Advertisement Firm's Celebrity Dataset
Attractive, Classy, Beautiful, Elegant, Sexy, Dependable, Honest, Reliable, Trustworthy, Sincere, Expect, Experienced, Knowledgeable, Qualified.
Given advertisement firm has a list of all their celebrities which they choose for shoots to endorse products. Since their database has over 14 features which explain the celebrity's corresponding attribute, it becomes difficult to choose a celebrity for any particular shoot.
Factor analysis is a dimensionality reduction technique.
Before using FA we will test its eligibility using KMO and Bartlett's Tests. Upon satisfaction of these tests we shall proceed with Factor Analysis to reduce the 14 features into n factors.
The number of factors will be decided using scree plot and eigen value criterion.
Celebrity personality, qualification and looks are the three major qualities that have the greatest impact on advertising firms. When hiring celebrities to endorse items, the advertising industry should take into consideration these three elements.