol from within PyMOL.
vmd Open vmd from within PyMOL.
yasara Open the molecular graphics prograom YASASRA from within PyMOL.

Image manipulation programs

Shortcuts Description
gimp Open the molecular graphics program with gimp from within PyMOL.
inkscape Open the molecular graphics program with gimp from within PyMOL.

Open certain webapps

Shortcuts Description
gcal Open Google Calendar.
GM Open gmail.
WM Open Web Mail in defualt browser. Adjust url for your institution.
WS Open National Weather Service website for locale.


Shortcuts Description
GGT WT human gamma glutamyl transpeptidase at 1.67 Angstrom
GU 10-mer dsRNA with 8 contiguous Us. U-helix RNA.
N9 Influenza N9 neuraminidase at 1.55 Angstrom resolution, PDB code 4dgr.
T4L WT T4 lysozyme as ribbon diagram (1.08 Ang): 3FA0.
U8 16-mer dsRNA with 8 contiguous Us. U-helix RNA (1.37 Ang): 3nd3.
WC8 16-mer dsRNA, Watson-Crick helix RNA. 1.55 Angstrom

Commands to display complex scenes.

Shortcuts Description
BST G2G3/U9U8 base step , PDB code 4PCO.
LG Nine sugar glycan in influenza N9 neuraminidase at
NA Hydrated sodium cation bound in major groove of a

Commands to display complex scenes with pdb files on computer.

Shortcuts Description
LGGT WT human gamma glutamyl transpeptidase at 1.67 Angstrom
LGU 10-mer dsRNA.
LN9 Influenza N9 neuraminidase at 1.55 Angstrom resolution, PDB code
LT4L Display WT T4 lysozyme as ribbon diagram (resoluton 1.08 Ang): 3FA0.
LU8 16-mer dsRNA with 8 contiguous Us. U-helix RNA (1.37 Ang): 3nd3.
LWC8 16-mer dsRNA, Watson-Crick helix RNA. 1.55 Angstrom
LBST G2G3/U9U8 base step , PDB code 4PCO.
LLG Nine sugar glycan in influenza N9 neuraminidase at
LNA Hydrated sodium cation bound in major groove of a

Re-orient molecule

Shortcuts Description
oy Align long axis of molecule along z-axis.
omxy Align long axis of molecule along minus x-y axis.
oxy Align long axis of molecule along x-y axis.
oz Align long axis of molecule along y-axis.

Horizontal scripting

Shortcuts Description
cntfiles Count number of files in current directory.
cntpdb Count number of pdb files in current directory.
rline Enter "help(rline)" to refresh memory of the readline commands.
rv Get the view settings in a compact format on one line.

Print commands for using git for version control

Shortcuts Description
gitAdd Enter help(gitAdd) to print steps for adding a file to version control.
gitCommit Enter help(gitInit) to print steps for saving updates to a file under version control.
gitInit Enter help(gitInit) to print steps for creating a git repository.
gitPull Enter help(gitPush) to print steps to send to updates to a repository on
gitPush Enter help(gitPush) to print steps to send to updates to a repository on

Send search term(s) to websites with search boxes.

Shortcuts Description
AB Send search term or phrase to Books in default browser.
def # Send search term or phrase to books in default browser.
GB Send search term or phrase to in default browser.
GH Send search term or phrase to GitHub in default browser.
GHN Send search term or phrase to GitHub in default browser.
GO Send search term or phrase Google in default browser.
GON Send search term or phrase Google in default browser and opens the top N results in N new tabs.
GS Send search term or phrase to Google Scholar in default browser.
GSN Send search term or phrase to Google Scholar in default browser.
GV Send search term or phrase to Google Videos in default browser.
GVN Send search term or phrase to Google Videos in default browser.
MA Send search term to all searchable websites in pymolshortcuts:
MB Send search term to search multiple sites for term in books:
MC Send search term to search ten core websites in pymolshortcuts:
MM Send search term to search for manuscripts in pymolshortcuts:
PDB Submit a search term to the Protein Data Bank.
PDBN Submit a search term to the Protein Data Bank and open the top N hits in separate tabs.
PML Submit a search term to the PyMOL Users Mail Service.
PMLN Submit a search term to the PyMOL Users Mail Service.
PM Send search term or phrase to PubMed.
PMN Send search term or phrase to PubMed and open top N hits in separate tabs.
IPM Read list of search terms and submit each term to PubMed in a separate browser tab.
IPMN Read list of search terms and submit each term to PubMed in a separate browser tab.
RG Submit a search query of Research Gate.
RGN Submit a search query of Research Gate and open the top N hits in sepearte tabs.
SD Submit a search term to Science Direct.
SDN Submit a search term to Science Direct and open the top N hits in sepearte tabs.
SF Send search term to sourceforge.
SFN Send search term to sourceforge and open the top N hits in sepearte tabs.
SP Submit a search term to Springer Books
SPN Submit a search term to Springer Books and open the top N hits in sepearte tabs.

Open static web sites

Shortcuts Description
ACA Open the American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting webpage.
ALS Open website of the Advanced Light Source.
APS Open website of the Advanced Photon Source.
AX Send search term or phrase to arXiv.
BC Open the webpage of the BIOCAT biological SAXS beamline at the Advanced Photon Source.
BD Open the webpage of the Small Angle Scattering Biological Data Bank (SASBDB).
BX Send search term or phrase to bioRxiv
CH Open the webste of UCSF Chimera.
CHESS Open the website of CHESS.
EMDB Open the website of the Electron Microscopy Data Bank.
EP EasyPyMOL github site.
JM Open the Jmol wiki.
IUCR Open website of the IUCr Journals.
LBSF Open website of Laboratory of Biomolecular Structure and Function, the X-ray diffraction core facility at OUHSC.
MCL Open website of Macromolecular Crystallography Laboratory at the University of Oklahoma.
MG Open website of the OUHSC molecular graphics course.
NDB Open website of the Nucleic Acid Database.
notPyMOL Open website with list of other molecular graphics programs.
NSLSII Open the website of the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLSII) at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
PPC Open the website of the Protein Production Facility at the University of Oklahoma in Norman.
PS Open the home page of the Protein Soceity.
PW Submit search of the PyMOL Wiki.
RS Open the homepage of the RNA Society.
SAXS Open the webpage of SAXS links at OUHSC.
SB Open the webpage of SSRL Biological SAXS at BL 4-2.
SBGRID Open the webpage of the Structural Biology Grid (SBGRID) YouTube Channel.
SciPy18 Open the SciPy 2018 YouTube Channel.
SSRL Open the webpage of SSRL Structural Molecular Biology.
SSURF Open the webpage of the Society for Science at User Research Facilities (SSURF).
SO Submit a search term to Stackoverflow.


Shortcuts Description
ms2pdf Send molecular surface or ribbon cartoon from PyMOL to 3dpdf.
topdf Send stick models as pse file from PyMOL through Jmol to 3DPDF.


The repository pymolschortucts contains the a collection of shortcuts that are loaded on startup of PyMOL. These shortcuts enable websearches from within PyMOL as well as many other convienent functions that make work in PyMOL more productive..







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