Team Name: Ground Griffin
Riznel Mark M. Baldazo Emmanuel Joseph K. Cruz
Application Description:
Inspired by the idea of student-exchange programs in colleges and universities. The system caters organizations who wish to exchange their members with other organizations, particularly organizations from regions and ethnic groups other than their own.
The business goal is to show companies that having ethnic diversity will boost their organization's productivity. The consequential goal is to promote cultural development by allowing various ethnic groups to participate in organizations that add value to their career and by exposing people to a diverse group of people that opens them to meaningful social relationships. In that regard, government will be encouraged to fund the system. Organizations will also bring in money via a premium and subscription basis, where the first three organization members to participate in an exchange program is for free.
For the prototype, productivity will be measured by the number of people impacted by organizations, be it their clients, customers, or beneficiaries. This is the dependent variable in a simple linear regression using the ordinary least squares algorithm. The independent variable will be the sum of the differences between the percentage distribution of the organization's ethnic diversity and the ethnic diversity of the Philippine population.
A mock data set made by the developers will show that a higher sum means that there is less ethnic diversity in the organization. The data will also show that a higher sum means less people impacted by the organization. The insight is that higher ethnic diversity leads to more people impacted by the organization.
Installation Guide:
Upload the database named ground_griffin.sql to MySQL
Using XXAMP or any Apache and MySQL service, the homepage should be accessible via localhost/ground_griffin/index.php
You may use the attached Excel file named ground_griffin.xlsx to better understand the computations
App Guidelines:
Languages Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP Libraries Used: Chart.js, jQuery, Bootstrap, w3.css, Google Material Icons
Citations or References:
Percentage Distribution of Ethnic Diversity in the Philippines: