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Wrapper for Advantage API calls, generated by Swagger.

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This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: v1
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen


PHP 5.5 and later

Installation & Usage


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "git",
      "url": ""

Then run composer require worldnewsgroup/advantage_api

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

use Advantage\Advantage;
use Advantage\Environment as AdvantageEnvironment;
use Advantage\Client\Model\SupportLogCreateRequest();

AdvantageEnvironment::configure($endpoint, $username, $password);

$acsApi = Advantage::getApi('AcsApi');

$support_log_create_request = new SupportLogCreateRequest(); // \Swagger\Client\Model\SupportLogCreateRequest | A SupportLogCreateRequest object

try {
    $result = $ascApi->acsCreateSupportLog($support_log_create_request);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AcsApi->acsCreateSupportLog: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost/advantage-api

Class Method HTTP request Description
AcsApi acsCreateSupportLog POST /acs/support-logs Creates a new client support log
AcsApi acsCreateSupportLogComment POST /acs/support-logs/{cslNumber}/comments Creates a new CSL comment
AcsApi acsGetClient GET /acs/clients/{customerNumber} Gets client information given
AcsApi acsGetClientArea GET /acs/clients/{customerNumber}/areas/{areaCode} Get an area for a client.
AcsApi acsGetClientAreas GET /acs/clients/{customerNumber}/areas Get all areas for a client.
AcsApi acsGetClientByAbbreviation GET /acs/clients/by-abbreviation/{clientAbbreviation} Gets client information given
AcsApi acsGetClientContact GET /acs/clients/{customerNumber}/contacts/{contactNumber} Get information about a client contact person.
AcsApi acsGetClientContacts GET /acs/clients/{customerNumber}/contacts Get all contact people for a client.
AcsApi acsGetClientJob GET /acs/clients/{customerNumber}/jobs/{jobCode} Get a job for a client.
AcsApi acsGetClientJobs GET /acs/clients/{customerNumber}/jobs Get all jobs for a client.
AcsApi acsGetClients GET /acs/clients Get all active clients.
AcsApi acsGetSupportLog GET /acs/support-logs/{cslNumber} Gets information about a client support log
AcsApi acsGetSupportLogComments GET /acs/support-logs/{cslNumber}/comments Get all comments for a client support log
AcsApi acsSearchSupportLogs GET /acs/support-logs Get information for client support logs matching a search argument.
AdvantageUserApi advantageUserGetSetting GET /advantage-users/{username}/settings/{settingName1}/{settingName2}/{settingName3} Get a user setting from an Advantage User
AdvantageUserApi advantageUserSetSetting POST /advantage-users/{username}/settings Set an existing user setting for an Advantage User, or create a new one if the setting doesn't already exist.
AgreementApi agreementCancel POST /agreements/{agreementId}/cancel Finds and cancels the specified agreement.
AgreementApi agreementChangeAssociationMembershipLevel POST /agreements/{agreementId}/change-association-level Finds and changes the level of an association membership agreement.
AgreementApi agreementGet GET /agreements/{agreementId} Finds and returns the specified agreement.
AgreementApi agreementGetCancelCreditAmounts GET /agreements/{agreementId}/cancel-credits Finds and calculates the amount of the credit that would be created if the agreement were cancelled. If the {cutoffDate} or {cancelQuantity} are not provided, then the default values will be used when calculating the cancellation credits.
AgreementApi agreementRenew POST /agreements/{agreementId}/renew Finds and renews the specified agreement.
AgreementApi agreementReplaceParticipants PUT /agreements/{agreementId}/participants Replace the list of participants for the agreement
AgreementApi agreementSearch GET /agreements Returns all agreements having the specified customerNumber as the bill-to, order-by, or participating customer.
AgreementApi agreementUpdate POST /agreements/{agreementId} Update an existing agreement.
AssociationMembershipApi associationMembershipGetAssociationDiscountBenefit GET /association-memberships/discounts/{discountCode}
AssociationMembershipApi associationMembershipGetAssociationThirdPartyBenefit GET /association-memberships/benefits/{benefitCode}
AssociationMembershipApi associationMembershipSearchDirectory GET /association-memberships/{associationItemNumber}/directory
AssociationMembershipApi associationMembershipUpdateBenefit POST /association-memberships/benefits/{benefitCode}
AssociationMembershipApi associationMembershipUpdateDiscount POST /association-memberships/discounts/{discountCode}
AssociationMembershipApi associationMembershipUpdateLevel POST /products/{itemNumber}/levels/{associationLevel}
AuthApi authByAthens POST /auth/{authenticationGroup}/athens/{hostCode} Gets the authorizations for a customer, validated by Athens.
AuthApi authByEmail POST /auth/{authenticationGroup}/email/{emailAddress}/{hostCode} Gets the authorizations for a customer, validated by email and password.
AuthApi authByIp POST /auth/{authenticationGroup}/ip/{hostCode} Gets the authorizations for a customer, validated by IP address.
AuthApi authByShibboleth POST /auth/{authenticationGroup}/shibboleth/{hostCode} Gets the authorizations for a customer, validated by Shibboleth.
AuthApi authBySingleSignOn POST /auth/{authenticationGroup}/single-sign-on/{hostCode} Get the authorizations for a customer, validated by single sign on.
AuthApi authByUsername POST /auth/{authenticationGroup}/username/{username}/{hostCode} Gets the authorizations for a customer, validated by username and password.
AuthApi authGetCustomerAuthentications GET /customers/{customerNumber}/authentications Finds and returns authentication information for a given customer number.
AuthApi authGetCustomerAuthentications_0 GET /customers/{customerNumber}/authentications/authentication-group/{authenticationGroup} Finds and returns authentication information for a given customer number.
AuthenticationGroupApi authenticationGroupCreateOrUpdate POST /authentication-groups Create or Update an Authentication Group from an AuthenticationGroupIn Model
AuthenticationGroupApi authenticationGroupGet GET /authentication-groups/{authenticationGroupCode} Gets Authentication Group.
AuthenticationGroupApi authenticationGroupRemove DELETE /authentication-groups/{authenticationGroupCode} Removes an Authentication Group
AuthenticationGroupApi authenticationGroupUpdate POST /authentication-groups/{authenticationGroupCode} Update an Authentication Group from an AuthenticationGroupUpdateRequest Model
BankAccountApi bankAccountCreateOrUpdate POST /customers/{customerNumber}/bank-accounts/{billingOrganization}/{billingCurrencyCode} Saves (creates) a bank account for a customer to use with direct debit payments. If the bank account is already on file it will be updated.
BankAccountApi bankAccountGet GET /customers/{customerNumber}/bank-accounts/{billingOrganization}/{billingCurrencyCode}/{electronicPaymentId} Find and return the given saved direct debit payment method.
BankAccountApi bankAccountGetEligibleUses GET /customers/{customerNumber}/bank-accounts/{billingOrganization}/{currencyCode}/{electronicPaymentId}/eligible-uses Gets the subscriptions and agreements that are eligible for being auto-charged with the specified saved bank account. Only subscriptions and agreements that are already being auto-charged with a bank account or credit card are included. Eligible subscriptions and agreements that are already auto-charged with the specified saved bank account are also included.
