An opensource simple Ethereum burner wallet that uses BLS signature aggregation. Important: This wallet is currently only meant for demoing the uses of the bls-wallet-client module and is not meant for mainnet use.
BLS Wallet
Check out the bls-wallet repository and follow the steps in the Readme for local development.
Note: you can skip the step to set up the Quill extension as INSTANT BLS is meant to run without an external wallet.
After following the bls-wallet
setup steps, you should have
- A local hardhat node running.
- Deploy the necessary contracts.
- Started a Deno server that is running the aggregator.
- Optional: you can skip the step to set up the Quill wallet.
You can now start up the Burner wallet
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
- Arbitrum Goerli network information is in the ./src/constants.js file.
- You can add other networks, but you will need to make sure an aggregator is running and the contracts are deployed
You can learn more at the BLS wallet website.