npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-webserver
Before running the generator you will need to create a folder for your project where the generator will create all the project files and directories.
Once you have, NodeJS, Yeoman, generator-webserver installed and your project folder created you can run the generator using:
mkdir project
cd project
yo webserver
npm start
Webserver options are:
- Project name Used for .env
- Template engine We currently only support nunjucks. Use it if you want frontend in you webserver.
- PM2 Recommended
Production Process Manager for Node.js
- Database driver We currently support mysql (build with sequelize) | mongodb (build with mongoose)
Inside server we can find:
Here we can set up our default middlewares like user auth, or whatever.
Register everthing inside providers folder using simple-di.
Use providers to inject models (for instance) to our controllers. And avoid bad practices (direct imports inside controllers).
This project is released under the WTFPL LICENSE.