BankAccountApi bankAccountGetUses GET /customers/{customerNumber}/bank-accounts/{billingOrganization}/{currencyCode}/{electronicPaymentId}/uses Gets the subscriptions and agreements that currently use a given direct debit. orders not currently support for bank accounts
BankAccountApi bankAccountGetValidDirectDebitTypes GET /payment-methods/direct-debit/{billingOrganization}/{billingCurrency} Gets the available direct debit payment codes for a given organization and currency
BankAccountApi bankAccountGet_0 GET /customers/{customerNumber}/bank-accounts/{billingOrganization}/{billingCurrencyCode} Find and return all saved direct debit payment methods for the given customer.
BankAccountApi bankAccountUpdate POST /customers/{customerNumber}/bank-accounts/{billingOrganization}/{billingCurrencyCode}/{electronicPaymentId} Update a direct debit (bank account) payment method.
BankAccountApi bankAccountValidate POST /bank-accounts/validate/{billingOrganization}/{billingCurrency} Validates provided bank account information.
BatchRequestApi batchRequestRequestJobstream POST /batch-requests/jobstreams Request Process via the Rest API <param name=&quot;request&quot;>The jobstream name and request parameters</param>
BatchRequestApi batchRequestRequestProcess POST /batch-requests/processes Request Process via the Rest API <param name=&quot;request&quot;>The process name and request parameters</param>
BroadcastMessageApi broadcastMessageCreateBroadcastMessage POST /broadcast-messages Create a new broadcast message
BroadcastMessageApi broadcastMessageDeleteBroadcastMessage DELETE /broadcast-messages/{broadcastMessageId} Delete a specific broadcast message
BroadcastMessageApi broadcastMessageGet GET /broadcast-messages Get the list of all broadcast messages
BroadcastMessageApi broadcastMessageUpdateBroadcastMessage POST /broadcast-messages/{broadcastMessageId} Update a broadcast message
CallListApi callListEndCall POST /call-lists/end-call Begins an inbound call. The inbound call list is unique for each rep and, and will only contain the inbound calls that were not linked to existing calls.
CallListApi callListFindOrAddInboundCallList POST /call-lists/begin-inbound-call Finds or creates the inbound call list for the given sales rep.
CallListApi callListGet GET /call-lists/{listId}/{listDate} Gets Sales Rep.
CallListApi callListGetCallListAssignments GET /call-lists/{listId}/{listDate}/assignments Gets call assignments for the given call list.
CallListApi callListGetCallListAssignmentsBySalesRep GET /call-lists/{salesRepCode}/assignments Gets call assignments for the given call list.
CallListApi callListGetCallListOutcomes GET /call-lists/{listId}/{listDate}/outcomes Get information about each outcome for a particular call list.
CallListApi callListGetCallOutcomes GET /call-lists/call-outcomes Returns the resolution codes for each outcome code valid for the current call. Returns all resolution/outcome codes if an empty value is passed in for listId.
CallListApi callListGetCallOutcomesBySalesRep GET /call-lists/{salesRepCode}/outcomes Get information about each outcome for a particular sales rep.
CallListApi callListGetCallsList GET /call-lists/{listId}/{listDate}/calls Gets the calls for a call list
CallListApi callListGetList GET /call-lists/{listId} Gets List of Call Lists.
CallListApi callListGetValidCallOutcomes GET /call-lists/{listId}/{listDate}/valid-outcomes Returns the list of valid call outcomes for the specified call list
CallListApi callListSearch GET /call-lists Gets list of call lists.
CallListApi callListUpdateCallListAssignment POST /call-lists/update Updates assigned call totals for sales representatives
CampaignApi campaignCreate POST /campaigns/{campaignCode} Creates a new campaign.
CampaignApi campaignSearch GET /campaigns Get all campaigns matching the search argument.
CardVaultApi cardVaultGetClientSettingsByUrl GET /card-vault/clients Returns the CardVault client settings for a specified URL
CatalogApi catalogGet GET /product-catalogs Gets the catalog, starting at the root level. A catalog is an organized as a multi-level collection of subjects and the products assigned to those subjects.
CatalogApi catalogGet_0 GET /product-catalogs/{parentId} Gets the catalog, starting at the given subject tree level. A catalog is an organized as a multi-level collection of subjects and the products assigned to those subjects.
ConferenceApi conferenceCreateConferenceChoice POST /conferences/{conferenceId}/choices Creates a conference choice and the sessions that will be associated with it
ConferenceApi conferenceGet GET /conferences/{conferenceId} Get information for a given conference
ConferenceApi conferenceGetChoice GET /conferences/{conferenceId}/choices/{choiceCode} Returns a conference choice and all sessions associated with that choice code
ConferenceApi conferenceGetChoices GET /conferences/{conferenceId}/choices Returns the list of all choices associated with a conference
ConferenceApi conferenceGetLocations GET /conferences/{conferenceId}/locations Returns the list of all locations associated with a conference
ConferenceApi conferenceGetSession GET /conferences/{conferenceId}/sessions/{sessionId} Returns a conference session
ConferenceApi conferenceGetSessions GET /conferences/{conferenceId}/sessions Returns the list of all sessions associated with a conference
ConferenceApi conferenceUpdateConferenceChoice POST /conferences/{conferenceId}/choices/{choiceCode} Update an existing conference choice and associated sessions
ConferenceApi conferenceUpdateConferenceLocation POST /conferences/{conferenceId}/locations/{locationId} Update an existing conference location
ConferenceApi conferenceUpdateConferenceSession POST /conferences/{conferenceId}/sessions/{sessionId} Update an existing conference session.
ConferenceAttendeeApi conferenceAttendeeCancel POST /conference-registrations/{registrationId}/attendees/{registrationSequence}/cancel Removes an attendee from a conference registration
ConferenceAttendeeApi conferenceAttendeeGet GET /conference-registrations/{registrationId}/attendees/{registrationSequence} Gets a specific conference attendee by ID and sequence
ConferenceAttendeeApi conferenceAttendeeUpdate POST /conference-registrations/{registrationId}/attendees/{registrationSequence} Updates the specified attendee on a conference registration
ConferenceRegistrationApi conferenceRegistrationCancel POST /conference-registrations/{registrationId}/cancel Cancel a conference registration for the given registration Id. All attendees under the registration will be cancelled.
ConferenceRegistrationApi conferenceRegistrationGet GET /conference-registrations/{registrationId} Gets a specific conference registration by ID
ConferenceRegistrationApi conferenceRegistrationSearch GET /conference-registrations Gets the list of conference registrations based on search criteria
ContinuingEducationApi continuingEducationCreateCredit POST /customers/{customerNumber}/continuing-education-credits Creates a new continuing education credit for the specified customer in Advantage
ContinuingEducationApi continuingEducationGet GET /continuing-education-providers Retrieves the list of all continuing education providers
ContinuingEducationApi continuingEducationGetCredits GET /customers/{customerNumber}/continuing-education-credits Retrieves the list of all credits earned by the specified customer
ControlGroupApi controlGroupBalance POST /control-groups/{controlGroupDate}/{controlGroupCode}/balance Checks control totals to see if they match actual totals for the current control group. An error is thrown if the control totals don't balance. The MST120 process, which does additional payment validation is also requested. This process does its validation asynchronously, but can be instructed to automatically release the control group when it is finished. A control group cannot be released until the control totals balance and the payment validation has been passed.
