An Angular starter kit featuring Angular 6, Ahead of Time Compile, Router, Forms, Http, Services, Tests, E2E), Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Istanbul, TypeScript, @types, TsLint, Codelyzer, Hot Module Replacement, and Webpack by Tipe.
If you're looking for Angular 1.x please use NG6-starter If you're looking to learn about Webpack and ES6 Build Tools check out ES6-build-tools If you're looking to learn TypeScript see TypeStrong/learn-typescript If you're looking for something easier to get started with then see the angular-seed that I also maintain gdi2290/angular-seed
This seed repo serves as an Angular starter for anyone looking to get up and running with Angular and TypeScript fast. Using a Webpack 4 for building our files and assisting with boilerplate. We're also using Protractor for our end-to-end story and Karma for our unit tests.
- Best practices in file and application organization for Angular.
- Ready to go build system using Webpack for working with TypeScript.
- Angular examples that are ready to go when experimenting with Angular.
- A great Angular seed repo for anyone who wants to start their project.
- Ahead of Time (AoT) compile for rapid page loads of your production builds.
- Tree shaking to automatically remove unused code from your production bundle.
- Testing Angular code with Jasmine and Karma.
- Coverage with Istanbul and Karma
- End-to-end Angular app testing using Protractor.
- Type manager with @types
- Hot Module Replacement with Webpack and @gdi2290/hmr and @gdi2290/hmr-loader
Make sure you have Node version >= 8.0 and (NPM >= 5 or Yarn )
Clone/Download the repo then edit
# clone our repo
# --depth 1 removes all but one .git commit history
git clone --depth 1
# change directory to our repo
cd angular-starter
# install the repo with npm
npm install
# start the server
npm start
# use Hot Module Replacement
npm run server:dev:hmr
# if you're in China use cnpm
go to or http://localhost:3000 in your browser
- File Structure
- Getting Started
- Configuration
- AoT Don'ts
- External Stylesheets
- Contributing
- TypeScript
- @Types
- Frequently asked questions
- Support, Questions, or Feedback
- Deployment
- License
We use the component approach in our starter. This is the new standard for developing Angular apps and a great way to ensure maintainable code by encapsulation of our behavior logic. A component is basically a self contained app usually in a single file or a folder with each concern as a file: style, template, specs, e2e, and component class. Here's how it looks:
├──config/ * our configuration
| ├──build-utils.js * common config and shared functions for prod and dev
| ├──config.common.json * config for both environments prod and dev such title and description of index.html
| ├── * config for devevlopment environment
| ├── * config for production environment
│ │ (note: you can load your own config file, just set the evn ANGULAR_CONF_FILE with the path of your own file)
| ├──helpers.js * helper functions for our configuration files
| ├──spec-bundle.js * ignore this magic that sets up our Angular testing environment
| ├──karma.conf.js * karma config for our unit tests
| ├──protractor.conf.js * protractor config for our end-to-end tests
│ ├──webpack.common.js * common tasks for webpack build process shared for dev and prod
│ ├── * our development webpack config
│ ├── * our production webpack config
│ └──webpack.test.js * our testing webpack config
├──src/ * our source files that will be compiled to javascript
| ├──main.browser.ts * our entry file for our browser environment
│ │
| ├──index.html * Index.html: where we generate our index page
│ │
| ├──polyfills.ts * our polyfills file
│ │
│ ├──app/ * WebApp: folder
│ │ ├──app.component.spec.ts * a simple test of components in app.component.ts
│ │ ├──app.e2e.ts * a simple end-to-end test for /
│ │ └──app.component.ts * a simple version of our App component components
│ │
│ └──assets/ * static assets are served here
│ ├──icon/ * our list of icons from
│ ├──service-worker.js * ignore this. Web App service worker that's not complete yet
│ ├──robots.txt * for search engines to crawl your website
│ └──humans.txt * for humans to know who the developers are
├──tslint.json * typescript lint config
├──typedoc.json * typescript documentation generator
├──tsconfig.json * typescript config used outside webpack
├──tsconfig.webpack.json * config that webpack uses for typescript
├──package.json * what npm uses to manage its dependencies
└──webpack.config.js * webpack main configuration file
What you need to run this app:
(brew install node
)- Ensure you're running the latest versions Node
+ (orv9.x.x
) and NPM5.x.x
If you have
installed, which is highly recommended (brew install nvm
) you can do anvm install --lts && nvm use
to run with the latest Node LTS. You can also have thiszsh
done for you automatically
Once you have those, you should install these globals with npm install --global
(npm install --global webpack
(npm install --global webpack-dev-server
(npm install --global karma-cli
(npm install --global protractor
(npm install --global typescript
(npm install --global [email protected]
this repoclone
your forknpm install webpack-dev-server rimraf webpack -g
to install required global dependenciesnpm install
to install all dependencies oryarn
npm run server
to start the dev server in another tab
After you have installed all dependencies you can now run the app. Run npm run server
to start a local server using webpack-dev-server
which will watch, build (in-memory), and reload for you. The port will be displayed to you as
(or if you prefer IPv6, if you're using express
server, then it's http://[::1]:3000/
# development
npm run server
# production
npm run build:prod
npm run server:prod
# development
npm run build:dev
# production (jit)
npm run build:prod
# AoT
npm run build:aot
npm run server:dev:hmr
npm run watch
npm run test
npm run watch:test
# update Webdriver (optional, done automatically by postinstall script)
npm run webdriver:update
# this will start a test server and launch Protractor
npm run e2e
# this will test both your JIT and AoT builds
npm run ci
npm run e2e:live
npm run build:docker
Configuration files live in config/
we are currently using webpack, karma, and protractor for different stages of your application
The following are some things that will make AoT compile fail.
