Releases: bluxmit/alnoda-workspaces
New workspaces:
- theia-workspace
- python-automate-workspace
UI improvements for all workspaces. Custom color themes for every workspace.
Separation of admin and dev workspaces. Remove Cronicle from the dev workspaces.
Security hardened for all workspaces. Workspaces run under the non-root user abc, with no folders having 777 permissions
Ubuntu workspace has pipx installed by default, explr removed
Python workspace is split into dev and automate workspaces
Notebook workspace has NBviewer removed
MkDocs-Magicspace renamed to mkdocs-workspace
The focus of the release is new development workspaces.
- go-workspace
- java-workspace
- nodejs-workspace
- php-workspace
- r-workspace
- ruby-workspace
- rust-workspace
- scala-workspace
- sqlite-workspace
Other major changes:
- All existing workspaces were updated from Ubuntu 18 to Ubuntu 20.4.
- Versions of the Apps were updated throughout all the workspaces.
- Workspace-in-docker renamed to ide-workspace.
- Removed docker from the ubuntu-workspace. Created separate ubuntu-docker-workspace.
Introducing releases to the project. The main feature of the first release is the fix proposed by @MikeCantCode applied to all the workspaces. This fix updates MkDocs version to 1.2.3, which enables workspace UI to be served on M1 Mac.
The new versions of docker images that include this fix:
- base-workspace
- workspace-in-docker
- codeserver-workspace
- python-workspace
- ansible-terraform-workspace
- postgres-workspace
- kafka-workspace
- redis-workspace
- elasticsearch-workspace
- mkdocs-magicspace