ControlGroupApi controlGroupCloseControlGroup POST /control-groups/{controlGroupDate}/{controlGroupCode}/close Closes a current control group preventing entry of orders into it.
ControlGroupApi controlGroupCreateOrUpdate POST /control-groups Create or Update a Control Group from a ControlGroupIn Model
ControlGroupApi controlGroupGet GET /control-groups/{controlGroupDate}/{controlGroupCode} Gets a Control Group base on Date and ID
ControlGroupApi controlGroupOpen POST /control-groups/{controlGroupDate}/{controlGroupCode}/open Opens a control group enabling entry of orders into it.
ControlGroupApi controlGroupPurge POST /control-groups/{controlGroupDate}/{controlGroupCode}/purge Requests the MST830 process to delete all unposted orders in the current control group. This process deletes the orders asynchronously.
ControlGroupApi controlGroupRelease POST /control-groups/{controlGroupDate}/{controlGroupCode}/release Releases a current control group. A control group must be closed and balanced before it can be released. Releasing a control group indicates that all orders in the control group are done and ready to be posted.
ControlGroupApi controlGroupRemove DELETE /control-groups/{controlGroupDate}/{controlGroupCode} Removes a Control Group
ControlGroupApi controlGroupUnrelease POST /control-groups/{controlGroupDate}/{controlGroupCode}/unrelease Un-releases the current control group indicating that its orders are not yet ready to be posted. A control group cannot be unreleased if any of its orders have been posted.
ControlGroupApi controlGroupUpdate POST /control-groups/{controlGroupDate}/{controlGroupCode} Update a Control Group from a ControlGroupUpdateRequest Model
CountryApi countryGet GET /countries Get all valid countries.
CountryApi countryGetPostalCode GET /countries/{countryCode}/postal-codes/{postalCode} Get all valid countries.
CountryApi countryGetPostalCodes GET /countries/{countryCode}/postal-codes Get all postal codes by country
CountryApi countryGetPostalCodes_0 GET /countries/{countryCode}/states/{stateCode}/postal-codes Get all postal codes by country and state
CountryApi countryGetStates GET /countries/{countryCode}/states Get a list of valid states for the given country. Note that if an empty string is a valid country code in your system (perhaps used for the default country) then you should pass the word &quot;blank&quot; as the country code in place of an actual empty string.
CountryApi countryGet_0 GET /countries/{countryCode} Get information about the specified country. Note that if an empty string is a valid country code in your system (perhaps used for the default country) then you should pass the word &quot;blank&quot; as the country code in place of an actual empty string.
CouponApi couponGetUses GET /customers/{customerNumber}/coupon-uses/{couponCode} Get all customer uses of a particular coupon
CreditApi creditReassign POST /credits/{voucherId}/reassign Reassigns specified credit to new customer. This causes the specified voucher to first be reversed via a credit reversal, after which a second new credit is created, for reassignment to the new customer or debit number specified in ReassignCreditRequest.
CreditCardApi creditCardAuthorize POST /authorizations Creates a new authorization without creating an order or customer.
CreditCardApi creditCardAuthorizeAndCreateCustomer POST /pre-authorizations Creates a new authorization without creating an order. If authorization is successful, Advantage automatically creates a customer note and links it to the ARPCCT-M record for the authorization.
CreditCardApi creditCardCreateOrUpdate POST /customers/{customerNumber}/credit-cards/{billingOrganization}/{currencyCode} Creates a new credit card payment method for the given customer.
CreditCardApi creditCardGet GET /customers/{customerNumber}/credit-cards/{billingOrganization}/{currencyCode}/{electronicPaymentId} Get a credit card.
CreditCardApi creditCardGetEligibleUses GET /customers/{customerNumber}/credit-cards/{billingOrganization}/{currencyCode}/{electronicPaymentId}/eligible-uses Gets the subscriptions and agreements that are eligible for being auto-charged with the specified saved credit card. Only subscriptions and agreements that are already being auto-charged with a bank account or credit card are included. Eligible subscriptions and agreements that are already auto-charged with the specified saved payment are also included.
CreditCardApi creditCardGetUses GET /customers/{customerNumber}/credit-cards/{billingOrganization}/{currencyCode}/{electronicPaymentId}/uses Gets the subscriptions, agreements and orders that currently use a credit card.
CreditCardApi creditCardGetValidCardTypes GET /payment-methods/credit-cards/{billingOrganization}/{currencyCode} Get a list of valid card types.
CreditCardApi creditCardGetValidPaymentCodesByPrefix GET /credit-cards/valid-payment-codes Returns a list of valid pay codes for a specified credit card prefix
CreditCardApi creditCardGet_0 GET /customers/{customerNumber}/credit-cards/{billingOrganization}/{currencyCode} Get all valid credit cards for the given customer.
CreditCardApi creditCardUpdate POST /customers/{customerNumber}/credit-cards/{billingOrganization}/{currencyCode}/{electronicPaymentId} Updates an existing credit card.
CustomerApi customerActivate POST /customers/{customerNumber}/activate Create a login and attach it to an already existing customer.
CustomerApi customerAddOrUpdateCustomerEmails POST /customers/{customerNumber}/Emails Adds or Updates all of the customer email addresses in the list. If an email address does not exist, it is added. If it does exist, is updated with the information provided. The email address value must be provided in each element in the list. The email Id will be ignored if not provided. Values in the list which are null will not be updated. On a new record, IsEmailValid will default to true.
CustomerApi customerCreate POST /customers Creates a new customer and optionally assigns a username/password to register the customer on a website. If the customer name is provided then the individual name fields (i.e. name title, name first, etc.) are ignored; their values will be derived by parsing the customer name parameter. If the customer name is not provided then the individual name fields will be used to populate the customer address record instead. By default, a search is made to see if this customer would be considered a duplicate. If an &quot;exact&quot; match is found with an existing customer (see the WEB/DUPMTCEX option) then a new customer is NOT created. Instead, the existing customer number is returned. Examine the address code in the response to see which address code was used. The address code may not be the same as the requested address code if a duplicate customer was found.
CustomerApi customerCreateRelationship POST /customers/{customerNumber}/relationships Creates a new customer relationship in Advantage
CustomerApi customerGet GET /customers/{customerNumber} Gets customer and address information for a given customer number.
CustomerApi customerGetAccountBalance GET /customers/{customerNumber}/account-balance Get the account balance for the given customer.
CustomerApi customerGetActivity GET /customers/{customerNumber}/activity Gets all activity for a given customer.
CustomerApi customerGetAddress GET /customers/{customerNumber}/addresses/{addressCode} Find and return addresses for a given customer number and address code.
CustomerApi customerGetAddresses GET /customers/{customerNumber}/addresses Gets all of the addresses for a given customer.
CustomerApi customerGetAvailableCreditAmount GET /customers/{customerNumber}/available-credits/{currencyCode}/total Gets the amount of credits available on the customers account.
CustomerApi customerGetByBankAccount GET /customers/by-bank-account/{bankId}/{accountNumber} Search for customers by bank account. This is a preliminary API, subject to change.
CustomerApi customerGetByCreditCard GET /customers/by-credit-card/{cardNumber} Search for customers by bank account. This is a preliminary API, subject to change.
CustomerApi customerGetCustomerActivityAr GET /customers/activity/{systemModule}/{activityId}/{activityTerm}/accountsReceivable Gets all A/R tied to a specific customer activity.
