This SDK offers all the features available in the Bloock Toolset:
- Write records
- Get records proof
- Validate proof
- Get records details
- Java 1.8 or later
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
implementation 'com.bloock.sdk:bloock-sdk:1.3.1'
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
The following examples summarize how to access the different functionalities available:
In order to interact with the SDK, the data should be processed through the Record module.
There are several ways to generate a Record:
import com.bloock.sdk.record.entity.Record
// From a hash string (hex encoded 64-chars long string)
val record = Record.fromHash("5ac706bdef87529b22c08646b74cb98baf310a46bd21ee420814b04c71fa42b1")
// From a hex encoded string
val record = Record.fromHex("123456789abcdef")
// From a string
val record = Record.fromString("Example Data")
This example shows how to send data to Bloock
import com.bloock.sdk.BloockClient
import com.bloock.sdk.record.entity.Record
val apiKey = System.getenv("API_KEY")!!
val client = BloockClient(apiKey)
val records = listOf(
Record.fromString("Example Data")
val receipts = client.sendRecords(records).blockingGet()
This example shows how to get all the details and status of records:
import com.bloock.sdk.BloockClient
import com.bloock.sdk.record.entity.Record
val apiKey = System.getenv("API_KEY")!!
val client = BloockClient(apiKey)
val records = listOf(
Record.fromString("Example Data 1"),
Record.fromString("Example Data 2"),
Record.fromString("Example Data 3")
val sendReceipt = client.sendRecords(records).blockingGet().first()
val recordReceipts = client.getRecords(records).blockingGet()
This example shows how to wait for a record to be processed by Bloock after sending it.
import com.bloock.sdk.BloockClient
import com.bloock.sdk.record.entity.Record
val apiKey = System.getenv("API_KEY")!!
val client = BloockClient(apiKey)
val records = listOf(
Record.fromString("Example Data 1"),
Record.fromString("Example Data 2"),
Record.fromString("Example Data 3")
val sendReceipt = client.sendRecords(records).blockingGet().first()
val receipt = client.waitAnchor(sendReceipt.anchor).blockingGet()
This example shows how to get a proof for an array of records and validate it:
import com.bloock.sdk.BloockClient
import com.bloock.sdk.record.entity.Record
val apiKey = System.getenv("API_KEY")!!
val client = BloockClient(apiKey)
val record = Record.fromString('Example Data 1')
val records = listOf(
Record.fromString('Example Data 1'),
Record.fromString('Example Data 2'),
Record.fromString('Example Data 3')
val proof = client.getProof(records).blockingGet()
val timestamp = client.verifyProof(proof).blockingGet()
if (timestamp > 0) {
println("Record is valid")
This snippet shows a complete data cycle including: write, record status polling and proof retrieval and validation.
import com.bloock.sdk.BloockClient
import com.bloock.sdk.record.entity.Record
val charPool: List<Char> = ('a'..'f') + ('0'..'9')
val randomHex = (1..16)
.map { kotlin.random.Random.nextInt(0, charPool.size) }
val apiKey: String = System.getenv("API_KEY")
val client = BloockClient(apiKey)
val records = listOf(
println("SENDING MESSAGE: ${records[0].getHash()}")
val receipts = client.sendRecords(records).blockingGet()
val proof = client.getProof(records).blockingGet()
val timestamp = client.verifyProof(proof)
assertTrue(timestamp > 0)