- Don’t use require statements for your templates or styles, use styleUrls and templateUrls, the angular2-template-loader plugin will change it to require at build time.
- Don’t use default exports.
- Don’t use
, useform.get(‘controlName’)
- Don’t use
, usecontrol.hasError(‘someError’)
- Don’t use functions in your providers, routes or declarations, export a function and then reference that function name
- @Inputs, @Outputs, View or Content Child(ren), Hostbindings, and any field you use from the template or annotate for Angular should be public
For more detailed guide on AoT's Do's and Don'ts refer to
Any stylesheets (Sass or CSS) placed in the src/styles
directory and imported into your project will automatically be compiled into an external .css
and embedded in your production builds.
For example to use Bootstrap as an external stylesheet:
- Create a
file (name doesn't matter) in thesrc/styles
directory. npm install
the version of Boostrap you want.- In
add@import '~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss';
- In
add underneath the other import statements:import '../styles/styles.scss';
You can include more examples as components but they must introduce a new concept such as Home
component (separate folders), and Todo (services). I'll accept pretty much everything so feel free to open a Pull-Request
To take full advantage of TypeScript with autocomplete you would have to install it globally and use an editor with the correct TypeScript plugins.
TypeScript 2.7.x includes everything you need. Make sure to upgrade, even if you installed TypeScript previously.
npm install --global typescript
We have good experience using these editors:
- Visual Studio Code
- Webstorm 2018.1
- Atom with TypeScript plugin
- Sublime Text with Typescript-Sublime-Plugin
Install Debugger for Chrome and see docs for instructions to launch Chrome
The included .vscode
automatically connects to the webpack development server on port 3000
When you include a module that doesn't include Type Definitions inside of the module you can include external Type Definitions with @types
i.e, to have youtube api support, run this command in terminal:
npm i @types/youtube @types/gapi @types/
In some cases where your code editor doesn't support Typescript 2 yet or these types weren't listed in tsconfig.json
, add these to "src/custom-typings.d.ts" to make peace with the compile check:
import '@types/';
import '@types/gapi';
import '@types/youtube';
When including 3rd party modules you also need to include the type definition for the module if they don't provide one within the module. You can try to install it with @types
npm install @types/node
npm install @types/lodash
If you can't find the type definition in the registry we can make an ambient definition in this file for now. For example
declare module "my-module" {
export function doesSomething(value: string): string;
If you're prototyping and you will fix the types later you can also declare it as type any
declare var assert: any;
declare var _: any;
declare var $: any;
If you're importing a module that uses Node.js modules which are CommonJS you need to import as
import * as _ from 'lodash';
- What's the current browser support for Angular?
- Please view the updated list of browser support for Angular
- Why is my service, aka provider, is not injecting parameter correctly?
- Please use
for your service for typescript to correctly attach the metadata (this is a TypeScript problem)
- Please use
- Where do I write my tests?
- You can write your tests next to your component files. See
- You can write your tests next to your component files. See
- How do I start the app when I get
errors?- The
error means the port3000
is currently being used andEACCES
is lack of permission for webpack to build files to./dist/
- The
- How to use
for css? -
loaders: ['raw-loader','sass-loader']
and@Component({ styleUrls: ['./filename.scss'] })
see Wiki page How to include SCSS in components, or issue #136 for more information.
- How do I test a Service?
- See issue #130
- How do I add
support?- The VS Code chrome debug extension support can be done via
see issue #144
- The VS Code chrome debug extension support can be done via
- How do I make the repo work in a virtual machine?
