A MIDI Music generator based on python-rtmidi implementaton.
You will need python3 for this. also preferred is virtualenv and latest version of pip installed.
- clone this repo
- create a python virtual env for python3, and activate it:
virtualenv -p $(which python3) <repo location>
source <repo location>/bin/activate
- install all of the requirements:
pip install -r /path/to/repo/requirements.txt
- find the list of available midi devices on your machine via the provided method, and take note of the one you wish to send output to:
cd src
python listmidiports.py
- set the
environment variable to whatever device you wish to send output to:
export MIDI_PORT='name of midi port device from step 4'
this step is not strictly necessary. If the port is left empty, the output will be sent omni (to all exposed midi devices taking output).
- run the test to ensure everything is working. your MIDI output device should be sent a scale as well as some random notes:
cd src
python test.py
please feel free to contribute in any way you see fit.