Bootstrap a minimal debian rootfs with sunxi kernel and boot files. For now only 4 olinuxino boards are available. All scripts in this repository are generic so it's easy to add a new boad. Please make a pull request if you create and test a new board. I need reviewers for olinuxino lime2 and micro olinuxino boards.
Thanks to lukas2511 for quick bootstrap, and igorpecovnik for some useful scripts.
git clone
cd sunxi-debian && sudo docker build -t debian:olinux .
To build sunxi kernel and boot files run:
sudo docker run --privileged -i -t -v $(pwd)/olinux/:/olinux/ debian:olinux bash /olinux/ -c -s
Optional arguments:
- -o off-line mode; doesn't pull repositories so you should have run the script once without this option
- -b board type (a10lime, a20lime, a20lime2, a20micro) default is A20 lime
- -t target directory for compilation (default /olinux/sunxi)
- -j number of thread for compilation (default 2)
- -l change linux logo on u-boot and kernel
- -c use cross-compilation settings
- -s use stable tarball (for linux kernel and u-boot) instead of GIT tree
We cannot perform a debootstrap in dockerfile because dockerfile doesn't accept privileged mode. For more details see docker issue
To build the minimal debian rootfs with the kernel previously build:
sudo docker run --privileged -i -t -v $(pwd)/olinux/:/olinux/ debian:olinux bash /olinux/ -i olinux/sunxi -c
Optional arguments:
- -d debian release (wheezy, jessie) (default: jessie)
- -b olinux board (see (default: a20lime)
- -a add packages to deboostrap
- -n hostname (default: olinux)
- -t target directory for debootstrap (default: /olinux/debootstrap)
- -y install yunohost (doesn't work with cross debootstrap)
- -c cross debootstrap
- -p use aptcacher proxy
- -i set path for kernel package or install from testing (set '-i testing' to install from debian testing)
- -e configure for encrypted partition (default: false)
Find your device card (with dmesg for instance). Call create_device script with this device in parameter. This script install debootstrap previously build.
sudo bash olinux/ -d /dev/sdc
You can directly create a image file that you can copy after on your sd card or share with others.
sudo bash olinux/ -d img -s 500
/!\ If you install some additional packages you should increase the size of the image (change the -s 500 parameter).
Find IP and ssh on it! (password: olinux)
hint: The IP address is displayed on the login screen, but you must plug a screen.
ssh root@mybox
Build debootsrap with additionnal packages and initramfs script:
sudo docker run --privileged -i -t -v $(pwd)/olinux/:/olinux/ debian:olinux bash /olinux/ -i olinux/sunxi -c -i testing -e
Prepare your SD card with root encrypted:
sudo bash olinux/ -d /dev/sdc -b olinux/debootstrap/ -u olinux/debootstrap/usr/lib/u-boot/A20-OLinuXino-Lime/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin -e
Now, when the olimex boot, you can connect over https on the ip of the board and unlock the disk.
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