Vim plug-in that automatically detects and sets indentation level
Using vim-plug
" .vimrc
Plug 'blurfx/auto-indent.vim'
" The plugin follows the detected indentation.
" but if it's not detected, it follows fallback configuration.
" Fallback indentation type. (0: space, 1: tab)
" If you are using a tab indent, set it to 1.
" (default value: 0)
let g:autoindent_expandtab = 0
" Indent space size / tab width
" (default value: 2 for spaces, 4 for tab width)
let g:autoindent_indent_space_size = 2
let g:autoindent_indent_tab_size = 4
If you want to do additional work with the detected indentation, define the callback function AutoIndentCallback
function! AutoIndentCallback(indent)
" {'type': 'tab': 'size': 1}
echom a:indent
Arugment | Type | Description |
indent | {'type': 'space' | 'tab', 'size': number} |
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