CustomerApi customerGetCustomerCalls GET /customers/{customerNumber}/calls Gets list of calls for the given customer
CustomerApi customerGetCustomerDefaults GET /customer-types/{customerTypeCode}/defaults Get customer defaults by customer type.
CustomerApi customerGetDefaultAddress GET /customers/{customerNumber}/addresses/customer-default Find and return default address information for a given customer number.
CustomerApi customerGetEmails GET /customers/{customerNumber}/emails Gets all of the email addresses for a given customer.
CustomerApi customerGetPendingPremiums GET /customers/{customerNumber}/pending-premiums Get a list of pending premium items for this customer.
CustomerApi customerGetRelationships GET /customers/{customerNumber}/relationships Get a list of relationships for this customer.
CustomerApi customerGetSavedCreditCards GET /customers/{customerNumber}/saved-payment-methods/credit-cards Get a list of saved credit cards for this customer. This is a preliminary API, subject to change.
CustomerApi customerGetSavedPayments GET /customers/{customerNumber}/saved-payment-methods Get saved payments for the given customer
CustomerApi customerGetUnpaidDebits GET /customers/{customerNumber}/unpaid-invoices Retrieves a list of unpaid debits for the specified customer, as determined by the value of the DBT_PAD field. This includes debits that have unposted credit applications for the remaining balance.
CustomerApi customerGetUsers GET /customers/{customerNumber}/users Gets all users for the given customer.
CustomerApi customerGetUsers_0 GET /customers/{customerNumber}/users/{authenticationGroupCode} Gets all users for the given customer.
CustomerApi customerSearch GET /customers Gets customers matching the filter criteria. Filters are passed as a URI parameter in the format &lt;Field&gt;.&lt;Operator&gt;=&lt;Value&gt;. For example, /customers?FirstName.CN=Matt or /customer-addresses?FirstName.EQ=John&amp;LastName.EQ=Doe
CustomerApi customerSearchAddresses GET /customer-addresses Gets customer addresses matching the filter criteria. Filters are passed as a URI parameter in the format &lt;Field&gt;.&lt;Operator&gt;=&lt;Value&gt;. For example, /customer-addresses?FirstName.CN=Matt or /customer-addresses?FirstName.EQ=John&amp;LastName.EQ=Doe
CustomerApi customerSearchAvailableCredits GET /customers/{customerNumber}/available-credits Gets the unapplied credits available on the customers account.
CustomerApi customerSearchOrderedForProducts GET /customers/{customerNumber}/ordered-for-products
CustomerApi customerSearchOrderedProducts GET /customers/{customerNumber}/ordered-products Get a list of items purchased by this customer. Filtered by new, renewal and complimentary items. This is a preliminary API, subject to change.
CustomerApi customerUpdate POST /customers/{customerNumber} Updates all of the customer addresses for the given customer. If an address does not exist, it is added. If it does exist, is updated with the information provided. In the case of an address update: If the address is a temporary address that is currently in effect, changes to the address will not become effective until the CDS750 address swapping process runs. In the case of a new address: If the customer name is provided then the individual name fields (i.e. name title, name first, etc.) are ignored; their values will be derived by parsing the customer name parameter. If the customer name is not provided then the individual name fields will be used to populate the customer address record instead.
CustomerApi customerUpdateCustomerAddress POST /customers/{customerNumber}/addresses/{addressCode} Update a customer address
CustomerApi customerValidateLastName POST /customers/{customerNumber}/last-name/validate Validate that a customer number identifies a customer with the specified last name (surname). A 404 Not Found status is returned if validation fails.
CustomerApi customerValidatePostalCode POST /customers/{customerNumber}/postal-code/validate Validate that a customer number identifies a customer with the specified country and postal code. A 404 Not Found status is returned if validation fails.
DataDictionaryApi dataDictionaryGetField GET /data-dictionary/fields/{fieldName} Get field information from Advantage
DataDictionaryApi dataDictionaryGetFieldReference GET /data-dictionary/tables/{tableName}/fields/{referenceName} Get field information from an inclusion on a table in Advantage
DataDictionaryApi dataDictionaryGetValidValues GET /data-dictionary/fields/{fieldName}/valid-values Gets a list of valid values for a specific field.
DistributionRunApi distributionRunUpdate POST /distribution-runs/{distributionRunId} Update an existing distribution run's status
DocumentApi documentGetDocument GET /documents/{docketNumber} Streams a document from a location pointed to by a given docket number
EmailListApi emailListCreate POST /email-lists Create a new EmailList.
EmailListApi emailListCreateOrUpdateEmailListRegistration POST /email-lists/{listCode}/registrations Adds or updates an email list registration.
EmailListApi emailListGet GET /email-lists/{listCode} Gets the EmailList details of the email list with the given list code.
EmailListApi emailListGetEmailListParticipation GET /customers/{customerNumber}/email-lists Get all of the ListEmail objects that pertain to the given customer.
EmailListApi emailListGetRegistrations GET /email-lists/{listCode}/registrations Get the ListEmails that belong to an EmailList.
EmailListApi emailListGetWebEmailLists GET /websites/{siteCode}/email-lists Get the details of the email lists for the given website. This only gets web-enabled active email lists.
EmailListApi emailListRemoveFromEmailList DELETE /email-lists/{listCode}/registrations/{email} Remove a list email from an email list.
EmailListApi emailListSearch GET /email-lists Get all active web-enabled email lists.
EmailListApi emailListUpdateEmailList POST /email-lists/{listCode}
EmailListApi emailListUpdateEmailListParticipation PUT /customers/{customerNumber}/email-lists Update the entire email list membership for a given customer. Warning: This does remove the customer from any email list that is not in the requested collection.
GiftCertificateApi giftCertificateGet GET /customers/{customerNumber}/gift-certificates
InvoiceApi invoiceAddAvailableCreditPayment POST /invoices/{debitNumber}/payments/available-credits Add a payment to a given debit using the customer's available credit. If a specific amount is specified to use but there is less than that available, an error will be thrown. If a zero amount is specified, all or any available credit will be used up to the amount due.
InvoiceApi invoiceAddCreditCardPayment POST /invoices/{debitNumber}/payments/credit-cards Adds credit card payments to an existing open invoice for an existing order.
InvoiceApi invoiceAddOrderPaymentCheck POST /invoices/{debitNumber}/payments/checks Add a check payment to an existing order.
InvoiceApi invoiceAddOrderPaymentCreditMemo POST /invoices/{debitNumber}/payments/credit-memos Adds credit memo payments to existing invoices for the given order. The amount will be applied to existing order until it has all been used
InvoiceApi invoiceAddOrderPaymentDigitalWallet POST /invoices/{debitNumber}/payments/digital-wallets Add a Digital Wallet payment to an existing order
InvoiceApi invoiceAddSavedCreditCardPayment POST /invoices/{debitNumber}/payments/saved-credit-cards Add a credit card payment to an existing order.
InvoiceApi invoiceAddSavedDirectDebitPayment POST /invoices/{debitNumber}/payments/saved-bank-accounts Add a direct debit payment to an existing order.
InvoiceApi invoiceGetInvoice GET /invoices/{debitNumber} Gets an invoice.
