- Can setup with either using Section 1.1 or 1.2.
Download and copy syslog_mon_arm64.tar.gz for ARM System (syslog_mon_amd64.tar.gz if AMD System) to BDDS server
Extract syslog_mon_.tar.gz file
Require to have docker installed in this server
Load image from tar file
docker load -i syslog_monitoring.tar
or pull the docker image from Registry:
docker login registry.bluecatlabs.net/ docker pull <image-registry-name>:<tag> > Example: docker pull registry.bluecatlabs.net/professional-services/japac-tma/syslog_mon_in_dds:syslog-mon-master
Make sure $SYSLOG_MON is set for configuration folder on your host. Include:
- config.ini
- map_oid.py
- resolv.conf
- snmp_config.json
- snmp_password_process.py
To check $SYSLOG_MON is set:
- Run docker:
docker run --restart unless-stopped -d \ --name syslog-sv \ --network=host \ --log-driver=none \ -v $SYSLOG_MON:/etc/syslog-ng/syslog_monitoring/Config/ \ -v /var/lib/snmp/:/var/lib/snmp/ \ <syslog-monitoring-image>:<tag>
Setup docker image name in Syslog Service file then copy it into systemd
cp <extracted-dir>/services/docker.syslog.service /lib/systemd/system/
Run Syslog Service
systemctl start docker.syslog
- To mount logs folder, use the following option, remember to set permission:
chmod -R o=rwx <log_directory_path>
-v <log_directory_path>:/var/log/mon-app
To forward log to Syslog Monitoring application in the container, please do the below steps:
- Select Server > Choose a server > Server Service Configuration
- Select Syslog Service Type
- Add BDDS IP and Port
Note: Get docker container IP address by using command as docker inspect <container name or id>
Download the syslog monitoring package.
Go to the directory that contains the package and extract it
tar -xzvf syslog_mon_in_dds.tar.gz
then go to the extracted folder
cd syslog_mon_in_dds/
sh setup.sh /absolute/destination/path
- Note:
- Internet connection is required.
- If no destination path is specified, syslog_monitoring/ will be copied to /opt/ by default.
Move syslog_monitoring folder to where you want (example: /opt/)
mv syslog_monitoring/ /opt/
Install requirements
cd /opt/syslog_monitoring/
pip install wheel && pip install -r requirements.txt
Install mod-python for syslog-ng to recognize python destination
apt-get install syslog-ng-mod-python
file toscl
foldermkdir /usr/share/syslog-ng/include/scl/syslog_mon/ && cp filters.conf $_
Export path of the python destination
Open /etc/sysconfig/syslog-ng (create if it doesn't exist) and add this line
Create directory to store log
mkdir /var/log/mon-app
Disable firewall for the bdds to be able to send SNMP trap
PsmClient node set firewall-enable=0
Restart syslog-ng service
service syslog-ng restart
Get hostname provided in the init script
Open /usr/share/syslog-ng/include/scl/syslog_mon/filters.conf
Add this anywhere
rewrite r_rewrite_set { set("the_hostname_above", value("HOST")); };
Then add
below the
Finally it should be look like this
... rewrite r_rewrite_set { set("the_hostname_above", value("HOST")); }; # BlueCat log paths log { source(local); rewrite(r_rewrite_set); destination(d_fw_log); ... };
Save file and restart syslog-ng service
service syslog-ng restart
The file named config.ini contains the information for configuration, which is located at syslog_monitoring/Config/.
The SCHEDULER_CONFIG configuration for DNS healthcheck:
Keys Value Description interval 1 Interval time in minutes domain www.google.com The domain name which is checked by DNS Health Check vm_host_name vmname The name of the host VM -
The NTP_CONFIG configuration for NtpClocksUnsynchronized:
Keys Value Description interval 1 Interval time (in minutes) threshold 2000 The acceptable time gap (in milliseconds) between the bdds and its NTP servers bdds_server <ip_address>,<ip_address>,<ip_address> The list of bdds which is going to be checked time gap -
The TCP_LIMIT_EXCEED_CONFIG configuration for TcpConnectionLimitExceeded:
Keys Value Description interval 20 Interval time (in minutes) before sending clear alarm for tcp connection limit exceed log -
The LOGGER_CONFIG configuration for monitor.log:
Keys Value Description maxbytes 10000000(bytes) The number of file size backupcount 5 The number of copies log files log_level WARNING The log text level (ex: ERROR, INFO, WARNING..)
