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chore: move tests for arithmetic generics closer to the code (noir-la…
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TomAFrench authored Nov 11, 2024
1 parent aa37cd5 commit 046fec7
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Showing 4 changed files with 261 additions and 243 deletions.
257 changes: 257 additions & 0 deletions compiler/noirc_frontend/src/hir_def/types/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -353,3 +353,260 @@ impl Type {

mod tests {
use acvm::{AcirField, FieldElement};

use crate::hir_def::types::{BinaryTypeOperator, Kind, Type, TypeVariable, TypeVariableId};

fn instantiate_after_canonicalize_smoke_test() {
let field_element_kind = Kind::numeric(Type::FieldElement);
let x_var = TypeVariable::unbound(TypeVariableId(0), field_element_kind.clone());
let x_type = Type::TypeVariable(x_var.clone());
let one = Type::Constant(FieldElement::one(), field_element_kind.clone());

let lhs = Type::InfixExpr(
let rhs =
Type::InfixExpr(Box::new(one), BinaryTypeOperator::Addition, Box::new(x_type.clone()));

// canonicalize
let lhs = lhs.canonicalize();
let rhs = rhs.canonicalize();

// bind vars
let two = Type::Constant(FieldElement::from(2u128), field_element_kind.clone());

// canonicalize (expect constant)
let lhs = lhs.canonicalize();
let rhs = rhs.canonicalize();

// ensure we've canonicalized to constants
assert!(matches!(lhs, Type::Constant(..)));
assert!(matches!(rhs, Type::Constant(..)));

// ensure result kinds are the same as the original kind
assert_eq!(lhs.kind(), field_element_kind);
assert_eq!(rhs.kind(), field_element_kind);

// ensure results are the same
assert_eq!(lhs, rhs);

mod proptests {

use acvm::{AcirField, FieldElement};
use proptest::arbitrary::any;
use proptest::collection;
use proptest::prelude::*;
use proptest::result::maybe_ok;
use proptest::strategy;

use crate::ast::{IntegerBitSize, Signedness};
use crate::hir_def::types::{BinaryTypeOperator, Kind, Type, TypeVariable, TypeVariableId};

prop_compose! {
// maximum_size must be non-zero
fn arbitrary_u128_field_element(maximum_size: u128)
(u128_value in any::<u128>())
-> FieldElement
assert!(maximum_size != 0);
FieldElement::from(u128_value % maximum_size)

// NOTE: this is roughly the same method from acvm/tests/solver
prop_compose! {
// Use both `u128` and hex proptest strategies
fn arbitrary_field_element()
(u128_or_hex in maybe_ok(any::<u128>(), "[0-9a-f]{64}"))
-> FieldElement
match u128_or_hex {
Ok(number) => FieldElement::from(number),
Err(hex) => FieldElement::from_hex(&hex).expect("should accept any 32 byte hex string"),

// Generate (arbitrary_unsigned_type, generator for that type)
fn arbitrary_unsigned_type_with_generator() -> BoxedStrategy<(Type, BoxedStrategy<FieldElement>)>
strategy::Just((Type::FieldElement, arbitrary_field_element().boxed())),
any::<IntegerBitSize>().prop_map(|bit_size| {
let typ = Type::Integer(Signedness::Unsigned, bit_size);
let maximum_size = typ.integral_maximum_size().unwrap().to_u128();
(typ, arbitrary_u128_field_element(maximum_size).boxed())
strategy::Just((Type::Bool, arbitrary_u128_field_element(1).boxed())),

prop_compose! {
fn arbitrary_variable(typ: Type, num_variables: usize)
(variable_index in any::<usize>())
-> Type {
assert!(num_variables != 0);
let id = TypeVariableId(variable_index % num_variables);
let kind = Kind::numeric(typ.clone());
let var = TypeVariable::unbound(id, kind);

fn first_n_variables(typ: Type, num_variables: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = TypeVariable> {
(0..num_variables).map(move |id| {
let id = TypeVariableId(id);
let kind = Kind::numeric(typ.clone());
TypeVariable::unbound(id, kind)

fn arbitrary_infix_expr(
typ: Type,
arbitrary_value: BoxedStrategy<FieldElement>,
num_variables: usize,
) -> impl Strategy<Value = Type> {
let leaf = prop_oneof![
arbitrary_variable(typ.clone(), num_variables),
.prop_map(move |value| Type::Constant(value, Kind::numeric(typ.clone()))),