InvoiceApi invoiceSearch GET /invoices Gets order invoices matching the filter criteria. Filters are passed as a URI parameter in the format &lt;Field&gt;.&lt;Operator&gt;=&lt;Value&gt;. For example, /invoices?OrderNumber.EQ=12345 or /invoices?OrderNumber.EQ=12345&amp;CustomerNumber.EQ=1
InvoiceApi invoiceSearchByCustomer GET /customers/{customerNumber}/invoices Gets order invoices matching the filter criteria. Filters are passed as a URI parameter in the format &lt;Field&gt;.&lt;Operator&gt;=&lt;Value&gt;. For example, /invoices?OrderNumber.EQ=12345 or /invoices?OrderNumber.EQ=12345&amp;CustomerNumber.EQ=1
LookupApi lookupGetAccessPeriods GET /access-services/{accessServiceCode}/access-periods Get the valid access periods.
LookupApi lookupGetAddressCode GET /address-codes/{addressCode} Given a valid address code, return an object containing that code and other valuable information about that type of address.
LookupApi lookupGetAddressCodes GET /address-codes Get the list of valid address codes.
LookupApi lookupGetAgreementAutoRenewalChains GET /auto-renewal-chains/agreements Get the valid auto-renewal chains for agreements.
LookupApi lookupGetCreditCardPaymentMethod GET /credit-card-payment-methods/{paymentMethodCode} Gets a payment method REST model based on the given credit card payment method code
LookupApi lookupGetCreditPolicies GET /credit-policies Get the valid credit policies.
LookupApi lookupGetCurrencies GET /currencies Return a list of valid currencies.
LookupApi lookupGetCurrency GET /currencies/{currencyCode} Return a valid currency.
LookupApi lookupGetCustomValues GET /custom-values/{fieldName} Get a list of custom values for a specific field.
LookupApi lookupGetCustomerServiceReasons GET /customer-service-reasons/{areaCode}/{categoryCode} Gets the valid reasons for a category of customer service operations.
LookupApi lookupGetCustomerTitles GET /customer-titles Return a list of valid customer titles.
LookupApi lookupGetDemographicPartition GET /demographic-partitions/{partitionName} Gets the definition of a demographic partition (defined at the CDSDEM view) including the custom fields contained in the given partition.
LookupApi lookupGetInstallmentBillingPlans GET /installment-billing-plans Get the valid installment billing plans for a particular currency.
LookupApi lookupGetIssueGroups GET /issue-groups Get the valid issue groups.
LookupApi lookupGetOrganization GET /organizations/{organizationCode} Given a valid organization code, return an object with information about that organization.
LookupApi lookupGetOrganizations GET /organizations Return a list of active organization codes.
LookupApi lookupGetRenewalPolicies GET /renewal-policies Return a list of renewal policies (renewal flags).
LookupApi lookupGetResponseTypes GET /response-types Gets the valid response types (or order sources).
LookupApi lookupGetSubscriptionTypes GET /subscription-types Get the valid subscription types.
LookupApi lookupGetSystemValues GET /system-values/{fieldName} Get a list of system values for a specific field.
LookupApi lookupGetUser GET /advantage-users/{userCode} Gets a User.
LookupApi lookupGetUsers GET /advantage-users Gets a List of Users.
NoteApi noteCreate POST /notes Creates a note in Advantage from a NoteCreateRequest
NoteApi noteGet GET /notes/{customerNumber} Gets note information given
OrderApi orderAddCoupons POST /orders/{orderNumber}/coupons Add coupons to an order.
OrderApi orderAddPayments POST /orders/{orderNumber}/payments Add payments to an order. Credit cards payments may be authorized immediately depending on your system settings.
OrderApi orderCommit POST /orders/{orderNumber}/commit Commit an order and payment. Committing the order commits the inventory and releases the order for fulfillment. Any access agreements on the order will be released if the control group auto-release setting is set to release at order completion.
OrderApi orderCreate POST /orders Create a new order. This method takes the incoming order create request object and uses it to create a new Advantage order. The new Advantage order has a new order line created for each OrderLineIn object contained in the order create request object.
OrderApi orderCreateAppliedReturnOrder POST /orders/{applyToOrderNumber}/returns
OrderApi orderCreateOrderTracking POST /orders/{orderNumber}/tracking Create a shipment tracking record for an order
OrderApi orderDeleteCommittedOrder DELETE /orders/{orderNumber} Deletes a committed order.
OrderApi orderDeleteCommittedOrderLine DELETE /orders/{orderNumber}/lines/{lineNumber} Deletes a committed order line.
OrderApi orderDeletePendingByCustomer DELETE /customers/{customerNumber}/orders/pending Delete all uncommitted orders for a given bill-to customer and order source.
OrderApi orderGet GET /orders/{orderNumber} Get an order's information given the order number and a few options specified about how you'd like that order information.
OrderApi orderGetDefaultCurrency GET /orders/default-currency Gets default currency for adding an order line
OrderApi orderGetOrderLineDefaults GET /orders/order-line-defaults Gets default values for adding an order line
OrderApi orderGetPaymentDefaults GET /orders/payment-defaults Gets default values for entering a payment for this given order. Assumes the order has already been submitted (though not necessarily committed).
OrderApi orderGetPendingPremiums GET /orders/{orderNumber}/pending-premiums Gets a list of pending premium items on this order.
OrderApi orderGetShippingChoices GET /orders/{orderNumber}/shipping-choices Get a list of valid shipping options for a given order.
OrderApi orderGetValidCardTypes GET /orders/{orderNumber}/valid-payment-methods/credit-cards Get a list of valid card types for a given order.
OrderApi orderGetValidCardsForOrder GET /orders/{orderNumber}/valid-payment-methods/saved-credit-cards Get the valid credit cards for a given order.
OrderApi orderGetValidDirectDebitTypes GET /orders/{orderNumber}/valid-payment-methods/direct-debits Get a list of valid direct debit payment methods for a given order. You can also include billing organization and currency for a more filtered result.
OrderApi orderGetValidGiftCertificatesForOrder GET /orders/{orderNumber}/valid-payment-methods/saved-gift-certificates
OrderApi orderPost POST /orders/{orderNumber}/post Post an activated web order.
OrderApi orderPutCoupons PUT /orders/{orderNumber}/coupons Replace coupons for an order.
OrderApi orderRemovePayment DELETE /orders/{orderNumber}/payments/{creditVoucherNumber} Removes the specified payments from the specified order.
OrderApi orderSetPendingPremiumItemNumber POST /orders/{orderNumber}/pending-premiums Sets the item number on a premium set item. This method is not applicable for premium items.
OrderApi orderUpdate POST /orders/{orderNumber} Update an existing order.
OrderSummaryApi orderSummarySearch GET /order-summaries Gets order summaries matching the filter criteria. Filters are passed as a URI parameter in the format &lt;Field&gt;.&lt;Operator&gt;=&lt;Value&gt;. For example, /order-summaries?FirstName.CN=Matt or /order-summaries?FirstName.EQ=John&amp;LastName.EQ=Doe
OrderSummaryApi orderSummarySearchOrders GET /customers/{customerNumber}/orders Get all past orders for a given customer, that match the searchAgument. The result of those orders can be limited to N at a time. The list starts with the newest orders.
