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If you like it or continue to use it fork it please.
A rails_admin alternative dashboard. It overrides the default dashboard component.
last 3 records for each model (useful to reach the last items easily)
Google Analytics widget embed if enabled
admin notices if enabled (to show informations to the users)
auditing / history table if enabled
no breadcrump and nav tabs on the dashboard
no counters progress bars (minor performance improvement)
Demo: heroku app
Add the gem to Gemfile (after rails_admin gem):
gem 'rails_admin_mydash'
This feature allows the access to Analytics data only after signing in with an enabled Google account.
To enable Google Analytics follow this guide: Google Analytics Embed API
In console create a new project
In console API enable Analytics API
In console credentials create an OAuth client ID, options: web application, authorized origins: add your admin host (es.
Insert the client ID in rails_admin config:
# In config.actions block:
dashboard do
ga_key ''
ga_chart_id 'ga:YYYYYYYYY'
ga_start_date '60daysAgo'
ga_end_date '30daysAgo'
ga_metrics 'ga:sessions,ga:pageviews'
ga_key: required - CLIENT_ID parameter (obtained from Google API Client Libraries - ID client OAuth 2.0)
ga_chart_id: optional - chart to show, if not specified the selector is shown
ga_start_date: optional - starting date, default: '30daysAgo'
ga_end_date: optional - ending date, default: 'yesterday'
ga_metrics: optional - type of data to show, default: 'ga:sessions'
- Create and apply a migration:
rails g migration CreateAdminNotices message:string published:boolean
Create a model AdminNotice
Enable the option in rails_admin config:
# In config.actions block:
dashboard do
admin_notices 'AdminNotice'
- Add some messages: message: 'Just a test', published: true ).save
admin_notices [String]: model to use to show admin messages
ga_key [String], ga_chart_id [String], ga_start_date [String], ga_end_date [String], ga_metrics [String]: see Google Analytics section above
last_records [Integer]: number of records to show per model
models [String array]: list of models to show (es.
['Category', 'Post', 'Tag']
- For each record to show a name field or method is used
- Mattia Roccoberton - creator, maintainer