Run Laravel project in docker (v26.1.3) with mysql:latest (v8.4) and nginx:alpine (v1.25.5). You can use the script to build and run docker automatically or follow the steps manually.
$ ./
Usage: ./ [OPTION]
-h: Print this help
-n: Project name. New or existing
Example: ./ -h
./ -n example
- Create new project.
- Update dependencies for existing project.
- Add enviroment variables for MySQL in the new project.
- If the project exists, examine the .env file for DB_CONNECTION=mysql. If it exists then modify DB_HOST and DB_PORT. Otherwise, add the contents of the .env file.
- docker/mysql: Contains the init script to create database and user, and the database folder for persistence of MySQL data
- nginx: Contains the basic configuration of the application for Nginx.
- Dockerfile: Dockerfile file for creating the docker image of the Laravel application.
- Download mysql:latest Docker image and name container as laravel-mysql
- Download nginx:alpine Docker image and name container as nginx-mysql
- Build Laravel app Docker image and name container laravel-app
- If the project is new, run php artisan migrate
- If the project exists, run php artisan:key and php artisan migrate
Assume the project name as example.
$ docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume "$PWD:/app" --user $(id -u):$(id -g) composer create-project laravel/laravel example
$ cat .env >> example/.env
Or copy the following to the example/.env file. Feel free to change DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD.
DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST=laravel-mysql DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=laravel DB_USERNAME=lavarel DB_PASSWORD=lavarel
$ cp -r docker-compose.yml docker example/
- Feel free to change docker/mysql/init.sql content.
- Feel free to change php:8.2-fpm in Dockerfile to another version of PHP Docker for an existing project..
$ docker compose -f example/docker-compose.yml up -d
$ docker compose -f example/docker-compose.yml exec app rm -rf vendor composer.lock $ docker compose -f example/docker-compose.yml exec app composer install
$ docker compose -f example/docker-compose.yml exec app php artisan migrate
$ docker compose -f example/docker-compose.yml exec app php artisan key:generate
$ docker logs laravel-mysql 2>&1 | grep 'GENERATED ROOT PASSWORD'
$ docker buildx prune -f