PaymentApi paymentGetInstallmentBillingPlan GET /orders/{orderNumber}/installment-billing-schedule Get installment billing information for the current order
PaymentApi paymentPaySelectedDebits POST /{customerNumber}/payments/invoices Applies a payment to the specified unpaid debits
PaymentApi paymentUpdateInstallments POST /orders/{orderNumber}/installment-schedule Updates the current list of installments
PremiumSetApi premiumSetCreate POST /premium-sets Creates a new premium set definition in Advantage
PremiumSetApi premiumSetCreateDetail POST /premium-sets/{premiumSetCode}/details Creates a new premium set detail in Advantage
PremiumSetApi premiumSetGet GET /premium-sets/{premiumSetCode} Finds and return information for a given premium set.
PremiumSetApi premiumSetGetDetail GET /premium-sets/{premiumSetCode}/details/{earnedAtCode}/{responseSequence} Find and return information for a given premium set detail.
PremiumSetApi premiumSetGetDetails GET /premium-sets/{premiumSetCode}/details Retrieves the list of all premium set details in a given premium set.
PremiumSetApi premiumSetGetPremiumSets GET /premium-sets Get the available premium sets.
PremiumSetApi premiumSetUpdateDetail POST /premium-sets/{premiumSetCode}/details/{earnedAtCode}/{responseSequence} Update an existing premium set detail in Advantage. All properties of the update request are optional. If a property is not set in the request object then it will not be updated.
ProductApi productGet GET /products/{itemNumber} Get information for a given product.
ProductApi productGetByAuthor GET /products/by-author/{author} Get information for all products by the given author. This is a preliminary API, subject to change.
ProductApi productGetByIsbn GET /products/by-isbn13/{isbn} Gets information for a product, given an ISBN-13. This is a preliminary API, subject to change.
ProductApi productGetByKeyword GET /products/by-keyword/{keyword} Get information for all products with the given keyword. This is a preliminary API, subject to change.
ProductApi productGetBySearch GET /products/by-search/{search} Get information for all products with the given search term. This is a preliminary API, subject to change.
ProductApi productGetBySubjectTree GET /product-catalogs/{subjectTreeLevelId}/products Get information for all products for the given subject tree.
ProductApi productGetByTitle GET /products/by-title/{title} Get information for all products with the given title. This is a preliminary API, subject to change.
ProductApi productGetGiftMessagesSupport GET /products/{itemNumber}/{customerType}/supports-gift-messages Checks to see if gift messages are supported for the given item and customer type.
ProductApi productGetOnixData GET /products/{itemNumber}/onix-3.0 Gets ONIX data on a product.
ProductApi productGetPrice GET /products/{itemNumber}/price Calculates what the price would be on the order line as if the particular customer passed in ordered the item and used the passed in promotion
ProductApi productGetProductContributions GET /customers/{customerNumber}/product-contributions Get information for all products a customer is a contributor on.
ProductApi productGetPurchasedWith GET /products/{itemNumber}/purchased-with-products Get the item numbers of products purchased with given product.
ProductApi productGetRelated GET /products/{itemNumber}/related-products Get the item numbers of products related to a given product.
ProductApi productUpdate POST /products/{itemNumber} Update an existing product. This will update the name and narratives for products of any product type. This will handle more complex changes for access, back issue, product, and subscription, based on the populated values in the appropriate product request detail properties.
ProductInventoryApi productInventoryCreateInventoryAdjustment POST /products/{itemNumber}/warehouses/{warehouseNumber}/inventory-adjustments
ProductInventoryApi productInventoryCreateItemInventoryReceipt POST /products/{itemNumber}/warehouses/{warehouseNumber}/inventory-receipts
ProductInventoryApi productInventoryCreateItemInventoryReceipt_0 POST /products/{itemNumber}/warehouses/{warehouseNumber}/purchase-orders/{purchaseOrderNumber}/inventory-receipts
ProductInventoryApi productInventoryGetInventory GET /products/{itemNumber}/inventory-status Get the inventory status for a given product.
ProductInventoryApi productInventoryGetInventoryAdjustment GET /products/{itemNumber}/warehouses/{warehouseNumber}/bins/{bin}/inventory-adjustments/{transactionNumber}
ProductInventoryApi productInventoryGetItemInventoryReceipt GET /products/{itemNumber}/warehouses/{warehouseNumber}/inventory-receipts/{receivingNumber}
ProductReviewApi productReviewCreate POST /product-reviews/{itemNumber}/{customerNumber}/create
ProductReviewApi productReviewGet GET /product-reviews/{itemNumber}/{customerNumber}
ProductReviewApi productReviewGet_0 GET /product-reviews/{itemNumber}
ProductReviewApi productReviewRemove DELETE /product-reviews/{itemNumber}/{customerNumber}
ProductReviewApi productReviewUpdate POST /product-reviews/{itemNumber}/{customerNumber}
ProfileApi profileCreate POST /profiles Creates a profile for the responses to a questionnaire.
ProfileApi profileGet GET /profiles/{profileId} Returns details for the specified profile ID
ProfileApi profileGetByItemNumber GET /profiles/by-item/{itemNumber} Returns the profile associated with the specified item
ProfileApi profileUpdate POST /profiles/{profileId} Updates an existing profile.
PromotionApi promotionCreate POST /promotions Create a new promotion.
PromotionApi promotionGet GET /promotions/{promotionCode} Get an existing promotion.
PromotionApi promotionGetPromotionSource GET /promotion-sources/{promotionSource} Get a promotion source. The promotion source is identified by the first character of the promotion code. Clients are recommended to create promotion codes using this first character in a way that is meaningful (examples: A=Agency, D=Direct Mail, R=Renewal). Many CIR reports provide analysis by this first position of the promotion code.
PromotionApi promotionSearch GET /promotions Get summary information for promotions matching a search argument.
PromotionApi promotionUpdate POST /promotions/{promotionCode} Update an existing promotion.
PromotionChoiceApi promotionChoiceCreateChoices POST /promotions/{promotionCode}/choices Create a new promotion choice or many new promotion choices. All promotion choices created in this way must be for the same promotion (i.e. same promotion code.)
PromotionChoiceApi promotionChoiceDeleteChoice DELETE /promotions/{promotionCode}/choices/{itemNumber}/{choiceCode}/{currencyCode} Delete a specific promotion choice.
PromotionChoiceApi promotionChoiceGetChoice GET /promotions/{promotionCode}/choices/{itemNumber}/{choiceCode}/{currencyCode} Get a specific promotion choice for a product.
PromotionChoiceApi promotionChoiceGetChoicesByProduct GET /promotions/{promotionCode}/choices/{itemNumber} Get the information for the possible promotion choices for a product.
PromotionChoiceApi promotionChoiceGetChoicesByPromotion GET /promotions/{promotionCode}/choices Get all promotion choices for a given promotion that match the searchAgument. The result of the search can be limited to N at a time.
PromotionChoiceApi promotionChoiceGetPostage GET /promotions/{promotionCode}/choices/{itemNumber}/{choiceCode}/{currencyCode}/postage Get the calculated postage amount for the delivery code on the promotion item. This method throws an exception if the promotion choice or delivery code is not found.
PromotionChoiceApi promotionChoiceGetValidPaymentMethods GET /promotions/{promotionCode}/choices/{itemNumber}/{choiceCode}/{currencyCode}/payment-methods Get a list of valid payment methods for a given promotion choice.
