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This repository is no longer actively maintained.

Please contact BlueCat for assistance with implmenting the BlueCat solution on your chosen NFV platform.


Below is the architecture diagram: Architecture


  • BlueCat Gateway Version: 20.6.1 or grater
  • BAM/BDDS Version: 9.2 or grater


BAM Setup

Create UDF for Servers object

  1. Access to BAM then select Administration tab

  2. From Data Management section choose Object Types

  3. From Servers category choose Server object

  4. In Server object type page, select New and create an User-Defined Field from Fields table


  5. Input the required fields for the new User-Defined Field


  6. Click Add button to finish

  7. Repeat step 4-5-6 to create more User-Defined Fields

Setup workflow

Before to setup config for Gateway NFV Plugin workflow, make sure you have the following file formats: nfv_config.json, snmp_config.json & vm_config.ini

  1. Modify config/nfv_config.json and input the corresponding information:

    Fields Description
    bam List of bam include ip and name of bam
    server_deployment_password The default encrypted password is used when creating a new server
    bam_config_name The configuration name for creating new server
    dns_view_names The list of view name(s) in the configuration
    udfs_for_server The information of user-defined fields
    server_ssh_username The user name for connecting to bdds via ssh
    server_ssh_password The encrypted password for connecting to bdds via ssh
    server_cap_profile The server capability profile for creating a new server
    server_deploy_role The DNS deployment role type for creating deployment role(s)
    anycast_config The configuration of any cast. The default setting for anycast config is ospf. With the setting for bgp and rip, follow the setting in anycast_config_bgp and anycast_config_rip, respectively (If not have anycast_config scale in and out which will not enforce anycast related features)
    user_name The gateway username
    gateway_address The ip address of gateway container
    secret_file The name of secret file
    secretkey_file The name of secret key file
    interval The interval time of scheduler container to get statistics (in seconds). If the response time of K1 api or SNMP request is slow, this interval time should be more than 2 seconds.
    memcached_host The ip address of memcached server which is the same with the ip address of scheduler container
    memcached_port The port of memcached server
    k1_api The necessary information for k1 api
    vm_host_ip The ip address of vm host
    vm_host_name The name of vm host
    log_setting The necessary information for log setting
  2. Modify config/snmp_config.json and input the corresponding information for each BAM and BDDS:

    Fields Description
    port The port of BDDS
    snmp_version The snmp version of BDDS
    user_name The username for setting in BDDS
    authen_protocol Authenticated protocol
    authen_password Encrypted authentication password
    priv_protocol Privacy protocol
    priv_password Encrypted privacy password

    If the bam or bdds name is not included in this .json file, common config is automatically used.

  3. Modify injected file contains management IP and service IP of the BDDS in the path config/vm_config.ini

  4. Create and modify .secret and .secretkey files with the correct name in nfv_config.json. It must be in the same directory.


Setup for docker compose

  1. Pull NFV Gateway and NFV Scheduler image from Registry:

    docker login
    docker pull <image-registry-name>:<tag>

    Example: docker pull gateway_nfv_plugin:nfv-gateway-master

    Or copy the .tar.gz file to the host machine and run cmd:

    docker load -i <nfv-image>.tar.gz

Configure Docker Compose

Modify in deployment/dockerfiles/docker-compose.yml and input the corresponding information

  1. Configure bridge network:

    DC Network

    Table overview of IPAddress configuration for each services in docker-compose.yml:

    Services ipv4_address ipv6_address
    memcached_server 2001:DB8::2001:DB8:0:1
    gateway_nfv_scheduler 2001:DB8::2001:DB8:0:2
    nfv_gateway 2001:DB8::2001:DB8:0:3
  2. Configure Gateway Container:

    DC BlueCat Gateway


    Fields Description Example
    image Docker images and version of Gateway Container. Currently, use the docker image from Trouble Shooting UI trouble-shooting-ui
    container_name The name of container Default name: nfv_gateway
    ports Port want to expose to external machine Default port: 8088
    ipv4_address IPv4Address of container Default IPv4:
    ipv6_address IPv6Address of container Default IPv6: 2001:DB8::2001:DB8:0:3
    enviroment Environment of container Mandatory for BAM_IP & LOCAL_USER_ID. Optional for SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE (use for Gateway v20.12.1 or greater)
    volumes Configure mount directories <gw-logs-dir>:/logs
  3. Configure Memcached container

    DC Memcached

    Fields Description
    image docker images and version of memcached
    container_name The name of container
    ipv4_address IPv4 address of container
    ipv6_address IPv6 address of container
  4. Configure Scheduler Statistic Collection container

    DC Scheduler

    Fields Description
    image docker images of scheduler
    container_name The name of container
    ipv4_address IPv4 address of container
    ipv6_address IPv6 address of container
    volumes Config and logs folder want to mount here

Note: Remember to set the permissions to external volumes with the data and logs directories:

chmod -R o=rwx <mapped volume>

Build the docker Scheduler Statistic Collection image

Using when you want to change code scheduler and rebuild it or not have Scheduler image from registry or gateway_nfv_scheduler.tar.

Run this command:

cd extracted-directory/gateway_nfv_plugin/
docker build -t gateway_nfv_scheduler .