Support configure MAX FILE SIZE
in <extracted-dir>/syslog-monitoring/syslog-mon
if change value of run docker container, copy this file to:
docker cp <extracted-dir>/syslog-monitoring/syslog-mon /etc/logrotate.d/syslog-mon
Note: remember restart docker container or service after change syslog-mon
Keys Description Default maxsize
The number of file size 10M (10 Megabytes) rotate
The number of copies log files 5
The file named snmp_config.json, which is located at syslog_monitoring/Config/, contains the configuration for the trap destinations. In which:
a. For each trap destinations, it is a list of json objects.
b. Each object contains the key and value. Please see the example below:Keys Value Type Example value userName
string usm-user authKey
string <encrypted_password> privKey
string <encrypted_password> authProtocol
string SHA privProtocol
string AES transportTarget
string <ip_address> port
integer 162 Note: The userName, authKey, privKey, authProtocol, privProtocol and securityEngineId is the information configured for SNMPv3 in the trap receiver. In which: - The authProtocol allows value as SHA or MD5. - The privProtocol allows value as DES, AES, AES-196 or AES-256. - The authKey and privKey have to be encrypted using snmp_password_process.py. See below "Generate encrypted password" section for more details. The transportTarget field is the IPv4 or IPv6 of the SNMP trap receiver. The port is the one that SNMP trap receiver is listening on.
The EngineID can be edited by administrator in /var/lib/snmp/snmpd.conf
The log of syslog monitoring application is at /var/log/mon-app
Open file Snmp/map_oid.py and config OID, bcnSyslogMonAlarmCond, bcnSyslogMonAlarmSeverity, bcnSyslogMonKeyPair, bcnSyslogMonAlarmMsg for each type of log
Log Type OID TestQueryFailed LoadConfigurationFailed TsigBadTime StorageReadOnly ZoneTransferFailed TcpConnectionLimitExceeded LoadZoneFailed NtpClocksUnsynchronized NetworkInterfaceDown Note: "log_type" is defined in syslog-ng.conf. OID is mapped based on BCN-SYSLOG-MON-MIB.mib
. Follow the format:"log_type":{ "oid":"oid_value", "bcnSyslogMonAlarmCond":"bcnSyslogMonAlarmCond_value", "bcnSyslogMonAlarmSeverity":"bcnSyslogMonAlarmSeverity_value", "bcnSyslogMonKeyPair":"bcnSyslogMonKeyPair_value", "bcnSyslogMonHostInfo":"bcnSyslogMonHostInfo_value", "bcnSyslogMonAlarmMsg":"bcnSyslogMonAlarmMsg_value" }
For example:
"TestQueryFailed": {
"bcnSyslogMonAlarmCond": "",
"bcnSyslogMonAlarmSeverity": "",
"bcnSyslogMonKeyPair": "",
"bcnSyslogMonHostInfo": "",
"bcnSyslogMonAlarmMsg": ""
The fields like bcnSyslogMonAlarmCond, bcnSyslogMonAlarmSeverity, bcnSyslogMonKeyPair, bcnSyslogMonAlarmMsg shall be the same for any trap destinations.
Run snmp_password_process.py which is located at syslog_monitoring/Config/ to create and encrypt password
python2 snmp_password_process.py
Input the password
Copy the encrypted password to snmp_config.json
The list of 3rd party DNS servers can be configured in syslog_monitoring/Config/resolv.conf
The interval (in minutes) to send DNS query and the example of DNS query can be configured in syslog_monitoring/Config/config.ini
- SSH to the VM host, run terminal command
to getvmname
. - Then open syslog_monitoring/Config/config.ini,
in [SCHEDULER_CONFIG] section, replace thevm_host_name
by the correct string ofvmname
returned above.