PromotionChoiceApi promotionChoiceGetValidPromotionChoices GET /promotions/{promotionCode}/choices/valid-values Get a list of valid promotion choices.
PromotionChoiceApi promotionChoiceUpdateChoice POST /promotions/{promotionCode}/choices/{itemNumber}/{choiceCode}/{currencyCode} Update a new promotion item choice.
PromotionCreativeApi promotionCreativeAddVersion POST /promotion-creatives/{creativeCode} Adds a version to the given promotion creative, resets the &quot;changed&quot; attributes, and updates it with the given values.
PromotionCreativeApi promotionCreativeCreate POST /promotion-creatives Create a new promotion creative.
PromotionCreativeApi promotionCreativeDeleteAllVersions DELETE /promotion-creatives/{creativeCode} Deletes all versions for the given creative code
PromotionCreativeApi promotionCreativeDeleteCreativeCopywriter DELETE /promotion-creatives/{creativeCode}/{version}/copywriters/{copywriterCode} Deletes the specified creative copywriter
PromotionCreativeApi promotionCreativeDeleteCreativeDocument DELETE /promotion-creatives/{creativeCode}/{version}/documents/{documentSequence} Deletes the specified creative document
PromotionCreativeApi promotionCreativeGet GET /promotion-creatives/{creativeCode}/{version} Get an existing promotion creative.
PromotionCreativeApi promotionCreativeUpdate POST /promotion-creatives/{creativeCode}/{version} Updates an existing promotion creative.
PromotionDraftApi promotionDraftCreate POST /promotion-drafts Create a new promotion draft.
PromotionDraftApi promotionDraftDelete DELETE /promotion-drafts/{id} Deletes a promotion draft.
PromotionDraftApi promotionDraftGet GET /promotion-drafts/{id} Get an existing promotion draft.
PromotionDraftApi promotionDraftPublish POST /promotion-drafts/{id}/publish Creates the promotion, including offer and choices, and deletes the draft upon completion.
PromotionDraftApi promotionDraftSearch GET /promotion-drafts Get summary information for promotions drafts.
PromotionDraftApi promotionDraftUpdate POST /promotion-drafts/{id} Update an existing promotion draft.
PromotionListApi promotionListCreate POST /promotion-lists Creates a new promotion mailing list definition in Advantage
PromotionListApi promotionListGet GET /promotion-lists/{promotionListCode} Get information about the specified promotion mailing list.
PromotionListApi promotionListUpdate POST /promotion-lists/{promotionListCode} Update an existing promotion.
PromotionOfferApi promotionOfferCreate POST /promotion-offers Create a new promotion offer.
PromotionOfferApi promotionOfferGet GET /promotion-offers/{offerCode} Get an existing promotion offer.
PromotionOfferApi promotionOfferGetChoices GET /promotion-offers/{offerCode}/choices Get the promotion choices for a promotion offer.
PromotionOfferApi promotionOfferGetValidCountryCodes GET /promotion-offers/{offerCode}/country-codes Get a list of valid country codes for a given promotion offer.
PromotionOfferApi promotionOfferGetValidPaymentMethods GET /promotion-offers/{offerCode}/payment-methods Get a list of valid payment methods for a given promotion offer.
PromotionOfferApi promotionOfferSearch GET /promotion-offers Get all available promotion offers
PromotionOfferApi promotionOfferUpdate POST /promotion-offers/{offerCode} Update an existing promotion offer.
ProspectApi prospectConvertToCustomer POST /prospects/{customerNumber}/convert-to-customer Converts current prospect to customer
ProspectApi prospectGet GET /prospects/{customerNumber}/addresses/{addressCode} Gets a Prospect's Address.
ProspectApi prospectGet_0 GET /prospects/{customerNumber}/addresses/prospect-default Gets a Prospect's Default Address.
ProspectApi prospectValidatePostalCode POST /prospects/{customerNumber}/postal-code/validate Makes sure that the prospect record matches user supplied info. A 404 Not Found status is returned if validation fails.
PublicationApi publicationGetAutoRenewalChains GET /publications/{publicationCode}/auto-renewal-chains Get the available auto-renewal chains for a publication.
PublicationApi publicationGetDeliveryMethods GET /publications/{publicationCode}/delivery-methods Get the valid delivery codes for a publication.
PublicationApi publicationGetIssue GET /publications/{publicationCode}/issues/{issueDate} Gets information about a particular issue for a publication.
PublicationApi publicationGetIssueGroups GET /publications/{publicationCode}/issue-groups Get the valid issue groups.
PublicationApi publicationGetIssues GET /publications/{publicationCode}/issues Get the issues of a publication.
PublicationApi publicationGetIssues_0 GET /publications/{publicationCode}/issue-groups/{issueGroupCode}/issues Get the issues of a publication with-in the given issue group.
QuestionnaireApi questionnaireGet GET /questionnaires/{questionnaireCode} Gets the questionnaire. Some questionnaires will carry forward the customer's previous responses to use as the defaults when the questionnaire is presented a second time. This feature is supported only if you provide the optional profile ID parameter.
QuoteApi quoteCreate POST /quotes Create a new quote. This method takes the incoming order create request object and uses it to create a new Advantage quote. The new Advantage quote has a new order line created for each OrderLineIn object contained in the order create request object. Order type is overridden to O (pro-forma), regardless of what is specified on the order request.
QuoteApi quoteGet GET /quotes/{orderNumber} Get a quotes's information given the order number.
ReasonApi reasonGet GET /reasons/{categoryCode}/{reasonCode} Returns information for a specified reason code
RecurringDonationApi recurringDonationActivate POST /recurring-donations/{recurringDonationId}/activate Activate a current donation.
RecurringDonationApi recurringDonationCreate POST /recurring-donations Create a new recurring donation. This method takes the incoming recurring donation create request object and uses it to create a new Advantage recurring donation. When creating, only include one payment method or the other. CreditCardInfo, or DirectDebitInfo.
RecurringDonationApi recurringDonationDeactivate POST /recurring-donations/{recurringDonationId}/deactivate Deactivate a recurring donation.
RecurringDonationApi recurringDonationDelete DELETE /recurring-donations/{recurringDonationId} Deletes a committed recurring donation.
RecurringDonationApi recurringDonationGet GET /recurring-donations/{recurringDonationId} Get information pertaining to a recurring donation.
RecurringDonationApi recurringDonationGetRecurringDonations GET /customers/{customerNumber}/recurring-donations Get all of the recurring donation objects for which the given customer is the bill-to.
RecurringDonationApi recurringDonationUpdate POST /recurring-donations/{recurringDonationId} Update an existing recurring donation. When updating, if you are updating the payment method, only include one payment method or the other. CreditCardInfo, or DirectDebitInfo.
SalesRepApi salesRepCreateOrUpdate POST /sales-reps Create or Update a Sales Rep from a SalesRep Model
SalesRepApi salesRepGet GET /sales-reps/{salesRepCode} Gets Sales Rep.
SalesRepApi salesRepGetCallHistory GET /sales-reps/{salesRepCode}/call-history Returns call history records for the specified sales rep
SalesRepApi salesRepGetCallListAssignments GET /sales-reps/{salesRepCode}/call-lists Gets a list of call list assignments for a given sales representative.
SalesRepApi salesRepGetCallStatistics GET /sales-reps/{salesRepCode}/call-statistics Gets call statistics for a particular date range.
SalesRepApi salesRepGetCallbacks GET /sales-reps/{salesRepCode}/callbacks Gets list of tele-service callbacks.
SalesRepApi salesRepGetCallsForList GET /sales-reps/{salesRepCode}/call-lists/{listId}/{listDate} Gets a list of calls for a given sales representative.
SalesRepApi salesRepGetCallsForSalesRep GET /sales-reps/{salesRepCode}/calls Gets a list of calls for a given sales representative.
SalesRepApi salesRepGetList GET /sales-reps Gets List of Sales Reps.
SalesRepApi salesRepGetSalesRepsBySupervisor GET /sales-reps/{supervisorCode}/sales-reps Gets list of sales reps under a supervisor (List includes supervisor)
SalesRepApi salesRepGetTeamCallStatistics GET /sales-reps/{salesRepCode}/team-statistics Gets call statistics for a particular date range for a supervisor and all of their direct subordinates.
SalesRepApi salesRepReassignCall POST /sales-reps/reassign Reassign one or more calls from one sales rep to another
SalesRepApi salesRepRemove DELETE /sales-reps/{salesRepCode} Removes a Sales Rep
SalesRepApi salesRepUpdate POST /sales-reps/{salesRepCode} Update an existing Sales Rep
SalesRepApi salesRepUpdateCallCount POST /sales-reps/{salesRepCode}/{listId}/{listDate}/{quantity} Updates call count for a sales rep on a particular call list
SecurityQuestionApi securityQuestionCreateOrUpdate POST /security-questions Create or Update a Security Question from a SecurityQuestion Model
SecurityQuestionApi securityQuestionGet GET /security-questions/{code} Gets Security Questions.
SecurityQuestionApi securityQuestionGet_0 GET /security-questions Gets List of Security Questions.
SecurityQuestionApi securityQuestionRemove DELETE /security-questions/{code} Removes a Question Code
SecurityQuestionApi securityQuestionUpdate POST /security-questions/{code} Update a Security Question with a new Question Prompt
SettingsApi settingsGetCommonOptions GET /settings/common-options Get the general options that are useful for e-commerce and customer service web sites.
SettingsApi settingsGetFieldLengths GET /settings/common-field-lengths Get the general options that are useful for e-commerce and customer service web sites.
SettingsApi settingsGetOption GET /settings/options/{systemName}/{optionName} Get the value of a specific system option.
SettingsApi settingsGetSiteSettings GET /settings/websites/{siteCode} Get the Advantage settings for the specified website and the general options that are useful for e-commerce and customer service web sites.
ShipViaApi shipViaEstimateShipping POST /ship-vias/estimate-shipping Get the estimated freight cost for the given ship via. Parent currency is used if no currency provided. Other optional parameters include price and quantity. If zone-based-shipping is used then itemNumber or warehouseId, country and postal code will be required to determine the zone and freight amount. Otherwise, the item, warehouse, country and postal code are not needed. In general the more information given, the more accurate the estimate will be.
ShipViaApi shipViaGet GET /ship-vias/{currencyCode}/{shipViaCode} Gets ShipVia.
ShipViaApi shipViaGet_0 GET /ship-vias Gets List of ShipVias.
ShipViaApi shipViaGet_1 GET /ship-vias/{currencyCode} Gets List of ShipVias.
ShoppingCartApi shoppingCartConvertToOrder POST /shopping-carts/{cartId}/convert-to-order Convert an existing shopping cart to an Advantage Order. Usually called when preparing to render a Checkout/Confirmation page for users.
ShoppingCartApi shoppingCartCreate POST /shopping-carts Create a new shopping cart.
ShoppingCartApi shoppingCartDelete DELETE /shopping-carts/{cartId} Delete an existing shopping cart with the given ID.
ShoppingCartApi shoppingCartGet GET /shopping-carts/{cartId} Get the shopping cart with the given ID.
ShoppingCartApi shoppingCartGetByCustomer GET /customers/{customerNumber}/shopping-carts Get all shopping carts for the given customer.
ShoppingCartApi shoppingCartGetItemExclusions GET /shopping-carts/{cartId}/item-exclusions Get a list of item exclusions for a given shopping card.
ShoppingCartApi shoppingCartUpdate POST /shopping-carts/{cartId} Update an existing shopping cart.
StateApi stateGet GET /states Get the list of states for all countries.
StateApi stateGetState GET /states/{countryCode}/{stateCode} Get the state for the given country code and state code.
SubscriptionApi subscriptionBillSuspend POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/bill-suspend Bill Suspend a subscription.
SubscriptionApi subscriptionCancel POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/cancel Cancel a subscription.
SubscriptionApi subscriptionGet GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId} Get a single subscription identified by subscriptionId.
SubscriptionApi subscriptionGetRelatedTerms GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/related-terms Gets all related terms for the given subscription. A related term can be all subscriptions that are part of the same package plus their future terms, or a single subscription and its future terms. For a package subscription, the subscriptions are returned in the order they were added. For an individual subscription, the future terms are returned after the current term in term order.
SubscriptionApi subscriptionNonPayCancel POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/non-pay-cancel Create non-pay cancel transaction for a subscription
SubscriptionApi subscriptionSearch GET /subscriptions Gets subscriptions matching the filter criteria. Filters are passed as a URI parameter in the format &lt;Field&gt;.&lt;Operator&gt;=&lt;Value&gt;. For example, /subscriptions?PublicationCode.CN=AB or /subscriptions?PublicationCode.EQ=ABC&amp;CustomerNumber.EQ=1
SubscriptionApi subscriptionSuspend POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/suspend Suspend a subscription. This can be for a specified start and end issue, or a more generic &quot;begin at the next issue, open-ended&quot; if you leave the start and end date blank in the request.
SubscriptionApi subscriptionUpdate POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId} Update an existing subscription.
UpsellApi upsellGetByCart GET /shopping-carts/{cartId}/upsells Get the upsell items for a shopping cart.
UpsellApi upsellGetByCustomer GET /customers/{customerNumber}/upsells Get the upsell items for a given customer.
UpsellApi upsellGetByOrder GET /orders/{orderNumber}/upsells Get the upsell items for an order.
UpsellApi upsellGetByProduct GET /products/{itemNumber}/upsells Get the upsell items for a product. Optionally include upsells triggered by a specific promotion code as well.
UpsellApi upsellGetByPromotion GET /promotions/{promotionCode}/upsells Get the upsell items for a product. Optionally include promotions triggered by a specific promotion code as well.
UpsellApi upsellGetByPromotionChoice GET /promotions/{promotionCode}/choices/{itemNumber}/{choiceCode}/upsells Get the upsell items for a promotion choice.
UserApi userCreate POST /users Create a new user.
UserApi userGet GET /users/{authenticationGroup}/{username} Get the user based on username.
UserApi userGetByAuthenticationNumber GET /users/by-authentication-number/{authenticationNumber} Get the user based on unique authentication number
UserApi userGetByAuthenticationType GET /users/{authenticationGroup}/by-authentication-type/{authenticationType}/{authenticationValue} Get the user based on authentication type (e.g. Google, Facebook, Shibboleth) and authentication value
UserApi userUpdate POST /users/{authenticationGroup}/{username} Update an existing user.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication



Wrapper for Advantage API calls, generated by Swagger.






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