Setup Scheduler Statistic Collection Container

  1. SSH to the host which has gateway container running and move gateway_nfv_scheduler.tar to the gateway workflow directory.

  2. Create and modify .secret and .secretkey files with the correct name in nfv_config.json. It must be in the same directory.

  3. Set the permissions for logging and config directories. Users are recommended to map them on your host machine in order to modify in the future. You must do it before running the Scheduler container.

    chmod -R o=rwx <directory>
  4. Get ip for the container(s)

    Copy and paste the IPAddress of container configured in docker-compose.yml to nfv_config.json file.

    NFV Config

Make sure the permissions of directories is allowed before running the scheduler.

Deploy by Docker Compose Command

  1. Make sure to configured all the files with corresponding information before running build all of the containers:

    docker-compose up -d

    Note: Run each of service in docker-compose.yml by command:

    docker-compose up -d <name-of-service>
  2. To remove all of containers in docker compose, run command:

    docker-compose down --remove-orphans

Generate Encrypted Password

  1. Exc nfv_gateway to encrypted password by cmd:

     docker exec -it nfv_gateway  python3 /builtin/workflows/gateway_nfv_plugin/common/

    Note: or encrypt from extracted-directory/gateway_nfv_plugin/common/

  2. Input the plaintext password and get the encrypted password.

    Let's type a new password: example
    Your password is encrypted as: ZXhhbXBsZQ==
    Please update your encrypted password in nfv_config.json file
  3. Copy it and save in config/nfv_config.json files.

  4. Restart container:

    docker restart nfv_gateway


Scaling API

Request format:

HTTP Request Method URI
POST /gateway_nfv_plugin/scale_out
POST /gateway_nfv_plugin/scale_in

Scale out API

  1. Request parameters

    Parameter Name Description Note
    server_name Name of server MANDATORY
    mgnt_server_ip IPv4 address of server OPTIONAL
    service_server_ipv4 IPv4 address of server OPTIONAL
    service_server_ipv6 IPv6 address of server OPTIONAL
    service_server_netmask Netmask of IPv4 address MANDATORY
    service_server_v6_prefix Prefix of IPv6 address OPTIONAL
    metadata Currently only support can_scale_in=true/false UDF OPTIONAL
  2. Response parameter

    Parameter Name Description
    error Error message. If having error after scaling
    message Success message
    status Status after scaling
  3. Sample

    POST /gateway_nfv_plugin/app_vm HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    cache-control: no-cache
    Postman-Token: 0d883cb4-c64f-4a96-bdc6-c584cb32f195
        "server_name": "bdds13",
        "mgnt_server_ip": "",
        "service_server_ipv4": "",
        "service_server_ipv6": "",
        "service_server_netmask": 24,
        "service_server_v6_prefix": "",
        "metadata": "can_scale_in=true"
    Successful response result:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        "error": "",
        "message": "Scale out successfully",
        "status": "Successful"

Scale in API

  1. Request parameters

    Parameter Name Description
    server_name Name of server
  2. Response parameter

    Parameter Name Description
    error Error message. If having error after scaling
    message Success message
    status Status after scaling
  3. Sample

    POST /gateway_nfv_plugin/app_vm HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    cache-control: no-cache
    Postman-Token: 0d883cb4-c64f-4a96-bdc6-c584cb32f195
        "server_name": "bdds13"
    Successful response result:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        "error": "",
        "message": "Scale in successfully",
        "status": "Successful"

VM Pre_Instantiate API


  1. API allocate ID’s of management IP and service IP

  2. Input parameter

    Parameter Name Description
    Management IPv4 MANDATORY
    Management IPv6 OPTIONAL
    Service IPv4 OPTIONAL
    Service IPv6 OPTIONAL
  3. Sample

    GET /gateway_nfv_plugin/get_available_ip_address HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    cache-control: no-cache
    Postman-Token: 1e77f51a-759b-4b2e-ab41-c8a0c0aefb26
        "management": {
                "cidr": "2500:8100:c::b0/125",
                "start_ip": "2500:8100:c::b10",
                "end_ip": "2500:8100:c::b20"
                "gateway": "2500:8100:c::b16",
        "service": {
            "ip_v4": {
                "cidr": "",
                "start_ip": "",
                "end_ip": "",
                "gateway": ""
            "ip_v6": {
                "gateway": "2402:8100:c::b5",
                "cidr": "2402:8100:c::b0/125",
                "start_ip": "2402:8100:c::b6",
                "end_ip": "2402:8100:c::b15"
    Successful response result:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        "management": {
            "ip_v4": {
                "cidr": "",
                "gateway": "",
                "management_ipv4": ""
            "ip_v6": {
                "cidr": "2500:8100:c::b0/125",
                "gateway": "2500:8100:c::b16",
                "management_ipv6": "2500:8100:c::b10/125"
        "service": {
            "ip_v4": {
                "cidr": "",
                "gateway": "",
                "service_ipv4": ""
            "ip_v6": {
                "cidr": "2402:8100:c::b0/125",
                "gateway": "2402:8100:c::b5",
                "service_ipv6": "2402:8100:c::b7/125"


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