- You need to use
so revert these changes #205
- You need to use
- What are the naming conventions for Angular?
- How do I include bootstrap or jQuery?
- How do I async load a component?
- Error: Cannot find module 'tapable'
- Remove
and runnpm cache clean
thennpm install
- Remove
- How do I turn on Hot Module Replacement
- Run
npm run server:dev:hmr
- Run
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
- This is a problem with minifying Angular and it's recent JIT templates. If you set
then you should be good.
- This is a problem with minifying Angular and it's recent JIT templates. If you set
- Why is the size of my app larger in development?
- We are using inline source-maps and hot module replacement which will increase the bundle size.
- If you're in China
- check out
- node-pre-gyp ERR in npm install (Windows)
- often happens when you're behind proxy and proxy wasn't configured in the npm as it tries to download binary package from the github and if it fails to do so, it will try to compile node-sass from the source codes
- install Python x86 version 2.x and on windows see issue #626
Error:Error: Parse tsconfig error [{"messageText":"Unknown compiler option 'lib'.","category":1,"code":5023},{"messageText":"Unknown compiler option 'strictNullChecks'.","category":1,"code":5023},{"messageText":"Unknown compiler option 'baseUrl'.","category":1,"code":5023},{"messageText":"Unknown compiler option 'paths'.","category":1,"code":5023},{"messageText":"Unknown compiler option 'types'.","category":1,"code":5023}]
- remove
and runnpm install typescript@beta
. This repo now uses ts 2.0
- remove
- "There are multiple modules with names that only differ in casing"
- change
c:\[path to angular-starter]
toC:\[path to angular-starter]
see 926#issuecomment-245223547
- change
Contact us anytime for anything about this repo or Angular
To run project you only need host machine with operating system with installed git (to clone this repo) and docker and thats all - any other software is not needed (other software like node.js etc. will be automatically downloaded and installed inside docker container during build step based on dockerfile).
brew cask install docker
And run docker by Mac bottom menu> launchpad > docker (on first run docker will ask you about password)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D
sudo apt-add-repository 'deb ubuntu-xenial main'
sudo apt-get update
apt-cache policy docker-engine
sudo apt-get install -y docker-engine
sudo systemctl status docker # test: should be ‘active’
And add your user to docker group (to avoid sudo
before using docker
command in future):
sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
and logout and login again.
Because node.js is big memory consumer you need 1-2GB RAM or virtual memory to build docker image (it was successfully tested on machine with 512MB RAM + 2GB virtual memory - building process take 7min)
Go to main project folder. To build image type:
docker build -t angular-starter .
The angular-starter name used in above commands is only example image name. To remove intermediate images created by docker on build process, type:
docker rmi -f $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)
To run created docker image on localhost:8080 type (parameter -p 8080:80
is host:container port mapping)
docker run --name angular-starter -p 8080:80 angular-starter &
And that's all, you can open browser and go to localhost:8080.
To create and run docker image on localhost:8080 as part of large project you may use docker-compose. Type
docker-compose up
And that's all, you can open browser and go to localhost:8080.
If you want to run image as virtual-host on sub-domain you must setup proxy. You should install proxy and set sub-domain in this way:
docker run -d -p 80:80 --name nginx-proxy -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro jwilder/nginx-proxy:alpine
And in your /etc/hosts
file (linux) add line:
or in yor hosting add
folowing DNS record (wildchar *
is handy because when you add new sub-domain in future, you don't need to touch/add any DNS record)
Hostname: *
Direct to:
TTL(sec): 43200
And now you are ready to run image on subdomain by:
docker run -e --name angular-starter angular-starter &
docker exec -t -i angular-starter /bin/bash
You can quickly create a free site to get started using this starter kit in production on Netlify:
Assuming you have SonarQube 5.5.6 (LTS) installed
- Setup SonarQube with the Sonar Typescript plugin and the Generic Test Coverage plugin
- Install sonar-scanner globally
npm install --global sonar-scanner
- Install the Karma plugin for sonarqube as a dev dependency
npm install karma-sonarqube-unit-reporter --save-dev
- Sonar Host URL configuration:
file for the
to point to your SonarQube server. By default this assumes that the SonarQube server is running locally using the default port<Sonar Host URL and Port>
- Run the unit tests with sonar reporter enabled
npm run test:sonar
- The test results collected in the results folder in the sonar compatible format
- Push results to SonarCube
- If working with SonarQube 6.x it supports Generic Test Data
- Modify the karma.conf.js to set the appropriate version of the sonarQube
sonarQubeUnitReporter: {
sonarQubeVersion: '6.x',
enjoy — PatrickJS