8, // 8 levels deep maximum
256, // Shoot for maximum size of 256 nodes
10, // We put up to 10 items per collection
|inner| {
(inner.clone(), any::<BinaryTypeOperator>(), inner)
.prop_map(|(lhs, op, rhs)| Type::InfixExpr(Box::new(lhs), op, Box::new(rhs)))

prop_compose! {
// (infix_expr, type, generator)
fn arbitrary_infix_expr_type_gen(num_variables: usize)
(type_and_gen in arbitrary_unsigned_type_with_generator())
(infix_expr in arbitrary_infix_expr(type_and_gen.clone().0, type_and_gen.clone().1, num_variables), type_and_gen in Just(type_and_gen))
-> (Type, Type, BoxedStrategy<FieldElement>) {
let (typ, value_generator) = type_and_gen;
(infix_expr, typ, value_generator)

prop_compose! {
// (Type::InfixExpr, numeric kind, bindings)
fn arbitrary_infix_expr_with_bindings_sized(num_variables: usize)
(infix_type_gen in arbitrary_infix_expr_type_gen(num_variables))
(values in collection::vec(infix_type_gen.clone().2, num_variables), infix_type_gen in Just(infix_type_gen))
-> (Type, Type, Vec<(TypeVariable, Type)>) {
let (infix_expr, typ, _value_generator) = infix_type_gen;
let bindings: Vec<_> = first_n_variables(typ.clone(), num_variables)
.zip(values.iter().map(|value| {
Type::Constant(*value, Kind::numeric(typ.clone()))
(infix_expr, typ, bindings)

prop_compose! {
// the lint misfires on 'num_variables'
fn arbitrary_infix_expr_with_bindings(max_num_variables: usize)
(num_variables in any::<usize>().prop_map(move |num_variables| (num_variables % max_num_variables).clamp(1, max_num_variables)))
(infix_type_bindings in arbitrary_infix_expr_with_bindings_sized(num_variables), num_variables in Just(num_variables))
-> (Type, Type, Vec<(TypeVariable, Type)>) {

proptest! {
// Expect cases that don't resolve to constants, e.g. see
// `arithmetic_generics_checked_cast_indirect_zeros`
#[should_panic(expected = "matches!(infix, Type :: Constant(..))")]
fn instantiate_before_or_after_canonicalize(infix_type_bindings in arbitrary_infix_expr_with_bindings(10)) {
let (infix, typ, bindings) = infix_type_bindings;

// canonicalize
let infix_canonicalized = infix.canonicalize();

// bind vars
for (var, binding) in bindings {

// attempt to canonicalize to a constant
let infix = infix.canonicalize();
let infix_canonicalized = infix_canonicalized.canonicalize();

// ensure we've canonicalized to constants
prop_assert!(matches!(infix, Type::Constant(..)));
prop_assert!(matches!(infix_canonicalized, Type::Constant(..)));

// ensure result kinds are the same as the original kind
let kind = Kind::numeric(typ);
prop_assert_eq!(infix.kind(), kind.clone());
prop_assert_eq!(infix_canonicalized.kind(), kind);

// ensure results are the same
prop_assert_eq!(infix, infix_canonicalized);

fn instantiate_before_or_after_canonicalize_checked_cast(infix_type_bindings in arbitrary_infix_expr_with_bindings(10)) {
let (infix, typ, bindings) = infix_type_bindings;

// wrap in CheckedCast
let infix = Type::CheckedCast {
from: Box::new(infix.clone()),
to: Box::new(infix)

// canonicalize
let infix_canonicalized = infix.canonicalize();

// bind vars
for (var, binding) in bindings {

// attempt to canonicalize to a constant
let infix = infix.canonicalize();
let infix_canonicalized = infix_canonicalized.canonicalize();

// ensure result kinds are the same as the original kind
let kind = Kind::numeric(typ);
prop_assert_eq!(infix.kind(), kind.clone());
prop_assert_eq!(infix_canonicalized.kind(), kind.clone());

// ensure the results are still wrapped in CheckedCast's
match (&infix, &infix_canonicalized) {
(Type::CheckedCast { from, to }, Type::CheckedCast { from: from_canonicalized, to: to_canonicalized }) => {
// ensure from's are the same
prop_assert_eq!(from, from_canonicalized);

// ensure to's have the same kinds
prop_assert_eq!(to.kind(), kind.clone());
prop_assert_eq!(to_canonicalized.kind(), kind);
_ => {
prop_assert!(false, "expected CheckedCast");

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