Blueprint is modern new tetris board-editing tool for practicing, sharing setups, analyzing situations, and more. It is intended to be a successor to the popular tool known as fumen.
This repo includes a script dev.bash to automatically set up a http server to test the app. The script probably only works on linux, and will automatically rebuild when changes are detected:
$ ./scripts/dev.bash
+ ...
+ (omitted)
+ ...
[watch] build finished, watching for changes...
Compiled src/style/index.scss to .dev/index.css.
Sass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to stop.
The server most likely hosts on localhost:8080
. Bear in mind, the dev server is NOT
production ready!
Blueprint is deployed with nginx running on debian. You can use the
dist.bash script to build a .deb
package in the dist/
which can then be used to set up the website.
$ ./scripts/dist.bash
+ ...
+ (omitted)
+ ...
dpkg-deb: building package 'blueprint-web' in 'dist/blueprint-web_0.0.1-0_all.deb'.
+ ...
$ scp ./dist/blueprint-web_0.0.1-0_all.deb talisoftware:
$ ssh talisoftware
talisoftware# apt install ./blueprint-web_0.0.1-0_all.deb
... (omitted) ...
talisoftware# ln -s ../sites-available/blueprint /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
talisoftware# systemctl restart nginx